Spectator & Parent Behavior Guidelines

  • At our athletic events we want to make sure to represent our school in the most positive way possible so that everyone can see what great students and parents we have here.
  • At our sporting events we will cheer for our teams and not against the other teams. Some examples of this would be during a football game you would cheer for our players to block a kick not for the other to miss a kick. During basketball games the spectators will not yell and scream when the opponent is shooting free throws.
  • Heckling players, coaches and referees will not be tolerated during sporting events.
  • Any spectator who cannot follow these guidelines will be asked to leave the event. Repeated violation of this could result in the spectator not being allowed to attend any athletic events.
  • The important thing to remember is that for many people this is the only time they will see our school and we want everyone to leave with a good impression of our school; with how hard our kids play and how nice and respectful our fans are. We may not win every game but we will leave every game knowing we did the things the right way.
  • Parent’s communication with coaches should be directed towards the Athletic Director. Coaches should not receive calls about playing time or strategy. I do welcome all calls that parents may have with safety issues, scheduling, or other procedural questions. These coaches dedicate a huge amount of time for a small amount of money to these kids; they do not do this because they want to be mean or unfair to kids. They do this because they truly care about helping these kids develop into the best players and people that they can. I hope that any questions or concerns that you may have throughout the year will always bear that in mind.
  • When deciding who to address with an issue just go by this – compliments go to the coaches, complaints go to me. If you are going to address something with a coach or myself please be aware of the time that you are going to do this. Immediately after a game is the not the time to speak with a coach.
  • Schedules – schedules seem to always be in a constant state of flux. The school web site and Renweb Calendar is changed immediately when I get a schedule change so please check there first about games. You can always email me with questions as well if anything is unclear.

Our athletic philosophy here at Dallas Academy is to win with class and lose with dignity. We want these kids to see beyond the final score and look at the effort and how they play. By doing things the correct way success on and off the field can be achieved. They take their cues from their parents, fans, and coaches so we all need to make sure we are setting the proper model for the players and always showing our opponents what a great school we have here.

Thank you,

Jeremy Civello

Athletic Director