Regular Board Meeting Minutes July 11, 2017




General Functions

Call to Order: President Lewis called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.

Pledge of Allegiance: All present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call: Roll was taken and those present were:

Greg Lewis, Executive Director, New Lenox Community Park District

Julie Popp, Executive Director, Manhattan Park District

Gina Hassett, Executive Director, Frankfort Park District

Mike Selep, Executive Director, Mokena Park District

Renee Chavez, Executive Director, Wilmington Island Park District

Absent: Jennifer Swanson, Manager, Peotone Park District

Others present were: Keith Wallace, Executive Director; Abby Billips, Supt. of Recreation; LWSRA Attorney Matthew N. Lulich; and Mary T. Strand, LWSRA Recording Secretary.

Treasurer's Report Commissioner Lewis asked for a motion to approve the June 13, 2017 Treasurers Report. Keith told the Board that he is working on year end.

Discussion was held on scholarships and some donations.

Commissioner Hassett so moved and Commissioner Chavez seconded the motion.

Ayes: (5) Popp, Lewis, Selep, Chavez, Hassett

Nays: (0)


Absent: (1) Swanson

Motion Carried

Payment of Bills Commissioner Lewis asked for a motion to approve the Payment of the Bills.

Commissioner Selep made a motion to approve the payment of the bills as presented and Commissioner Hassett seconded the motion.

Ayes: (5) Lewis, Selep, Chavez, Hassett, Popp

Nays: (0)


Absent: (1) Swanson

Motion Carried

Special Guests: None

Communications: None

Consent Agenda Approval of the Minutes. Commissioner Lewis asked for a motion to approve the Minutes of June 13, 2017 as presented.

Commissioner Hassett so moved and Commissioner Selep seconded the motion.

Ayes: (4) Selep, Hassett, Popp, Lewis

Nays: (0)

Abstain:(1) Chavez

Absent: (1) Swanson

Motion Carried

Staff & Committee Reports



Recognition Keith let the Board know that a Director in Joliet, Kathy Green had passed away and he wanted to recognize her dedication and hard work.

Staffing Nothing to Report

Sensory Room The plans are approximately 50% done.

Facility The Road Project is 98% done. A stop sign will be put up soon. The street light is half way done.

Shade Structure The baseball field dugout Eagle Scout project is underway. Ozinga is donating the concrete. Steven White has secured several donations and is working very hard to complete it for the tournament.

Landscaping Another Eagle Scout will be completing a project in the circle.

Foundation The LWSRF is looking for three member, several members did not renew their contract. The golf outing has only 6 foursomes left to be completely sold out.

Playground As of today the fund is over $59,629 for the playground. Greg notified Hart Construction that the dirt pile needs to be removed. They also need to move the telephone pole and deed the property.

Warrior Games Two individuals will be joining LWSRA after Keith and Abby attended the Warrior Games. The challenge is how to create a bridge to have the participants be able to join LWSRA after they are no longer eligible after 3 years.

Upcoming Meeting/ July 10th The Frankfort Park Party went real nice last night.

Events July 18th LWSRA Night at Slammers Game

July 24th Frankfort Chamber Golf Outing

July 24th Mokena Park Party

July 29th-30th Wheelchair Softball Tournament




Special Olympics Spring games and State competitions are wrapping up. Now we are preparing for the fall.

Thirteen athletes are registered for the Hawks Golf Greats team and six are registered for the Golf Skills program. The July 10th competition was rained out.

Softball Team has 15 athletes registered for the Hawks softball team and competing at the ITRS tournament in July and the Area 7 Qualifier in August.

Wheelchair Softball team just returned from Nashville.

Adaptive Keith and Katy Mager went to Sportability of Iowa Camp to help run basketball and softball clinics at the Iowa Adaptive Camp.

Coaching Camp Katy Mager attended the University of Illinois Basketball Camp for a 4-day coaching clinic.

Events Four individuals participated in Frankfort’s Short Run on a Long Day.

Summer Camp Camp is going well.

Inclusion Currently, LWSRA is serving 7 individuals this summer; four from New Lenox, 2 in Manhattan and 1 in Frankfort.

Brochure The Fall Brochure is in the final draft stage. It will be delivered at the end of July with registration July 31st for residents and August 7th for Non-Residents.

Technology The Recreation Specialists’ computer stations have been ugraded to laptops.

Evaluation of replacement needs was discussed.

FUNDRAISING Keith highlighted Karyn’s report.

PE Takeovers Crete Monee Middle School held the final PE Takeover on June 8-9. The total amount raised from the Disability Awareness program this season was $24,624.03. We held 29 Pe Takeovers, 4 Assemblies and had 7 Fundraising games.

Fundraiser A dine and earn fundraiser was held at Chipotle on June 9th and raised $548.

Events BMO Harris employees assisted Titans I & II grooups on a bowling and pizza outing. This was a part of their annual community volunteer service day on June 12th.

Meetings The Heather Glen homeowners’ assoc. held their monthly meeting and discussed plans for another Trick or Trot 5K event to be held on October 21st.



Vehicles All vehicles are up and running.


Maintenance Oil and Filters changed on all vehicles.

15 Passenger Van The 2006 E350 Ford van has been added to the fleet, with 92,690 miles on it. New front end, front brakes and front tires were added. The vehicle was safety inspected as well.


Gym The humidity remains steady.

Roof Director Wallace sent a letter to the roofing company and he is waiting for a reply. It is being reviewed by the company’s Quality Control division. Currently there aren’t any leaks. Someone will go up on the roof to inspect later today. When there is an issue, a thumping noise can be heard, which indicates that a portion of the material has come loose.

Finance/Personnel None

Facilities Planning None

Attorney None

Old Business None

New Business

A. Resolution #17-2 – A Resolution to Amend Articles of agreement to approve the application of the Frankfort Square Park District to become a member District. TABLED

B.  Resolution #17-3 – A Resolution to amend its Intergovernmental agreement authorizing the LWSRA to enter into an agreement to provide funding for the construction of a facility for office and recreational programming use. TABLED

C.  Resolution #17-4 – A Resolution to amend its lease agreement with the New Lenox community park District for the purpose of constructing a facility for the administration of recreation services for the disabled. TABLED

D. Release of Executive Session Minutes of December 2016 and January, February, March, April and May 2016 including previously withheld minutes. Under review are the meeting minutes of October 2016, November 2016, December 2016, January 2017, February 2017, March 2017, April 2017, and May 2017.

There are no Executive Minutes to review and none are being withheld.

Questions and Comments from the floor


Director/Commissioner Comments

Keith encouraged the Board to get their staff/Board to tour the facilities. He appreciated all the support the Board gives him and his staff.

Commissioner Selep announced that Mokena’s Splash Pad is opening on July 12th. Their dog park will open in September. Mokena will plan a facility tour and would like to tour LWSRA too. He reported that Mokena’s President Graser was very positive about adding Frankfort Square to LWSRA.

Commissioner Popp announced that Manhattan’s Splash Pad will open o 7-17. She invited LWSRA to use it while it’s free until Labor Day.

Commissioner Hassett said it was great having the Titans utilize the Frankfort PD facilities. Mrs. Hassett let the Board know that FPD is looking into interior changes to the Founders Center to be able to offer improved and more programming. She and Director Wallace are in discussions to job-share a Business Manager to conduct in-house financial matters. A plan will be rolled out shortly.

Attorney Lulich advised the Board on posting any changes to the meeting schedule per laws.


Commissioner Lewis asked for a motion to adjourn the Regular Meeting.

Commissioner Hassett so moved and Commissioner Chavez seconded the motion. Upon a voice vote, all voted Aye. The meeting adjourned at 11:15 a.m.

Respectfully submitted by:

Mary T. Strand, Recording Secretary