Coolbellup Community School and Coolbellup Learning Centre P&C minutes 7/2/17

Discussion: / Who responsible:
Present / Natasha Lloyd, Allison Loo, Dixie Markham, PetaFellon, Jane Burnett, Yvette Terpolilli, Jo Arnold, Natasha Robertson, Michelle Hall, Ray Knight, Pauline, Olivia Motram, Donna Buckley, Jane Snare
Apologies / KarieMortem,Jody Coomer, Lecia Horton, PetaFellon, Agnes Kovacs.
Meeting Opened / 9.30am
Previous Minutes / 9thDecember 2016 / Accepted: Yvette
Seconded: Dixie
Business Arising / Carpark (Ray) – Stuart Murphy- visiting today to review and audit traffic issues at peak times.
Book exchange/buddy bench /P&C recruitment launch morning tea delayed. Jane Snare has pictures of designs. Ben Custom Designs to quote. Site to still be agreed upon. / Ray
Spending / Shelving for community room. $159x2=$320 / Yvette
All in agreeance.
Fundraising / 11th March election breaky-Menu bacon and egg and sausage burger and egg. Jane S to approach a supplier for bacon. Coffee Van to be booked (Jane B to give contacts). Donna, Yvette, Jane S, Peta, Michelle, Karie, Allison have volunteered, roster to be drawn up and others volunteers to be recruited. To be a food collection point for Cooby Cares.
7th April Easter raffle-sub-committee Lecia, Yvette, Jane B, Tash L. Donation letters to go out
24th June Quiz night- possible change of date to end of year because of venue availability. Once date set carry forward. School? Northlake Campus?
Professional quiz night organiser-Donna to get quote.
Letters to go out for sponsorship/donations etc from local and wider businesses. Liquor licence to organise if not at licenced venue.
Bunnings sausage sizzle-Allison contacted for availability. Possible July/August
Cashforclothes-Allison has followed up but with no response / Allison, Jane S
IN / Maggie Dent Forum-has been forwarded to parents in newletter.
Portacom computer promotion
Various fundraising promotions-biscuits/chocolate etc
Mother’s Day gift promotions
Donna Kirkland letter regarding asbestos risk (refer to general business) / Accepted:Jane B
Seconded: Yvette
Membership / Justine Phyllips
Treasurers Reports / General-N/A but extra funds to come in
Canteen-Total exp: $36.30.22, balance as of 2016 $7036.73 / Accepted: Olivia
Seconded: Jane S
Other Reports / Uniform –stock is in and is being distributed ok. Phasing out of Jumpers (seniors first) in prep for new design.
School Banking – Commission total for 2016 was $327.33. 3 new students.
Canteen –Menu changes to be brought forward when Peta returns. Survey for possible menu options and call for more volunteers. Costing options to be considered.
CLC Principal report- Pauline-25 students’ ATM, maybe more enrolling. No significant changes. 4 new kindy students.
CCS Principal report – 272 students. An extra year 2 class. Mrs Winmar appointed as teacher. Extra teacher and assistant to be appointed to alleviate stress in larger classes. Mrs Churchill to be acting dept head to cover LSL. Jo Koraer contracted as replacement. / All reports –
Accepted: Tash L.
Seconded: Olivia
General / New
Business / Donna Kirkland letter- letter to be reworded and then get P&C support before forwarding to various gov. bodies. Draft a letter for concerned parents to forward to Cockburn City Council. Asbestos testing on school site not permitted.
Bookclub launch-guidelines of use to be drawn up, launch date to be confirmed for the morning tea.
P&C meetings to be changed to Wednesdays 9.15am. 8th March AGM and general to follow. Notification in newsletter and FB page, Yvette to organise.
Templates for positions to be sent to Christiana.
All correspondence to be forwarded to Pauline ie AGM positions etc. Text announcement to parents to look at P&C page?
CCTV-Ray indicated that dept reluctant to do it. Looking at bringing up again and getting a quote. Security to be reviewed for community. Agnes and Michelle looking at insurance.
Peter Tinley to be contacted re: funding for school projects. / Allison, Ray
Olivia, Lecia, Allison.
Allison, Pauline
Ray, Allison
Allison. Jane S
Next meetings:
Wednesday 8th Feb 9.15am
Wednesday 8th March AGM (to be announced in newsletter and facebook) / Meeting closed: