Livelihood Mapping – Southeast Copper Segment Pilot Study
Executive Summary
April 2013
This analysis identifies potential locations for soft projects within the southeast segment of the Copper Corridor. The development potential of each area of 250km2 (cell) within that segment was scored based on (i) roads, (ii) markets, (iii) electricity, (iv) agriculture, (iv) districts’ infrastructure, development project delivery and capacity for governance, (v) size and type of National Solidarity Program projects, and (vi) distance from, and size of, district and provincial centers.
Six areas of interest of 5km2 each were then identified based on mean scores, as well as additional intelligence and local knowledge. Project suggestions are based solely on the analysis of spatial data, mapping and imagery, with no opportunity to conduct any ground check or local surveys. As such, all these suggestions need to be further explored locally.
1. Most Advantaged Areas of Interest
1.1 Surkh Rod
Signs of diversified farming and non-farming activity, with apaved road to the Provincial Capital.
Suggested projects:
- Improve electricity supply to the area.
- Improve local roads connecting communities, brick industry and agriculture to the main road.
- Support for the establishment of orchards or vineyards
1.2 Sarachah and Pitaw communities
Extremely well diversified agricultural activities and roadside trading activity. Suggested projects:
- Improve electricity supply to the area.
- Improve local roads connecting communities and agriculture to the main road
- Improved roadside trade along route 7
1.3 North of Shubdiani
Signs of diversified agriculture and significant roadside trading activity.
Suggested projects:
- Improve market infrastructure to encourage greater trade in the east of thisarea near route 7
- Improve electricity supply to the area
- Improve local roads connecting communities and agriculture to main road
2. Less advantaged
2.1 Ghezgai settlement
Highly productive and diversified agriculture, but extensive travel between homes and fields,and no local market.
Priority Project:
- Support the development of small market alongside, or south of, the main road to facilitate local trading from this area and potentially from further north.
Other potential projects:
- Provision of electricity
- Non-farm light industry
- Poultry farming
- Better roads within agricultural areas
2.2 Kuchian, Ani Khan Khel, Chine Kala and Akhundzadahgan settlements
Highly productive and diversified agriculture, but no local river crossing.
Priority project:
- Build a local river crossing to facilitate access to route 7.
Other potential projects:
- Provision of electricity
- Poultry farming
- Better roads within the agricultural areas
2.3 Butkhak and Maktab-e Mutawasetah-e Butkhak settlements
Very limited agricultural opportunities, but proximity to a planned road connecting Kabul to Jalalabad, and presence of electricity pylons throughout the area.
Priority project:
- Supply electricity to support diversification into light industry.
Other potential projects:
- Build another access route to the main highway
- Improve secondary roads within the area