Specifications: ITP 100: Lab 4b Name: ______
Due: March 24/25, 2010 Signature: ______
(Except from instructor, I have neither given nor received aid)
Chapter 4 Lab4b (rescueAnimation in progress)
Follow the specific procedures in creating Tutorial 4-4. This will act as a starting point for the Rescue at Sea. The tutorial has you download the RescueAtSea found on your textbook CD. Our mission is to modify that tutorial with the following specifications: Please rename the animation to rescueAnimation. Also, add an Aircraft Carrier to the scene, and pre-position it in the distance similar to the view shown, here.
Begin your modifications with a DoTogether block. You should use the built-in helicopter.heli blades method as the first item inside this DoTogether block. The next 3 sections should be "nested" inside this block as described.
Section #1: Should contain only a Do in order block of code, instead of the Do together and nested Do in order. Also, modify this section with verbatim radio dialog from the ship and the rescue helicopter. Next, have the helicopter descend within 0.1 meters from the diver. The first part of this section contains the following 4 second radio dialogs: Helicopter: “Tower, this is Helo 103, I’ve located the victim!” Carrier: “Helo 103, this is Tower, Excellent! Rescue the victim and return to the ship!” Helicopter: “Helo 103, proceeding slowly.” Then the helicopter turns and the helicopter moves toward the diver. The looping should begin when the helicopter distance above the scubaDiver is greater than 0.1 meters.
Section #2: Should contain only a Do together block of code (nested inside Section #1). Here, the scubaDiver and helo simultaneously turn right 180 degrees to prepare for rescue back to the ship. Additionally, the scuba diver says in 2 seconds “Thank you for my rescue, today!” (This moment was captured in the picture shown above).
Section #3: Should contain only a Do together block of code of simultaneous methods (also, nested inside Section #1). Helo moves up away from the water 4 meters high (gently). This should take 6 seconds in duration. Scuba diver disappears as he is taken into the helo. The helicopter moves forward 500 meters away from the rescue scene (duration 20 seconds). Carrier says, “Welcome aboard, Mr. Scuba Diver!”, that lasts for 6 seconds.
Use the directions in sections #1, #2, and #3 as pseudo code to heavily comment the methods in your Lab4b assignment. Please print the Lab4b.html for documentation. The filename for the .a2w file should be Lab4b.
Turn In:
1. Send an email with your Lab4b.html exported text file as the only attachment. Send it to: . Include Lab4b as the subject line of your email.
2. Questions/Answers: p.183/4: Checkpoints: 4.17, 4.18, and 4.19. Also, Write Review Questions & answers: 1-12
3. Staple these documents in this order: 1) this signed specification page; 2) your exported copy of the .html file listing your program; 3) your logical Pseudo code (written on your favorite word processor); 4) Questions/answers.