Special School Board Minutes – Melrose Area Public Schools
Wednesday, January 3, 2018
Mr. Heller called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. The following board members were present: Mr. Heller, Mrs. Feldewerd, Mrs. Winter, Mr. Dufner, Mr. Heidgerken, Mrs. Uphoff, & Mr. Klasen. Mr. Winter was also present.
Mrs. Winter moved, with a second by Mr. Dufner, to approve the agenda. The Motion was unanimously carried.
Mr. Heller called for nominations for Chair. Mrs. Winter & Mr. Heller were nominated. Upon a vote being taken Mr. Heller received four (4) votes & Mrs. Winter received three (3) votes. Mr. Heller was elected board Chair.
Mr. Dufner made a motion to separate Vice Chair & Clerk positions. Mr. Heidgerken seconded the motion. The Motion was unanimously carried.
Mr. Dufner nominated Mrs. Winter for the Vice-Chair. Mrs. Uphoff nominated Mrs. Feldewerd for the Clerk position. Mrs. Winter nominated Mr. Heidgerken for the Treasurer position.
Mr. Dufner moved, with a second by Mr. Heidgerken, to approve the following salaries for the new year:
- Chair - $350.00
- Vice-Chair - $300.00
- Clerk - $275.00
- Treasurer - $275.00
- $65.00/meeting
- $125.00 for meetings over 5 hours
The Motion was unanimously carried.
Mrs. Uphoff moved, with a second by Mr. Heidgerken, to approve the board resolution on meeting dates:
- January 22, 2018
- February 26, 2019
- March 26, 2018
- April 23, 2018
- May 21, 2018
- June 25, 2018
- July 23, 2018
- August 27, 2018
- September 24, 2018
- October 22, 2018
- November 26, 2018
- December 17, 2018
- January 2, 2019 (Reorganizational meeting)
- January 28, 2019
- February 25, 2019
- March 25, 2019
- April 22, 2019
- May 20, 2019
- June 24, 2019
Mr. Dufner moved, with a second by Mrs. Winter, to approve the following committee assignments:
Committee Assignment2018 Board Representatives
Community Education AdvisoryPat Heller & Mark Heidgerken
District Advisory, Curriculum, WBWFLee Uphoff & Becky Feldewerd
Integration, Federal Programs
TechnologyBecky Feldewerd & Lee Uphoff
Staff DevelopmentLee Uphoff & Becky Feldewerd Alt.
Insurance AdvisoryKris Winter & Randy Dufner
Discipline AdvisoryBecky Feldewerd & Kris Winter
MSHSL/Title IXKris Winter & Pat Heller Alt.
DAACMark Heidgerken & Randy Duifner
School Lunch AppealStrike Committee
Title IX Advisory CouncilStrike Committee
Legislation LiaisonKyle Klasen & Pat Heller Alt.
Facilities, Buildings, Ground, LandMark Heidgerken, Pat Heller, & Kris Winter
Sales & Purchases
Policy ReviewKyle Klasen & Randy Dufner
CMETSBecky Feldewerd & Kyle Klasen
LMC (Teachers)Pat Heller & Randy Dufner
LMC (Support Staff)Becky Feldewerd
Resource Training & SolutionsStrike Committee
WCEDKris Winter & Becky Feldewerd Alt.
PTARandy Dufner & Kyle Klasen Alt.
TransportationKris Winter, Kyle Klasen, &
Mark Heidgerken
Stearns County CollaborativeBecky Feldewerd
Schools for Equity in EducationStrike Committee
Crisis/SafetyPat Heller & Randy Dufner
Health/WellnessBecky Feldewerd & Pat Heller
Budget/FinanceKris Winter, Mark Heidgerken, &
Food ServiceStrike Committee
Trip CommitteeKris Winter, Becky Feldewerd, &
Lee Uphoff
Open ForumPat Heller & Kris Winter
Exit InterviewLee Uphoff & Becky Feldewerd
Negotiating Committee
SuperintendentPat Heller, Lee Uphoff, & Randy Dufner
Administration (Principals, ActivityKris Winter, Randy Dufner, & Kyle
Director, & Community EducationKlasen
Curriculum CoordinatorKyle Klasen & Becky Feldewerd
TeachersPat Heller, Lee Uphoff, & Randy Dufner
District OfficePat Heller, Lee Uphoff, & Randy Dufner
CustodiansBecky Feldewerd, Mark Heidgerken, &
Kyle Klasen
SecretariesBecky Feldewerd, Mark Heidgerken, & Lee
ParaprofessionalsKris Winter, Mark Heidgerken, & Kyle
Food Service (Staff & Director)Pat Heller, Lee Uphoff, & Becky Feldewerd
Achievement & IntegrationBecky Feldewerd & Mark Heidgerken
Notice of AssignmentsRandy Dufner & Becky Feldewerd
Custodial SupervisorsMark Heidgerken & Kyle Klasen
Tech Coordinator/TechBecky Feldewerd & Mark Heidgerken
The meetings will be held at 7:00 pm. It is noted that, acceptance of these dates will also allow for a postponed meeting due to weather to occur the following day. The Motion was unanimously carried.
Mrs. Uphoff moved, with a second by Mr. Dufner to approve the designation of the official depositories for district funds as follows: Central MN Credit Union, Freeport State Bank, & PMA. The Motion was unanimously carried.
Mr. Heidgerken moved, with a second by Mr. Klasen, to approve the Melrose Beacon as official publication. The Motion was unanimously carried.
Mrs. Uphoff moved, with a second by Mrs. Winter to set the district travel and meal allowance:
- Mileage $0.545 per mile
- Breakfast - $8.50
- Lunch - $11.00
- Supper - $18.00
The Motion was unanimously carried.
Mrs. Winter moved, with a second by Mrs. Uphoff, to approve that the Minnesota School District Liquid Asset Fund be designed as the official depository of state funds due to the district. The Motion was unanimously approved.
Mrs. Feldewerd moved, with a second by Mr. Klasen to approve the use of facsimile signatures on all district checks. The board also directs the current facsimile signatures be used until the new signatures can be obtained, if necessary. The Motion was unanimously carried.
Mrs. Uphoff moved, with a second by Mr. Heidgerken, to approve the Superintendent of Schools, or his designee, make investments of school district funds when balances are present. The board also desires that the Superintendent, or his designee, perform the duties of clerk and treasurer. The Motion was unanimously carried.
Mr. Dufner moved, with a second by Mrs. Uphoff, to approve the Superintendent of Schools properly authorized to enter into leases on behalf of the board, and to purchase and contract for goods and services within general budget categories. The Motion was unanimously carried.
Mrs. Uphoff moved, with a second by Mrs. Feldewerd, to approve to pay claims/bills before the regularly scheduled board meeting. The Motion was unanimously carried.
Mr. Heidgerken moved, with a second by Mr. Dufner, to approve Policy 902 – Approve Not-For-Profit groups for facility use as presented. The Motion was unanimously carried.
Mrs. Winter moved, with a second by Mrs. Uphoff to approve Rupp, Anderson, Squires, & Waldspurger, PA for our legal counsel. The Motion was unanimously carried.
Mr. Dufner moved, with a second by Mr. Heidgerken, to adjourn the meeting at 8:24 pm. The Motion was unanimously carried.
Becky Feldewerd, Clerk