Chapter 25 – The Final Parts

War and Revolution, 726-733

  1. How was Tsar Nicholas II able to maintain his regime following the Revolution of 1905?
  1. Why was Russia militarily and technologically unprepared for WWI?
  2. Militarily
  • Technolgically
  1. By 1916 how many Russian soldiers were killed?
  1. Explain the discontent within the following classes that further diminished the support for the monarchy.
  • Middle Class/Liberal Aristocrats
  • Military
  • Peasants
  • Working classes
  1. Why was Rasputin able to have such a huge influence over Tsarina Alexandra?
  1. What led to his assassination in December in 1916?
  1. What were the results of bread rationing introduced into Petrograd (formerly St. Petersburg)?
  1. What happened on the following dates?
  2. March 8
  • March 10 (also include Alexandra’s misinformation to Nicholas II)
  • March 12
  • March 15
  1. What group established the provisional government and who did they primarily represent? Why might this be problematic in the future?
  1. What liberal reforms did the provisional government enact?
  1. What were the soviets and what impact did they have on furthering the revolution?
  1. Describe the differences between the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks.
  1. Describe the background of Vladimir Ulianov, aka V.I. Lenin. Why did he become a revolutionary? After being exiled how did he end up back in Russia?
  1. What was Lenin’s April Thesis?
  1. What were the slogans that reflected the Bolshevik plan and how did they reflect socialist goals?
  1. What was the Petrograd soviet’s Army Order No. 1? What was the result?
  1. How did Alexander Kerensky’s early actions reflect the problems of the provisional government?
  1. How did the Bolsheviks take over Petrograd on November 6, 1917?
  1. Why was the Constituent Assembly a threat to Bolshevik power? How did Lenin react?
  1. What were the first few actions taken by Lenin and why?
  2. Land
  • Factories
  1. How did issues for women change initially under Lenin?
  1. Define the Zhenotdel.
  1. What were the terms/results of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (be specific)?
  1. What were the various groups that opposed Lenin and the Bolsheviks?
  1. What happened to the tsar’s family in April 1918?
  1. What role did Leon Trotsky play in the Red Army?
  1. Explain the disunity of the Whites?
  1. Define “war communism”.
  1. What was the Cheka and how was it used in the Red Terror?
  1. How did foreign intervention enable the Communist to further gain Russian support?
  1. Map 25.4: What was the most common method of allied troop transport to Russia, and why?
  1. What were the results of the Russian Civil War?
  1. What was Germany’s last gamble to end the stalemate in the west starting in March 1918? What was the initial outcome?
  1. How did the Second battle of the Marne serve as a turning point in WWI?
  1. Why did Germany try creating a liberal government in October 1918?
  1. What kind of government was established when William II abdicated on November 9, 1918?
  1. What were the two divisions of the German socialists toward the end WWI? Why was this a problem in the aftermath of the war?
  1. How did Friedrich Ebert, the army, and the Free Corps deal with an attempted coup by the radical socialists?
  1. Why was there now a fear of communism in Germany?
  1. What new countries emerged from Austria-Hungary?

The Peace Settlement, 733-737

  1. When and where did the Allied nations meet to settle WWI?
  1. What were each of the Big Four’s motives, goals, actions, and impacts on the treaties?
  2. Woodrow Wilson and the Fourteen Points
  • David Lloyd George
  • George Clemenceau
  • Vittorio Orlando
  1. How did the Bolshevik Revolution impact the peace talks?
  1. Read “Two Voices of Peacemaking” on page 734. How did Woodrow Wilson and Georges Clemenceau differ in their assessments of the war? Why did Clemenceau consider Wilson naïve and Wilson consider Clemenceau a vindictive bigot?
  1. Identify the following aspects of the Treaty of Versailles (Germany).
  2. War Guilt Clause
  • Reparations
  • Military provisions
  • Territorial provisions
  • League of Nations
  • German Reaction
  1. Through the treaties with the other Central Powers what was the territorial realignment in Eastern Europe?
  1. Why was self-determination difficult?
  1. What happened with the treaty with the Ottoman Empire?
  1. Map 25.5: What countries gained territory when Austria-Hungary was dismembered?
  1. Why did the peace settlement soon come under attack? Why did some people defend it?
  1. What was the impact of America’s new isolationism?