Preliminary Programme

Friday, November 4th, 2011

08:30 Registration

09:15 EPV/Euprim welcome Jan Langermans head of ASD at the BPRC

09:30 Hester Bolhuis (Invited Speaker) stichting AAP Veterinary rehabilitation of NHP (to be confirmed)

Saverio “Buddy” Capuano III (Invited Speaker) Endoscopy

Wisconsin National Primate Centre, Attending veterinarian and associate director, Animal services. Endoscopy in NHP

11:00 Coffeebreak

11:20 Norin Chai (Invited Speaker) Endoscopy Ménagerie du Jardin des Plantes – Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle – Paris - Attending veterinarian. Endoscopy in NHP

12:00 Lunch and practice with laparoscopic equipment in boxes of Stöpler Instruments

13:30 Irma Wensink (Invited Speaker) Thermography/FLIR Use of Infrared Thermal Imaging in Veterinary Medicine

Joseph Nassif (Invited Speaker) Endometriosis: Better know your enemy

15:15 Teabreak

15:30 Tour at the facilities of the BPRC

16:30 Sally Sharp (Invited Speaker) health protection agency Porton Down (title to be confirmed)

Elodie Moureaux. BioPRIM A case report about diagnostic and treatment of femoral vascular shunt

18:30 Icebreaker and sponsored Dinner

Saturday, November 5, 2011

09:30 Welcome Merei Keehnen BPRC/EPV.

09:45 Kevin Thibault-Duprey X-ray Sanofi aventis R&D improvement of ECG leads positioning for telemetry recordings using X-ray imaging in Macaca fasicularis

10:30 Coffee break

11:00 Sascha Knauf Endoscopy DPZ Segmental Bronchoscopy in Common Marmosets

Barthel Schmelting Covance Tuberculosis Testing in Cynomolgus Monkeys - One-way direction or multiple choices?

Romain Lacoste Station de primatologie, CNRS UPS846 Follow-up on macaques polyartritis

Cheick Coulibaly. PEI Successful treatment of chronic lesions on foot and hand of a rhesus monkey

12:00 Lunch and practice with laparoscopic equipment in boxes of Stöpler Instruments

13:30 Elodie Moureaux: Bioprim Veterinary use of drugs on Non Human Primates

Cheick Coulibaly PEI and Tamara Becker DPZ, EPV recommendations for Herpes B Virus

14:30 Final discussion

Election of the new board (EPV members only)

19:00 Dinner (EPV)