1. Media Operators Accreditation




1.Permanent accreditation card

The permanent accreditation card, released by the Holy See Press Office for the duration of the entire Jubilee year is valid also for the 15th World Youth Day (WYD). The journalists who are permanently accredited and would like to go to the area of Tor Vergata on August 19-20 are, however, invited to use the resources of the WYD2000 which can be procured at the Accreditation Office for the Jubilee of the Holy See Press Office in Via della Conciliazione 1.

2. Request for the unified temporary accreditation

2.1 At the Accreditation Office for the Jubilee of the Holy See Press Office, the requests for the unified temporary accreditation are collected, for the 15th WYD, by media operators (journalists, correspondants, photo reporters , cameraman and TV technicians not permanently accredited at the Pontifical Council for Social Comminications):

Holy See Press Office

Accreditaion Office for the Jubilee

Via della Conciliazione 1


Telephone: +39-06-698.92.434/443/442

Telefax: +39-06-698.92.337/342



(sector: Information services/Press Office/Logistical Information)

2.2 To obtain the unified temporary accreditation, the applicants mentioned in the point 2.1 shall present:

  1. the indicated request form for accreditation, filled with the appropriate fields and signed
  2. the request letter from the Management of the Media represented, stating that the applicant:

-is a professional journalist;

-is assigned to cover the information regarding the 15th WYD;

-agrees to respect the ethical norms of the journalistic profession (i.e. those concerning embargo, etc.);

-or in case of free-lance journalists, a letter of presentation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Diplomatic representative of the country where the represented press organisation is located;

-a photocopy of the press card (for those who come from countries in which this exists);

-a photocopy of the passport or another valid identity document;

-a colour passport-size photograph, signed on the back:

2.3 The accreditation form and the documents required to complete the procedures are available also onto the Holy See web site:

(section: Information Services/Press Office/Service Communication)

2.4 Release of the unified temporary accreditation card

The unified temporary accreditation card is valid for the 15th GMG and can be obtained , only by the holder, at the Accreditation Office for the Jubilee of the Holy See Press Office, in Via della Conciliazione 1, starting on Monday, July 31st 2000.

The press badge is released to all the journalists and media operators who have the accreditation for the GMG2000 period.
This press badge should already be in possess to all journalists who are permanently accredited by the Holy See Press Office. It is also valid for the WYD2000
2. TV and Radio Assistance

Assistance to media operators and correspondents, journalists and producers of television networks will be assured by the following subjects:

1. Television and radio operators

The correspondents who would like to use the Vatican Radio Network direct assistance will have to request the authorisation (to present to the Accreditation Office for the Jubilee of the Holy See Press Office) from:

Radio Vatican (International Relations Office)

Mrs. Solange de Maillardoz (Responsible)

Piazza Pia 3 - SCV-00120 VATICAN CITY

Telephone: 06-698.83945

Telefax: 06-698.83237

E-Mail: - Internet:

2. Television Networks

According to the terms of the agreement between RAI and the Central Commitee for the Great Jubilee of the year 2000, a Unified Booking Office has been established, through which RAI and CTV will collaborate in sharing the common resources. The correspondents, chronists, and the television networks producers, who would like to use the RAI services near the Television Services Centre of RAI Giubileo in Borgo S. Angelo 23 and CTV at Vatican city, or at the cerimonial sites, should also make the bookings with:

RAI Giubileo (Unified Booking Office)

Dr. Marco Frusone

Borgo S. Angelo 23 - 00193 ROMA

Telephone: +39-06-68182624/29/72/76/69

Telefax: +39-06-68889168/70

E-Mail: -Internet:

3. Audio-visual Media:

in occasion of the most important celebrations of the World Youth Day, a limited number of passes will be issued for the “close pool”. Priority will be given to the international photo agencies, radio-TV and film companies. The photo-reporters, radio-TV and film organisations requiring special assistance are requested to contact:

Pontifical Council for Social Communications (Audiovisual Office)

Dr. Marjorie Weeke (Delegate)

Palazzo San Carlo - SCV-00120 VATICAN CITY

Telephone: 06-698.83187/83597

Telefax: 06-698.85373

E-Mail: - Internet:

3. Information Services and Press Centres

From July 31st to August 20th

1. The documents concerning the speeches of the Holy Father and the main Press conferences will be organised by the Holy See Press Office:

Holy See Press Office

Via della Conciliazione 54

SCV-00120 Vatican City

Telephone: 06-698.92.1

Fax: 06-6868810


The Manager is Mr. Joaquìn Navarro-Valls.

