Special Educational Needs/Disabilities (SEND) Provision

Everything we do at St. Luke’s school is based on our vision:

secure foundations, excellent practice, faith, hope and love.

In line with this ethos, our aim is for every child to be well cared for, to make progress and to develop life-long skills and attitudes, irrespective of any Special Educational Need (SEN) or Disability, alongside their peers and through access to a broad and balanced curriculum.

St. Luke’s has an established SEND team. The aim of this team is to ensure that all children are included no matter what their need or experience.

Additional Educational Needs

There are many factors which can affect a child’s learning and attainment. These might include health concerns, poor attendance or home circumstances, such as poor housing or other factors. The school uses feedback from parents and staff alongside tracking data to identify, target and support any children who are low achieving or in need of additional pastoral support.

Special Educational Needs

Children identified as having aSpecial Educational Needrequire provision or support which is additional to or different from that normally available within themainstream class. A child may have cognitive, language, social, emotional or mental health needs or a sensory impairment.

A child is placed on the school special educational needs register only after a process of investigation/assessment, intervention and review has occurred. This graduated process of assess, plan, do, review is undertaken by the class teacher in collaboration with the SENDCo. Any decision to place a child on the SEND register is made in collaboration with parents and if appropriate in consultation with other professionals.

Children with Special Educational Needs/Disabilities are supported in schoolat two levels: either through School Support or through an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) previously known as a Statement of Special Educational Need.

School Support (SS)

This is for a child that requires support throughone to one or small group interventions. This could be a reading or spelling intervention, a social skills programme or a language group. It might include children who require movement breaks for sensory needs or children who have programmes from the Occupational or Speech and Language therapy service which are delivered by school staff. The provision for children supported at School Support is mapped on the school’s provision map and parents receive feedback on their child’s progress and support at termly parent-teacher consultations.

The school funds any additional support for children onSchool Support through the ‘notional SEN Budget’; a delegated amount of funding within the school’s overall budget.

The school uses only evidence based interventions with entry and exit assessments or tracking data to ascertain the impact of these interventions. If you wish to find out more about the specific menu of interventions used at St. Luke’s please make an appointment with the office to speak to the SENDCo.

Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP)

This is for a child who has been through a multidisciplinary Statutory Assessment by the local authority. The child’s EHCP details his/her specific educational needs, alongside long and medium term outcomes for the child and recommended provision/support to meet these outcomes. Children with an EHCP have aformal annual review to ensure the EHCP is meeting the child’s needs. The medium term outcomes from the EHCP are used to generate a Personal Education Plan which includesshort term targetswhich are reviewed and updated termly. Parents of children with an EHCP have termly parent-teacher consultationsat which progress and priorities for target setting are discussed.

The school receives additional funding from the Local Authority to meet the needs of children with EHCPs.

Who to contact for more information

If you have any concerns about your child’s progress you should initially speak to your child’s class teacher who will seek advice from either the SENDCo or Headteacher where appropriate.

Our SENDCo (MrsJulie Galton) offers an open door drop-in on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings from 8.50-9am or an appointment can be made through the school office should you prefer an alternative time. Our Headteacher (Mrs Gill Tyler) offers an open door drop-in most mornings at 8.50-9 am or alternatively an appointment can be made through the school office.

Please contact or 02074355604

For more detailed information about what the school provides for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities and an overview of how we support children transitioning to and from St. Luke’s please see the SLS Local Offer, which is available on the school website. Alternatively a paper copy can be requested from the school office.

The Local Authority also publishes its Local Offer on its website. This details the range of specialist services, voluntary organisations, schools and colleges that can provide support and information for families of children with SEND, the procedures for requesting an EHCP and advice and guidance on SEND matters. Please see your local authorities website - Camden or Barnet - for details of their Local Offer.

The SLS SEND Policy is also available to view on the website or in paper copy from the school office. The policy details the aims, objectives and procedures at St. Luke’s for managing SEND provision and for meeting the requirements of the SENDCode of Practice (2014).