Spectrum Chemistry 9 Homework
____ Go to: and watch the video. It is also listed in the RResources column of the DreamSpinner website as "Unit Conversions video".
____ Complete the Unit Conversions Revisited Worksheet found in the Resources column and also sent to you via email. You MUST follow the steps and include units at every step!
Over the weekend
I rarely give homework for a weekend, but you'll need to put in some time this weekend given that this is your opportunity to relearn some of the topics.
____ Go to: and watch this introduction to how to use VoiceThread, a tool we will use to share audio discussions.
You should have received an invitation by email to join the VoiceThread I demonstrated in the video. If you have not, let me know before Monday noon!
The following is a list of videos to watch covering topics we've already discussed, but which need review. After each video, there are three questions that I want you to answer using VoiceThread. You may post your comments on either page which has a periodic table. After you are done watching videos, you will have a total of four comments on the Voice Thread.
You can start watching them now and finish on Monday. This will take time. the videos are about ten minutes each.
____ Electrons and Orbitals No questions, but this is good background information. I wouldn't assign it if I thought you didn't need it...
____ More on Orbitals and Electron Configurations- No questions
____ Electron Configurations - No questions
____ Electron Configurations 2
a. Identify where the D-block is on the Periodic Table.
b. How many electrons does Zn have?
c. Describe how to determine the electron configuration of zinc.
____ Valence Electrons
a. When you put potassium in the presence of chlorine, what will happen? Discuss what happens to both the valence electrons and the electron configurations of each.
____ Ionization Energy
a. What is the definition of ionization energy?
b. What is the trend for ionization energy as you go from left to right on the Periodic Table. Explain why.
____ Other Periodic Table Trends
a. Discuss why the second ionization energy of the alkali metal family is so high compared to the first.
b. In the bonds between oxygen and hydrogen in water, where would you expect to find the electrons most of the time? Nearer the oxygen or nearer the hydrogen?
____ Ionic, Covalent and Metallic Bonds
a. Explain, clearly and as completely as you can, the difference between ionic, covalent and metallic bonds. Give an example of each.
____ Finish watching the videos and making your comments on VoiceThread.
____ Complete the lab packet* we started on Wednesday. Use the value I wrote on your page for the ending weight.
____ Study session today at 3 p.m. You will receive an email telling you how to attend. If you have a headset and microphone, please use it because we will get less "echoing" effect. I will provide the problems for us to solve based upon our review this week.
We have had no new material introduced; but you should be experts on the prior topics!
____Bring to class:
Lab Packet
I will be checking VoiceThread throughout the week.