ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems
and Technology /
Special Issue on Intelligent Mobile Knowledge Discovery and Management Systems
Advances in wireless communication, mobile information infrastructures such as GPS, WiFi, and mobile phone technologies have enabled us to collect, process and manage massive amounts of mobile data from diverseinformation sources. These mobile data are fine-grained, information-rich, and provide unparalleled opportunities for us to understand mobile user behaviours and generate useful knowledge, which in turn allows the delivery of intelligence for real-time decision making in various real-world applications. In this context, knowledge discovery isthe process of automatic extraction of interesting and useful knowledge from large amounts of mobile data, whereas knowledge management consists of a range of strategies and practices to identify, create, represent, distribute, and enable the adoption of novel insights and experiences for decision making. There is a critical emerging need to investigate knowledge discovery and management issues in mobile context.
The ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (ACM TIST) announces a Special Issue on Intelligent Mobile Knowledge Discovery and Management Systems. The goal of this journal special issue is to bring together top quality articles on the art and practice of mobile knowledge discovery and management systems that exhibit a level of intelligence. Manuscripts are solicited to address a wide range of intelligent system related topics in mobile knowledge discovery and management areas, including but not limit to the following topics:
-Activity Recognition and Sensing for MobileSocial Applications
-Concepts and Case Studies of Mobile Knowledge Discovery and Management
-Distributed and Cloud Data Mining on Mobile Data
-Intelligent GIS-enabled Mobile Services
-Knowledge Discovery and Management on theMobile Internet
-Location Privacy and Security for Mobile Knowledge Discovery and Mangement
-Location-tagging-based Media Sharing and Mining
-Microblogging and the Mobile Web
-Mobileand Location-dependent Recommender Systems
-Mobile Social Network Modeling, Social Services, Social Networks and Applications
-Semantic Web, Linked Data and Knowledge Representation for the MobileSocial Web
-Sustainability and Mobile Data Mining
-Mobile Knowledge Discovery in Intelligent Transportation and SmartCities
Submission Guidelines
Submission information can be found on the journal web page ( by clicking on "Author Info" on the sidebar. Authors should submit their manuscripts using ACM manuscript online system. To submit your article, go to the online manuscript submission page ( create a user account, and, when prompted, choose "Special Issue:IMKDMS" as the article type. Please feel free to contact the guest editors if you have any questions.
Important Dates
Submission Deadline:1 December2011
Preliminary Results:10 March 2012
Revised Version:10 April 2012
Notification of Acceptance:10 May 2012
Final Manuscripts Due:10 June 2012
Anticipated Publication:Late 2012/Early 2013
Guest editors
Hui Xiong / Rutgers University, USA /Shashi Shekhar
Alexander Tuzhilin / University of Minnesota, USA
New York University, USA /