Specifications for Skin Lightening Trial

Brown spots are one of the most common complaints during a skin health consultation, and yet one of the most difficult conditions to treat.

Melanogenesis (the formation of pigment), is a complex oxidative process that has five steps where intervention can take place. Most skin care products only address 2 or 3 steps and all five should be included in order to obtain the best results. With this in mind, we have designed a cream that avoids controversial ingredients such as hydroquinone (banned in several countries),

Kojic acid (banned in Japan, Korea and Switzerland because long-term use may cause contact dermatitis) and parabens (preservatives possibly linked to health issues), and includes 9 ingredients in quantities, for the most part, in excess of anything else on the market.

The trial will cover the four most common pigmented skin conditions: Solar lentigines (hands and face), melasma (pregnancy mask, butterfly), post-inflammatory pigmentation (injury) and Poikiloderma.

Solar lentigines (hand) / Solar lentigines (face) / Melasma (butterfly mask)
Post-inflammatory pigmentation (Laser injury) / Poikiloderma

Solar Lentigines body (hands)

Basic criteria: Be any age. Be any photo type (ethnicity). Have hands checked for solar keratosis lesions by Doctor before trial. Not to have used hydroquinone on the trial area. Click here for more images.

Solar Lentigines face (No central facial or under eyes)

Basic criteria: Any age, but if over 50, all the better. All pigmented lesions to be around the outer halo of the face. Click here for more images.

Pregnancy Mask

Basic criteria: Be under the age of 40. No longer be on the contraceptive pill or to become pregnant during the trial. Not to have used hydroquinone on the trial area. Be using sun protection minimum SPF 15 on the face when exposed for longer than 30 minutes. Click here for more images.

Post-inflammatory pigmentation

Basic criteria: Any age or ethnicity. The lesion will have a history of physical injury or chemical injury. Both will be difficult to achieve a skin lightening result; however someone that fits these criteria and is willing to participate without high expectation will be included in the trial. Click here for more images.


Basic criteria: Typically over 45 years of age. A combination of thin skin (diffused redness), pigmentation, and elastosis. (All damage seen down the side of the neck and across the décolleté.) Sun bunny history with possible fragrance use down both sides of the neck. Click here for more images.

The primary cause, photo type and risk, as well as cellular damage levels, will determine the chances of the skin lightening products efficacy, as will patient compliance.

Patients interested in participating in this 3 month trial, if qualified to do so, must commit to the following:

1.  Attend the clinic for a complimentary Advanced Skin Analysis. (Value $200.00)

2.  Maintain a diary.

3.  Apply products twice daily. (Hands at night only.)

·  Skin lightening cream at no cost

·  Products to be purchased

Ø  Microfiber cloth ($18.00)

Ø  Antioxidant Spray ($22.00)

Ø  DermaLac Lotion for moisturizing and exfoliating (hands only). ($89.00)

Ø  EltaMD Physical sunscreen ($59.00)

4.  Complete removal of all makeup and sun protection products at the end of the day.

5.  Attend for follow-up monthly for 3 months.

6.  Consent to the use of pictures for publishing. (Cropping of pictures to avoid identity upon request.)

If you would like to participate in this exciting new product trial, please click here to download the form that will be used to document your history and findings. Please print it and complete the first page and bring it with you to your complimentary consultation.