Crab Orchard Elementary
Special Called SBDM Meeting
November 12, 2013
- Opening Business:
Members in attendance: Dreama Tomlison, James Pope, Crystal Preston, and Brian Swinney. Others attending meeting: Pam Hart. Mrs. Tomlison called the meeting to order.
- Crystal Preston made a motion to approve the agenda 2nd by Brian Swinney, consensus.
- Approval of October 8, 2013 minutes, James Pope
made a motion to approve, 2nd by Crystal Preston, consensus.
- Approval of October 23, 2013 minutes, Crystal Preston made the motion to approve, 2nd by James Pope, consensus
- Student Achievement
- Mrs. Tomlison discussed the most recent RTI data. There is progress being made throughout all grades. However, some students are not making adequate progress and those students are receiving interventions from both Mrs. McKnight and Mrs. Wyler. Special Education referrals have drastically decreased. The council is reviewing test results during PLC meetings.
- Planning
- 13-14 Curriculum maps
Each teacher was asked to look over 2012-2013 curriculum map and make adjustments if needed. Brian Swinney made the motion to approved the adjustments made, 2nd by James Pope, consensus.
- SBDM by-laws review (2nd reading)
Council had their 2nd reading of the SBDM by-laws with changes being made. Crystal Preston made the motion to approve the by-laws, 2nd by Brian Swinney, consensus.
- Curriculum Policy (2nd reading) Council had their 2nd reading of curriculum policy, Brian Swinney made the motion to approve, 2nd by James Pope, consensus.
- Alignment of State Standards policy (2nd reading) Council had their 2nd reading of the curriculum policy, Crystal Preston made the motion to approve, 2nd by Brian Swinney, consensus.
- Staff Assignment Policy- 1st reading
Changes have been made to staff assignment policy-removing job duties of principal that did not need to be in policy. This will be our 1st reading.
- Copier Policy review-1st reading
The council will discuss this policy again at our next meeting. It is been mentioned that possibly copies could be less for some grade levels in order to increase for others. Representatives are asked to discuss this will other stakeholders and report back at the next meeting.
- CSIP review- Goal #1
Council discussed the CSIP review goals 1 and 2
Goal 1-Proficiency: Strategies and interventions are being used with all grade levels and our goal is to increase proficiency scores.
Goal 2- Typical Growth: It has been discussed that writing is an area that we need to focus on. Mr. Pope suggested having a writing prompt throughout the entire school approximately 3 times a year. This will be done around the same time at the PAS test is given. The council thought this would be a wonderful thing to start.
- Program Reviews-Nothing to discuss at this time
- Budget Review-Marsha Abel sent Mrs. Tomlison the 2nd month allocation for 2013-2014. The allocation for the 2nd month is a decrease of $1457.00. This is due to our low enrollment for the year. Mr. Pope made the motion to approve, 2nd by Brian Swinney, consensus.
- Committee Review- Data from the PLC meetings from September 5 up to now was giving to the council to review. Teachers have discussed RTI progress, writing prompts, I CAN STATEMENTS, and the standards.
- On-Going Learning—KASC has submitted a spreadsheet of all elementary schools and their ranking of their KPREP schools. Mrs. Tomlison put together a sheet of elementary schools in surrounding districts, comparing our scores and theirs.
- Open Discussion
We had a great turn out for fall festival. Brian Swinney said it was wonderful to see all the students with their COES sweatshirts purchased by PTO, what a wonderful idea.
- Next Meeting: December 10, 2013
- Adjourn: James Pope made the motion to adjourn 2nd by Crystal Preston, consensus.
Approved 12/17/13