Open Space and Natural Resources Division
Special Events Proposal
Effective Date: 2/01/15
Special Events Proposal
Summary of Request:
Event Title:
Organization Name:
Event Manager:
Second Event Contact:
Site Requested:
Event Date(s):
Event Time(s):
Set-up Date(s)/Time(s):
Is this an Annual Event? If yes, how many years has it been held?
Type of Event (Commercial, Competition, Entertainment, etc):
Publicity and Advertising Methods Used:
Are you requesting use of the City of Aurora Logo in Advertisements?
Number of Participants:
Anticipated Entry/Participation Fee for Participants (if a fee will be assessed please provide detailed information):
Estimated Number of Spectators:
Please describe your event in 250 words or less:
Event Description:
- Areas of the facility needed for pre-event set-up (ex: parking lots, shelters, trails, picnic tables,beach area if held at the reservoir):
- Areas of the facility needed on the day of the event (ex: parking lots, shelters, trails, picnic tables, beach area if held at the reservoir):
- Will event staff be composed of volunteers or paid workers:
- Will the event require vehicle access in parts of the park otherwise off-limits to vehicles and if so how will those vehicles be used:
- Will food or refreshments be available (if so complimentary or at cost):
- Will there be live entertainment:
- Will the event require amplified sound:
- Will there be food and beverage sales for your event:
- Will there be merchandise sales for your event:
- Will there be sales and/or consumption of alcohol at your event:
- Will inflatable devices be used at your event:
- Will you set up any tents or canopies at your event? If yes, what size:
- Many events require an emergency response plan, please describe your plan including (but not limited to) medical units, weather conditions, swim/bike/run related accidents, etc:
- Many events require traffic and parking control, what is your plan for incorporating traffic and parking control attendants. Please capture on the site plan if needed:
- Many events require portable sanitary units to be provided and used, what is your plan regarding portable sanitary units. Please capture location(s) of unit(s) on the site plan:
- Many events require additional trash collection and removal, how do you plan on disposing of the waste that accumulates during your event:
- If you are interested in holding a walk or run, please attach a site plan, event timeline, street closures and any additional information that would be critical details for consideration.
- Many events require a one million dollar insurance policy and will be requested prior to issuing the Temporary Use Permit.
After completion, please send to or call 303-739-7889 with any additional questions.
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