ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG2 IRG N 2080Agenda
Date: 2015-08-24 3:30 pm
Special IRG Meeting No.44
Tentative Agenda
1.Opening speech by host
2.Administrative Items
2.1.Roll call
2.2.Approval of agenda items
2.3.Assignment of meeting secretary and drafting group, other duties
- Meeting secretary: Ms. Yan YUN
- Drafting group leader and members: Mr. Yamamoto
- Name card Collector & Address Book Revise: Mr. Jian Wu
- Participant List: IRGN 2057
- eMailling List: IRGN2058
- Recommendations: IRGN2080
3.Review of follow up actions:
Review of recommendations and action items defined by IRG#43: IRGN2050.
Report of WG2 #63Recommendations and follow up items: IRGN2075
Members activity reports: China: IRGN2059, Hong Kong SARG: IRGN2060, Japan: IRGN2061, Macao SARG: IRGN2070R(Appendix A, B, C), ROK: IRGN2062, SAT: IRGN2063, TCA: IRGN2064, USA/Unicode: IRGN2065
Standardization and implementation
- Working report of member’s Chief Editor
4. Discussion and work items in IRG #44
4.1 CJK_F1 work: IRGN2055 (Michel comments), Japan Feedback IRGN2067(Additional Info)IRGN2084
- IRGN2052: F1Code chart, Chenzhuang Feedback, Michel Response
4.2CJK_F2 work:
4.3 IRG PnP:
4.4IRG Working Document Series update if any
4.5 Possible Horizontal extensions from Hong Kong: IRGN2074(Appendix A, B1, B2, C, D:Mapping Table), TCA: IRGN2072(toF1) and IRGN2073(to F2) , USA: IRGN2051R2, Ken/Henry for H Hangzhou Char: IRGN2077
4.6 UNC requests from
- Macao: IRGN2071(Appendix A, B,Mapping Table, zipped file with character images); Feedback from Jaemin, Ken; response to Jaemin and Ken,IRGN2071R(Appendix A, B,Mapping Table)
- USA: IRGN2068, and Japan: IRGN2078
4.7 Concern about inconsistency in Source Separation: IRGN2079
4.8 Request for kTotalStrokes Information: IRGN2081
4.9 Two H source remapping: IRGN2077
4.10 Add 93 Chinese chars to UTC: IRGN2069
4.11 Possible Unification errors: IRGN2049
5. IRG Work Planning and Future Meetings
IRG #45 Logistics:IRGN2066(revised )(Registration Form)
Seeking IRG #47host( Oct/Nov 2016).
6. Editorial/Ad hoc group Meetings:
(Editorial reports: F1: IRGN2084, F2: IRGN2085, UNC and others: IRGN2086)
7.1CJK F work: Improved Fonts by China: IRGN2054, IRGN2052(Ext. F), SAT for F2: IRGN2053.
7.2 IRGN2044 Reviews:
IRGN2044 (Draft P1, P2, P3, P4, Withdrawn/Unified, Postponed, Mappings, 15.01.16)
Feedbackfor Draft: Japan 15.01.24, Japan 15.01.26
Responses: Sat (15.01.28), ROK(15.01.29)
Confirmed( P1, P2, P3, P4, Withdrawn/Unified, Postponed, Mappings, 15.01.31)
HKSARGPart 1, Part2(15.04.02)
ConsolidatedCommentsDraft(15.04.17) Confirmed with no change. 15.04.30
TCAreview(Consolidated) 15.08.18
ROKFurtherEvidence: IRGN2083
7.3UNC and Miscellaneous
7. Other Business : IRGN2082:Questions related to SJ/T 11239-2001 (China)
8. Closing : Approve Recommendations
Note: All files marked yellow are pre-assigned files
Color Legends:
Yellow: Document number assigned and document but not yet submitted
Blue: completed items
Purple: New documents after meeting started.
Presented documents with pending actions.
New agenda items added after meeting started
Problem documents
Preassigned document for after meeting use:
Rapporteur Contact method during meeting: