Ref: 4A1505-6/CA/20-21

1.The United States of America, acting through the Millennium Challenge Corporation (“MCC”) and the Government of Liberia (the “Government” or “GOL”) have entered into a Millennium Challenge Compact for Millennium Challenge Account assistance to help facilitate poverty reduction through economic growth in Liberia (the “Compact”) in the amount not to exceed Two Hundred Fifty-Six Million Seven Hundred Twenty-Six Thousand United States Dollars (US$256,726,000) (“MCC Funding”). Liberia’s Compact entry into force on January 20th, 2016. PursuanttoSection609(g)oftheMillenniumChallenge Act, asamended, MCC and the Government haveexecutedanagreement(the“609(g)Agreement”)datedasofFebruary 25th, 2015whereinMCChasprovidedtheGovernmentagrant(the“609(g)Grant”)tosupportthedevelopmentandimplementationofaCompact.Subjecttothetermsandconditions of theCompact,relatedagreements,andtheavailabilityoffunds,theGovernmentintendstouseaportionofthefundsprovidedthroughtheCompacttofundprofessionalfiduciary agentservicesfromafirm/organization(“FiduciaryAgent”or“Consultant”)toassisttheGovernmentwiththemanagementofimplementingtheCompactprograminatransparent andfiscallysoundmanner,allinaccordancewiththetermsandconditionssetforthinaFiduciaryAgentAgreement(“FiduciaryAgentAgreement”)aformofwhich is attached to thisRequest for Proposals (“RFP”) in Section 5. If this procurement is awarded to two separate Consultants two agreements will be executed: one for Lot 1 (Procurement Agent services) and another for Lot 2 (Fiscal Agent services).

2.ThegoaloftheCompactis to reduce povertythrougheconomicgrowth.The Compact seeks to address two binding constraints to economic growth in Liberia:

(a) lack of access to reliable and affordable electricity and,

(b)Inadequate road infrastructure.

To address that, the Compact includes funding for the rehabilitation of the Mt. Coffee hydroelectric Plant, development of a training center for technicians in the electricity sector, support for the creation of an independent energy sector regulator and support for the development of a nationwide road maintenance framework. The project will be implemented by Millennium Challenge Account Liberia (MCA-Liberia) for a period of five (5) years. ThisRFPfollowstheSpecificProcurementNoticethatappearedindgMarket,UNDBOnline, PPCC Website ( Executive Mansion’s Website ( and in localnewspapers: New Democrat, FrontPage Africa and Daily Observer on August 17, 22, 26, 29 and September 5, 7, 12, 19 & 21.

3.MCA-Liberianowinvites Consultants to submitproposalstoprovideFiduciaryAgentservices(“Proposals”). The Fiduciary Agent Services is divided in two (2) separate and distinct lots as it follows:

  • Lot 1: Procurement Agent Services
  • Lot 2: Fiscal Agent Services

Thedetaileddescriptionofservicesisprovidedinthe Terms of ReferenceatSection 6 ofthis RFP.

4.ThisRFP isopentoalleligibleentities(“Consultants”)whowishtorespond.Consultantsmayonlyassociatewitheachotherintheformofajointventureor in a sub-consultancyagreementto complement their respectiveareasofexpertisetoenhancetheircapacitytocarryouttheassignmentsuccessfullyandsolongasanyassociation formedis in accordance withthe terms of the RFP.

5.TheFiduciaryAgentservices,andthecontract(s)expectedtobeawarded,arerequiredforafixedpriceone(1)yearbaseperiodandfour(4)fixedpriceoptionperiodspayableinU.S.dollars.Theservicestobeperformedunderthisproposedcontractareexpectedtostartassoonaspracticable.Thebaseperiodwillbeforthefirsttwelve(12)monthsperiod; the option periods will be fortwelve(12) months each.

However,thefinaloptionperiodmaybelessthan12monthsandwill includea120-dayperiodaftertheexpirationoftheCompactandasmaybedeterminedbyMCA-LiberiaandMCCinaccordancewiththetermsoftheFiduciaryAgentAgreement.Forpurposesofpreparingproposals,Consultantsshouldassumethatthefinaloptionperiodwillbe12monthsandfeeswillbepaidonaproratabasis ifforaduration lessthan 12 months.

6.One or two (2)Consultant(s)willbeselectedundertheFixed Budgetmethod,theevaluationprocedureforwhichisdescribedinsectionsoftheRFPinaccordancewith“MCCProgramProcurement Guidelines”whichareprovided on the MCC website

7.Consultants may bid for one or both contracts, as further defined in the RFP. Consultants wishing to offer discounts in case they are awarded both contracts will be allowed to do so, provided those discounts are included in Fin-1 (Financial Proposal Submission Form)

8.TheRFPDocument includes the followingSections:

Section 1Instructionsto Consultants

This sectionprovidesinformation to help potentialConsultantspreparetheirProposals;italsoprovidesinformationonthesubmission,opening,andevaluationofProposalsandontheawardofthe proposedcontract(s).

Section 2ProposalData Sheet


Section 3QualificationandEvaluationCriteria

ThissectionspecifiesthequalificationsrequiredoftheConsultantand the criteriato be used to evaluate the Proposal.

Section 4ATechnicalProposalForms

ThissectionprovidestheTechnicalProposalFormswhicharetobecompletedbyapotentialConsultantandsubmittedinaseparateenvelopeas part ofapotential Consultant’s totalProposal.

Section 4BFinancialProposalForms

Thissectionprovidesthe FinancialProposalFormswhichare tobecompletedbyapotentialConsultantandsubmittedinaseparateenvelopeas part of apotential Consultant’s totalProposal.

Section 5ContractForm:

Form of Contract with the followingExhibits

Exhibit ADescription of the FiduciaryAgentServices

Exhibit BStaffing andSubcontractor Plan

Exhibit CFees

Exhibit DDefinitions

Section 6Terms ofReference

ThissectionincludesthedetailedTermsof Referenceforthisprocurementthatdescribethenature,tasksanddutiesoftheconsultantservices to beprocured.

9.A Pre-Proposal Meeting will be held at the National Millennium Compact Development (NMCDP)’s Conference Room, Unit 3, sea Breeze Compound, adjacent Mamba Point Hotel Exit Gate, Mamba Point, Monrovia on August 26, 2016 at 10:30 am as specified in the Proposal Data Sheet, (“PDS”), Section II of this RFP. Attendance is strongly advised for all prospective Consultants or their representatives but is not mandatory.

10.Prospective Consultants interested in submitting a Proposal should send an e-mail, giving full contact details of the Consultant, to the MCA-Liberia Procurement Specialist at . This will ensure that consultants should review the Terms of Reference, which are in the Request for Proposals (RFP) Document. The RFP will be issued on application to the MCA-Liberia Procurement Specialist, 2nd & 3rd Floors, F & F Building, Coconut Plantation, UN Drive, Mamba Point, Monrovia, Liberia at

11.Proposals must be delivered to the address and in the manner specified in the PDS ITC 4.3 and 4.4, no later than September 26, 2016 at 4:00 pm local time in Monrovia. Consultants should be aware that distance and customs formalities may require longer than expected delivery time. Late proposals will not be accepted under any circumstances and will be returned unopened at the written request and cost of the Consultant. Please note that electronic Proposals shall not be accepted.

Procurement Specialist

Millennium Challenge Account-Liberia

2nd & 3rd Floors, F & F Building

UN Drive, Coconut Plantation, Mamba Point

Monrovia, Liberia