1.1  Orders are accepted in accordance with ArcelorMittal South Africa's General Conditions of Sale and prices VAT exclusive.

1.2  All prices and transport tariffs (road or rail) are subject to a settlement discount of 2,5%, provided payment is made in accordance with ArcelorMittal South Africa’s General Conditions of Sale.

1.3  All items are subject to “overage” and “underage”. Refer paragraph 3.2 (page 2).

1.4  Material addressed by this price list is sold at a price per metric ton (1000kg) on gross mass as recorded on the assized mass meter or weighbridge at the works.

1.5  Unless otherwise stated, extras or deductions quoted in this price list are per metric ton and each extra or deduction is separate and explicit.

1.6  Normal testing and inspection as outlined in the specifications are carried out. When additional inspection, testing or processing is required, extras will be charged.

1.7  Prices and extras or deductions and transport tariffs are those ruling on date of confirmed delivery and are subject to change without prior notice.

1.8  When placing orders, customers must always specify the end use and ensure that this is compatible with the ordered quality or specification. ArcelorMittal South Africa will then endeavour to deliver the material “fit for purpose”. However, if the end use is in general terms such as “stock”, or “general engineering”, the product quality control will be in terms of the quality or specification only.

1.9  After orders have been accepted and confirmed, they cannot be cancelled in whole or in part or altered in any manner whatsoever, except by special agreement with ArcelorMittal South Africa in writing. Should an order be modified, the order as amended, it will be re-priced.

1.10  The publication of this price list does not place ArcelorMittal South Africa under any obligation to supply the quoted qualities and sizes at all times. Availability remains subject to confirmation and the stipulations in both the price list and relevant data sheets.

1.11  Before processing material, customers must ensure that it meets their requirements. Non-compliance in this regard may invalidate a claim. ArcelorMittal South Africa does not prescribe any particular checking or testing methods. Visual checks, simple dimensional checks and reference to test certificates and/or orders should be performed beforehand.

2. PRICE INFORMATION (Definitions)

2.1  ITEM

An item is a product of a single technical specification (i.e. a single quality, width, thickness, coil size and packaging, surface finish or condition, and any additional processing parameters required or requested.)


Item extras apply to the total number of full slab coils ordered per item for delivery in a given calendar month. Only identical items (full item description) will be combined for item extra determination (Best Tonnage Ordered “BTO’d)



The minimum quantity per item ordered shall be in accordance with the following:

Standard items / Other items
One Full slab coil* / Two full slab coils

Refer to Annexure 2 (page18 – 19) for applicable full slab coil mass according to width and Annexure 1 (page 12 – 17) for Standard items

* All API and all High Strength specifications (exceeding 300MPA yield strength) = 2 Full slab coils (page 8)


Please also refer to Annexure 3 (page 21) for tables.

The principle of delivering the proceeds of full slab coils is applicable in all cases.

3.2.1  OVERAGE:

a)  Ordered mass plus 10%, applicable for cases where less than 10 full slab-coils is ordered per item. This will be adjusted if a customer elects to have the underage adjusted as described in 3.2.2 c (for standard items and other items)

b)  Ordered mass plus one full slab coil, for cases where 10 or more full slab-coils per standard item are ordered. For non-standard items an Overage of +10% will be allowed.

3.2.2  UNDERAGE:

Standard items:

a)  For cases where only one full slab-coil is ordered, the Underage allowed is ordered mass minus 25%.

b)  For cases where more than one full slab-coil is ordered, the Underage allowed is ordered mass minus one maximum full slab-coil (nominal mass plus 10%).

c)  However, in the case of standard items 2 to 4 slab-coil orders, customers may elect to have the Underage adjusted to 50% of a full-slab-coil below the ordered mass. In such a case the Overage will be adjusted to 60% of a full-slab-coil above the ordered mass. In this case the item extra for the whole order will be based on the increased order quantity, should the delivered mass exceed the originally ordered mass by more than a ½-slab coil.

Other items, not listed as standard items:

a)  The Underage allowed is ordered mass minus one maximum full slab-coil (nominal coil mass plus 10%) when less than 10 full slab coils are ordered.

b)  If 10 or more full slab coils are ordered, the Underage allowed will be minus 10%.

c)  However, in the case of other available (non-standard) items 2 to 4 slab-coil orders, customers may elect to have the Underage adjusted to 60% of a full-slab-coil below the ordered mass. In such a case the Overage will be adjusted to 110% of a full-slab-coil above the ordered mass. In this case the item extra for the whole order will be based on the increased order quantity, should the delivered mass exceed the originally ordered mass by more than a ½-slab coil.

d)  In cases where the underage applied results in less coils delivered than the original order, no penalty due to the reduced order quantity will be applied.

e)  A replacement order for the proceeds of two slab-coils may be placed at an item extra equal to the original order, should the underage applied result in less material delivered than originally ordered.


