Mental Oral Starters Year 1 Spring Teaching Sequence 11

Activity 1

Objective: Count in ones to 100 and recognise the multiples of ten

Resources: The children

§  Children sit in a circle and count from 1 to 100. They say Buzz (or similar) instead of the multiple of 10.

o  Seven, eight, nine BUZZ.

§  A harder version: Count back from 100 to 0 in the same way.

o  Buzz, ninety nine, ninety eight etc.

§  If this is too difficult, try it from (say) 40.

Activity 2

Objective: Count in twos from 1 & 2 to find odd & even numbers

Resources: The children

·  Sit children in a circle with knees ‘bent like a mountain’.

·  Count in unison, starting with one. As children say, ‘two’, they all stretch out their legs. At ‘three’ they then bend them again, at ‘four’ they stretch them out, etc.

·  Chant together keeping a rhythm as you count in unison.

When we count in 2s we are counting in even numbers.

We were counting our legs when we stretched them out as we all have two legs (feet).

Even numbers can always be paired up like socks or shoes.

Activity 3

Objective: Count in twos from 1 & 2 to find odd & even numbers

Resources: Large 2p and 1p coins, give each group of 3 children a set of twenty 1p coins and ten 2p coins

·  Ask children to count their 1p coins up to twenty.

We can count these quicker if we put them in piles of two.

o  Who can put them in piles of two?

o  Can we count them in 2s?

·  Count in 2’s as each pile is pointed to.

o  How much money? Twenty pence.

Is it the same as when we counted in 1s? (Some children may not understand this, although they are able to chant the pattern)

·  You may need to explain that mathematicians are lazy (!) and are always looking for quicker ways to find answers.

o  Can we swap the piles of 1ps for 2p coins?

o  How do you know?

·  The children work together to swap each pile of two 1p coins for a 2p coin.

·  Remind the children that when they count in 2s they are counting even numbers.

Activity 4

Objective: Count in twos from 1 and 2 to find odd and even numbers

Resources: Number line zero to 20 and a pointer

·  Rehearse counting in 2s along the number line.

What do you notice as we count in 2’s?

·  Hopefully they will notice that you are counting every other number

Who can remember what these numbers are called? (Even numbers)

·  Counting in 2’s is like counting pairs of shoes or socks.

Can you count the numbers that are not in the 2’s pattern? (The in between numbers) 1, 3, 5, 7… etc.

·  Explain that these are called odd numbers.

Activity 5

Objective: Count in twos from 1 & 2 to find odd & even numbers

Resources: Pairs of socks including an odd sock, a washing line (string) between two chairs and some pegs

·  Count the socks as you take them out of the bag.

o  How many socks?

o  Who can pair up the socks?

Why haven’t you paired all the socks? (It hasn’t got a partner)

What do we call a sock that hasn’t got a partner?

·  Peg up the socks in pairs beginning with the odd sock, e.g. 1, 3, 5, …

·  Peg up the odd sock in a different position and count again, e.g. 2, 4, 5, 7, 9

·  This is a fun activity and children like the idea that you are trying to trick them by making them count in even then in odd numbers!

Activity 6

Objective: Count to 100 in ones and tens from zero

Resources: The children

·  Sit children in a circle.

·  First child counts his ten fingers.

·  Second child continues the count 11-20 raising a finger as she counts.

·  Continue up to 100.

Can we count up to 100 in a quicker way?

o  How?

·  Hopefully they will be able to say that they can count in tens.

·  Ask the next child to begin counting to 100 by shooting out her fingers and saying ‘ten’.

·  Continue round the circle up to 100.

·  You may want to continue so that each child in your class says a number (e.g. to 280 if you have twenty-eight children). This is not hard for the children provided you help them over the ‘multiples of 100’). Alternatively, you can repeat the count, 10 - 100.

·  You can vary the count asking some children to count in ones & others in 10s up to 100.

Activity 7

Objective: Count to 100 in ones and tens from zero

Resources: The children

·  Explain that we need some keep fit activities to help us count up to 100.

·  Write their ideas on the board (hopping, jumping, skipping, bouncing).

·  You could choose two & write them in a pattern.

·  10 hops, ten jumps, ten hops… until you get to 100.

·  The hard part is keeping the count & the activity in unison!!

·  Alternatively you can have clapping, patting your knees, clicking your fingers, flapping your wings, etc.

Activity 8

Objective: Count in twos from 1 and 2 to find odd & even numbers

Resources: The children

·  Sit children in a circle, they say their number as they go round (1st child says 1, 2nd child says 2 etc.).

Stand up if you are a counting in 2s number (an even number)

o  Can you say your numbers in order?

·  Ask these children to sit down.

Stand up if you are an in between number.

What are these numbers called?(Odd numbers)

o  Can you say your numbers in order?

Activity 9

Objective: Count on and back in ones and two to 20

Recognise odd and even numbers to 20

Resources: Whiteboards, number track visible for those who need it

§  Ask children to write ODD or O on one side of their whiteboard and EVEN or E on the other side.

§  Ask children to imagine that you are on a 0 to 20 number track and tell them which end is which. I’m standing on number 4. Take two steps forward. Where am I now? Is it odd or even? Show me.

§  Start by encouraging the children to say the numbers out loud before they show their whiteboard and then progress to asking them to do the count in their head.

§  Have a number track from 0 to 20 within sight of children who need to see the numbers and use adult help if available, to indicate the numbers.

Harder version: The same activity but going back on the number track.

© Original teaching sequence copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. Y1 Maths TS11 – Mental Oral Starters - Spr