Special Senses Project

DUE DATE:______


Project Description:Create an informational presentation on the special senses. You may choose the any of the following formats for your presentation: powerpoint, pamphlet, poster, video. This project is an independent study of the special senses. We have only discussed the eye in class so far. For this project you will need to research the other senses. Please follow the following rubric to make sure you are including all necessary information. Neatness will be worth 2 points and presentation will be worth 5 points. Please print out a copy of whatever you use as your presentation to hand in.



Topics / Pts. Possible / Pts. Earned
Explain the 5 receptors: chemoreceptors, mechanoreceptors, thermoreceptors, photoreceptors, nociceptors / 5
Explain the difference between sensation and perception / 3

Mouth: Taste

Topics / Pts. Possible / Pts. Earned
Organs/Structures involved in tasting- include diagram and explain taste buds, gustatory cells, and hairs / 5
Taste- explain the steps in how we taste things / 3
List and explain the 5 primary taste sensations / 5
Where else are there taste receptors and why? / 2
Taste Disorder: discuss a taste disorder of your choice / 3
Interesting Fact: Include an interesting fact you have found about the sense of taste / 2

Nose: Smell

Topics / Pts. Possible / Pts. Earned
Organs/Structures involved in smelling include diagram and explain olfactory receptors AND steps of stimulation / 5
Smell discrimination- explain how we are able to discriminate between so many different odors / 3
Why does sniffing increase the smell stimulus? / 2
How do adaptations to smell occur? / 2
Taste & Smell-explain how taste and smell are linked / 4
Taste Disorder: discuss an olfactory disorder of your choice / 2
Interesting Fact: Include an interesting fact you have found about the sense of smell / 2

Ear: Hearing and Equilibrium

Topics / Pts. Possible / Pts. Earned
Organs/Structures involved in hearing and equilibrium- Diagram
Anatomy of 3 parts of ear: include the function or a characteristic of each
-Outer Ear – pinna, external auditory canal, ceruminous glands, tympanic membrane (eardrum)
-Middle Ear – lateral and medial borders, auditory tube, ossicles (hammer, anvil, and stirrup)
-Inner Ear – osseous labyrinth, cochlea, vestibule, semicircular canals,perilymph, membranous labyrinth / 5
Explanation of Mechanism of Hearing / 5
Static vs. Dynamic Equilibrium- discuss the difference / 2
How can you get equal pressure in middle and outer ear? / 2
What happens when auditory receptors become adapted to unchanging sound? / 2
Hearing/Equilibrium Disorder: discuss a disorder of your choice / 2
Interesting Fact: Include an interesting fact you have found about hearing and equilibrium / 2

TOTAL POINTS: ______out of 73