MISSION STATEMENT: The PSMS vocal music program is designed to create a sincere love of music through the appreciation and participation of a successful musical experience. Within the General Music class, students will be challenged through learning how to read and perform music. Similar to other classes in this school, the choices students make in regards to participation and behavior have a direct impact on others and the student’s final grade in general music. As a result, careful attention to the policies that embrace these issues is very important. Students are always encouraged to put forth their best effort in every part of the process.
PROCEDURES: Be respectful and attentive during rehearsals and class time. Be responsible for and expect to assume the consequences for your actions. Follow all rules and student code of conduct. Be honest and fair with others concerning equipment, music, and school life. No food or drink in the classroom other than bottled water. Gum and candy are also prohibited. No use of cell phones in the chorus room.
DAILY PARTICIPATION Be in your assigned seat with materials and pencil immediately after entering the classroom. Stand and sit with the group whenever instructed. Actively take part in all music exercises to the best of your ability. Active participation includes listening, learning, practicing, and eventually mastering proper group vocal/instrumental techniques through music. Do not leave the room during rehearsals except with permission or in the event of an emergency. Chewing gum or consuming food or drink is prohibited. Talking during class outside of freetime is not permitted. Give your complete attention to the director/ teacher.
DISCIPLINE: The basis of any superior organization is strict discipline.It is expectedthat each student realize his/her responsibilities in this music class and engage in self-discipline. If a student should choose to be uncooperative, disrespectful, and/or disruptive, the student will face the following consequences: student/teacher conference, parental contact and detention,probation from participating in activities, consequence as assigned by administrators.
1st offense: Verbal Warning
2nd offense: Writing Discipline statement; parent contacted; written up as minor offense
3rd offense: Sent to Principal’s office
After the student’s 3rd minor offense, the offense becomes a major and the student is automatically sent to the principal’s office.
Students who follow the classroom rules can expect the following rewards:
- Verbal and Nonverbal Praise
- Free Time
- Positive phone calls, e-mails, etc.
- Tangible Individual and/or Collective Rewards
- Inclusion in special planned activities
- Prescott POWER Pass
Grades in General Music will be based on the following criteria:
Daily Classroom Participation- 20% Students will receive a weekly grade for participation in class. 10 points will be taken off of the student’s daily grade per offense of the following: negative attitude, materials including appropriate assignments and pencils, and late arrival to class.
Projects-50%This class is heavily based on projects. All projects are two fold, written and presented. Each project will be scored on a 100-point scale. Late projects will have 10 points subtracted to their final score for each day it is late.
Tests - 30% Students will have at least 3 major quizzes within their time in this class. These quizzes will be averaged together to equal 40% of the students’ final grade. Students will be given a complete study guide for quizzes. Because of this, as well as the many bonus opportunities for the class, there will be no make-ups for low scoring tests.
Bonus Opportunities:Two bonus options are available for students per 9 weeks. Students who attend a musical concert or performing art concert such as a ballet, symphony, Opera, Broadway show, TPAC show, etc. will add an additional 100 for a weekly grade. There is no limit on the amount of bonus credits a student can receive. In order to obtain the entire 100; however, students must bring in a program and/or ticket from the event of which they attend.
Absences: Any missed work with the exception of projects, due to excused absences, can be turned in for full credit up to 3 days after their absence. Students who wish to retake tests, quizzes, and homework have the opportunity to do so. This can only be done once for each assignment. Retaking assignments must be done during student’s recess, lunch, before or after school. No test, project, or homework assignment will be dropped at the end of the term; however, in the event of family emergency, prolonged sickness, or approved vacation, several snow days, or sudden change of schedule, students may be excused from projects.
Hopefully this Handbook has answered any questions you may have concerning expectations of this General Music Class. It is the responsibility of each student to become familiar with the policies stated in this handbook. If you have anymore concerns or questions please feel free to email me at . Thank you!
-Ms. Francis