3.3.1 Mass of individual coils:

Orders for coils with a specified exact mass will not be accepted. Coils may be ordered to the nominal full coil mass as per ruling mass tables, or smaller split coils (half size).

Customers must indicate the maximum coil mass that can be handled to ensure the correct selection of available options. Full mass coils:

Defined as coils with a mass of at least 75% and a maximum of 110% of the specified nominal mass as per ruling coil mass tables. Light mass coils:

Defined as coils with a mass less than full mass coils, but at least 70% of the nominal mass per ruling coil mass tables.

3.3.2 Mass of all coils for the ordered item:

Despatch will take place as follows:

a)  At least 90% of the ordered mass in full mass coils

b)  Not more than 10% of the ordered mass in light mass coils


Un-cropped ends will be limited to a minimum.


Mill run coils are supplied untrimmed and un-cropped from the Hot Strip Mill. Refer to claims Allowance Policy.


The quality, width and thickness are marked on every coil. When a test and/or analysis certificate is required, the cast number will be shown on the coil.


Specification / Available
Widths / Code / Thickness Range a) (mm) / R/t
(VAT excl)

Note: a) Thickness range available is dependant on type of steel and width-thickness ratio (refer to Data Sheet) only the minimum thickness available in the narrowest available slab and the maximum thickness is shown in the price list.


SAE 1006 / 960; 1000; 1100;
1200; 1300; 1400;
1500; 1600; 1870 / 395 000 / 1,5 – 13 / 40
SAE 1008 / 960; 1000; 1100;
1200; 1300; 1400;
1500; 1600; 1870 / 098 000 / 1,5 – 13 / 30
SAE 1010 / 1000; 1100;
1200; 1300; 1400;
1500; 1600 / 099 000 / 1,6 – 13 / 95
SAE 1010 (Si 0,03%) / 1000; 1100;
1200; 1300; 1400;
1500; 1600 / 099 003 / 1,6 – 13 / 110
SAE 1018 / 1100; 1200; 1300;
1400; 1500; 1600; 1870 / 421 000 / 1,6 – 13 / 360
COMMERCIAL QUALITY / 960; 1000; 1100;
1200; 1300; 1400;
1500; 1600; 1870; 1950 / 123 011 / 1,5 – 13 / 0


EN 10025 – 2 - S235 JR +AR / 1000; 1100; 1200; 1300; 1400; 1500; 1600; 1950 / 985 000 / 1,6 – 13 / 75
EN10025 – 2 - S235 JR + AR
(Si .03%) / 1000; 1100; 1200; 1300; 1400; 1500; 1600; / 985 001 / 1,6 – 13 / 110
EN 10025 – 2 - S275 JR +AR / 1100; 1200; 1300; 1400; 1500; 1600; 1700; 1950 / 989 000 / 1,6 – 13 / 235
EN10025 – 2 - S275 JR + AR
(Si .03%) / 1000; 1100; 1200; 1300; 1400; 1500; 1600; 1700; 1950 / 989 001 / 1,6 – 13 / 250
EN 10025 – 2 - S355 JR + AR Note a / 1000; 1100; 1300; 1400; 1600; 1870; 1950 / 820 000 / 1,5 – 12 / 495
EN 10025 – 2 - S355 J0 + AR / 1100; 1300; 1400; 1600; 1870 / 868 000 / 6,0 – 12 / 550
EN 10025 – 2 - S355 J2 + AR / 1100; 1300; 1400; 1600; 1870 / 868 018 / 6,0 – 12 / 660

Note: a) Less than 2,0mm available ex Saldanha only, dimensions 1,5 1,6 & 1,9 x 1220mm only.

(All other dimensions on enquiry only)

