
The Pastor of Congregational Care and five persons approved by the Governance Board..


Garry Culler, Chairperson (staff); Rick Fleming; Cindy Flood; Joyce Holtry; Ron Krum; and Shelly Shoemaker.


  • Provide for membership classes through the pastors, process membership applications, handle transfers of membership, and keep accurate membership records for the congregation.
  • Revise annually the membership roll of the church.
  • Provide membership certificates through the church office.
  • Provide Christian literature for the sick and hospitalized.
  • Provide HolyCommunion to the sick and homebound, plus members and friends in nursing care facilities. This ministry will be provided through the Pastor of Congregational Care.
  • Provide literature for members and friends who desire to read through the Bible each year.
  • Responsible for the prayer ministry at the church. Small groups and E-mail prayer requestswill be two strategies to meet this objective.
  • Provide contact with delinquent members of the congregation.
  • Develop a discipline and restoration process for members.
  • Plan for a “Stephen Ministry” at Mt. Pleasant Church and appoint a director who will take training for this position.
  • Make recommendations to the Care and Share Committee to provide limited financial assistance to families or individuals who have legitimate needs.
  • Provide support and accountability for the Senior Connection ministry.(The Minister of Congregational Care and the Senior Connection Leadership Team will be responsible for this ministry.)
  • Provide for GriefShare RecoveryGroups.(The Senior Pastor will be responsible for this ministry.)
  • Work with the Carpenter Shop Ministry when there are small repair needs within the homes of church families.
  • Be sensitive to any other spiritual needs within the congregation or community.
  • Fulfill any other spiritual ministry opportunities assigned by the Governance Board.
  • Sendquarterly electronic reports to the Governance Board.
  • Provide a budget, along with rationale for any non-routine expenditures to the Finance Commission by November 1 each year.

Approved by the Mt. Pleasant UB Governance Board 6/26/17