All the information and the documents are published on the Bulletin of the Holy See Press Office. The accredited journalists can consult the documents published by the Press Office and made available by the means of the Internet onto the site (protected by a password when they are in embargo).

2. The information service of the Italian Commite for the 15th WYD is directed by:

Press and Communication Office

Via della Concilazione 1 – 00193 ROMA

Telephone: +39-06-698.79911

Telefax: +39-06-698.882233



The manager of the Press Office is Don Claudio Giuliodori, Director of the National Office for Social Communication of the Italian Bishop Conference.

This office, opening on Monday July 31st, 2000 will be giving away to the accredited journalists and to the operators (with a temporary or permanent accreditation) the “pilgrim’s bag” with the information dossier for the press, the Cdcard Bible and some other material.

During the event the Press Office will distribute the information material and the press communicates of the 15th WYD. All the texts will be available also in the other centres.

The Press Office building there are 60 workstations and some phone lines available if the ones placed in the other centres should not be enough.

3. Besides the Press Room of the Holy See, the main working area for the journalists is the Press Office Centre of the “Agenzia Romana per il Giubileo dell’anno 2000” . This structure provides the journalists with all the necessary working tools.


Via di Porta Castello, 44

00193 Roma

Telephone: +39-06-680251

Telefax: +39-06-68025916


The Press Centre of the Roman agency for the Giubilee has:

a multimedia conference room with 140 seats

70 multimedia workstations, 60 more workstations for the journalists.

From August 19th to 20th in Tor Vergata

Besides the above structures, during the days of August 19 and 20, nearby the university Campus of Tor Vergata there will be an apposite working structure for the Press Conferences, the distribution of the information material and the work of the journalists.


Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia

Università di Tor Vergata

The Press Centre has:

-a conference room with 400 seats

-workstations for 300 journalists

-miscellaneous services for multimedia operators

Shuttle Service to go to Tor Vergata on August 19 and 20

The University Campus of Tor Vergata is located about 12 km from the centre of Rome and will be reachable by feet, following the pilgrim’s paths, or by the available shuttle service of the Organisation. Private vehicles will not be allowed to reach the area, that will be closed to normal vehicles, and the public transportation means will be reserved for the youth that will need to reach Tor Vergata.

The media operators will be able to use the free shuttle buses if they have the PRESS card released by the Accreditation Office of the Holy See. The bus departures are at Eur (the square in front of the Finances Ministry –Viale Europa) on August 19th from 2PM to 5.00PM and on August 20th from 6.00 AM to 6.45AM. To back from Tor Vergata to Rome is looked forwered for the 19th of August from the 10.30 pm to 12.00 PM. The returning for the 20th of August is to be from the 11.00 AM to to 2.00 PM and upto 6.00 PM with buses leaving every hour.

NB. To help the organisation to provide a better service, the media operators shall fill out and turn in the card for the transports before August 16th and take the booking card for the requested time slot in the Press Office in Via della Conciliazione 1.

4. Workstations for journalists and operators

The workstations and the areas reserved for the journalists and the media operators, as well as the accesses and the paths, during the main events presided by the Holy Father, on August 15 in St. John Lateran and St. Peter’s and on August 19-20 in Tor Vergata, will be announced by the Press Office of the Holy See, the Holy See Council for the Social Communication and by the WYD2000 Press Office.

5. Documentation on Internet

Documentation about the 15th WYD is available on Internet onto the following sites:

Italian Committee for the 15th WYD – Roma 2000

Central Committee for the Jubilee Year 2000:

Pontifical Council for Laity:

Holy See Press Office

(section :Information Services/Press Office/Service Communication)

Into the site of the Italian Council for the 15th WYD ( it is possible to browse all the information and the Press Communications of the Press and Communication Office.

All the information needed can be found by sending an email message to containing the sender’s email address.

6. Media Operators’ Concert

The Mayor of Rome


and the President of the Italian Council

for the 15th WYD


are pleased to invite all media operators

who came to Rome for the WYD 2000

to the Concert of the Sagra Musicale Umbra that will be in

Campidoglio, Wednesday August 16th, at 9PM

Will be followed by a buffet offered by Sodexho