4. QUALITY EXTRAS (continued)


SAE 1008 (Si 0,03%) / 960; 1000; 1100;
1200; 1300; 1400;
1500; 1600; 1820 / 098 007 / 1,5 – 13 / 45
SAE 1008 (Si Killed) / 1300; 1500; 1600 / 098 039 / 1,7 – 13 / 90
SAE 1008 (LOW S) / 1300; 1400 / 098 013 / 1,7 – 6,0 / 120
EN 10219 – 1 - S275 J0H
(S275 Tube) / 1200; 1300; 1400; 1500; 1600 / 561 000 / 1,6 – 6,0 / 350
EN 10219 – 1 – S355 MH
(S355 Tube) / 1100; 1200; 1300; 1400; 1500; 1600 / 558 000 / 2,0 – 6,5 / 595
API 5L L245 / Gr B PSL1 / 1100; 1200; 1320; 1440; 1500; 1550; 1600; 1650; 1700; 1760; 1820 /
002 001
/ 2,0 – 14 / 295
API 5L L290 / X42 PSL1 / 960; 1050; 1200; 1320; 1440; 1500; 1550; 1600; 1650; 1700; 1760; 1820; 1950 / 003 005 / 2,0 – 14 / 440
API 5L L290 / X42 PSL2 / 1100; 1200; 1320; 1440; 1500; 1550; 1600; 1650; 1700; 1760; 1820; 1950 / 003 002 / 6,0 – 12 / 515
API 5L L360 / X52 PSL1 * / 1100; 1200; 1300; 1440; 1600; 1750; 1820 / 342 009 / 6,0 – 14 / 740
API 5L L360M / X52 PSL2 * / Enquiry only / 342 007 / 6,0 – 14 / 880
API 5L L415 / X60 PSL1 * / Enquiry only / 760 000 / 6,0 – 13 / 1125
API 5L L415M / X60 PSL2 * / Enquiry only / 760 001 / 6,0 – 13 / 1300
API 5L L450 / X65 PSL1 * / Enquiry only / 835 000 / 9,0 – 13 / 1200
API 5L L450M / X65 PSL2 * / 1600 / 835 011 / 10 – 13 / 1400
API 5CT J55 / 960; 1100; 1440; 1600 /
645 000
/ 6,0 – 10 / 1125

Note: * Availability subject to enquiry. Quality Extra is valid for standard API 5L only, and will be adjusted per contract or technical requirements.


EN 10111 DD 11 / 960; 1000; 1100; 1200; 1300; 1400; 1500; 1600 / 933 000 / 2,0 – 8,0 / 50
EN 10111 DD 12 / 960; 1000; 1100; 1200; 1300; 1400; 1500; 1600 / 931 000 / 2,0 – 8,0 / 145
EN 10111 DD 13 / 960; 1000; 1100; 1200; 1300; 1400; 1500; 1600 / 932 000 / 2,0 – 8,0 / 200
EN 10111 DD 14 / 960; 1000; 1100; 1200; 1300; 1400; 1500; 1600 / 934 000 / 2,0 – 8,0 / 340

4. QUALITY EXTRAS (continued)


SUPRAFORM HR 190 / 960; 1000; 1100; 1200; 1300; 1400; 1500; 1600 / 585 000 / 2,0 – 10 / 460
SUPRAFORM HR 250 / 960; 1000; 1100; 1200; 1300; 1400; 1500; 1600 / 577 000 / 2,0 – 10 / 390
SUPRAFORM HR 290 (S0,010%) / 1100; 1200; 1300; 1400; 1500; 1600; 1870 / 582 005 / 2,0 – 6,0 / 590
SUPRAFORM S 315 MC/ EN 10149 – 2 - S315 MC / 1100; 1300; 1400; 1600 / 556 000 / 2,0 – 10 / 610
SUPRAFORM S 355MC/ EN 10149 – 2 - S355 MC / 960: 1000; 1300; 1600; 1700; 1870 / 557 000 / 2,0 – 12 / 680
SUPRAFORM S 420 MC/ EN 10149 – 2 - S420 MC / 960; 1000; 1300; 1400; 1600 / 559 001 / 2,3 – 8,0 / 945
SUPRAFORM S 550 MC/ EN 10149 – 2 - 550 MC / 1300; 1600 / 530 000 / 2,5 – 8,0 / 1415

Note: Minimum order quantity for all Supraform MC ranges will be 2 Full slab coils


SANS 1350 / 1000; 1500 / 705 000 / 2,2 – 6,0 / 500


WEARPLATE 200* / 960; 1300 / 107 000 / 2,0 – 6,0 / 750
22MnB5 AMSA HR* / 960; 1300; 1400 / 982 000 / 2,0 – 8,0 / 1490

Note: * Availability of High Carbon or Alloyed steel is restricted to Mill Edge only and the following


Wearplate 200: 960mm slab width range (2,0 - 6,0mm) and 1300mm slab (2,5 - 6,0mm)

22MnB5 AMSA HR: 960mm slab width range (2,0 - 6,0mm) and 1300mm slab (3,7 - 6,0mm) and 1400mm slab (3,7 - 6,0mm)

4.8 “VASTRAP” (Chequered Pattern Floor plate)

COMMERCIAL QUALITY (Vastrap) / 1300 / 123 008 / 3,0 – 8,0 / 0

Note: Available as mill edge only, available sizes in paragraph 6.2

4. QUALITY EXTRAS (continued)


EN10028-2 P265 GH +AR / 1100; 1200; 1300; 1400; 1500; 1600; 1700; 1870 / 136 002 / 2,0 – <10 / 900
EN 10028-2 P355 GH +AR / 1300 / 150 000 / 3,5 – <10 / 1295
EN10028-5 P355M / 1100; 1200; 1300; 1400; 1500; 1600; 1700; 1870 / 112 000 / 3,2 – <10 / 1150

Note: Confirm elevated temperature testing on enquiry for GH specification.