Special Called Council Meeting – November 12, 2015

Mayor Thomas L. Hardesty calledthe special calledmeeting to orderat 6:30 p.m. with the following council members present:Bobby Andriot, Mike Zoeller, Jon Swindler, and Frank Page. Absent: Donna Eaton and Shane Suttor

City Employees Present: Kevin Baker, Bryan Slone, Inez Harris, Mary Smith, Danny Goodwin, and Jennifer Herrell.

City Attorney: Steven Gregory

Invocation was given by Jeremy Cloninger, Youth Minister, Living Waters Church

All present pledged allegiance to the flag.

Minutes Special Called Meeting October 29, 2015

CouncilmemberAndriot moved to approve the minutes of the Special Called Meeting of October 29, 2015 as read by councilmembers prior to the meeting. Seconded by Councilmember Page.

All voted “aye” and motion carried.

Appointment – William E. Matthews to the Human Rights Commission to complete the unexpired term of Gary Walls to January 1, 2017.

Mayor Hardesty recommended William E. Matthews to the Human Rights Commission to complete the unexpired term of Gary Walls to January 1, 2017.

There was opposition to this appointment by members of the Kentuckians for the Commonwealth group.

Mayor Hardesty made the announcement that he will not move forward on the tabled Human Rights Ordinance. The current ordinance will stay in effect.

Councilmember Andriot moved to approve the appointment. Seconded by Councilmember Swindler.

The following council members vote “aye”: Page, Swindler, and Andriot. “Nay”: Councilmember Zoeller. Absent: Councilmembers Suttor and Eaton.

Ordinance/Amending the Pay Scale as set out in Ordinance No. 2015-04-16 for City of Shelbyville Police Officers – 1st Reading – Steven Gregory

Steven Gregory, City Attorney, read an ordinance of the City of Shelbyville amending the pay scale of City of Shelbyville Police Officers.

Councilmember Swindler moved to approve for first reading. Seconded by Councilmember Zoeller.

Bid Approval – Police Vehicles – Police Chief Danny Goodwin

Police Chief Danny Goodwin recommended the bid of $23,210 from Shelbyville Chrysler for the 2016 Dodge Chrysler 4 door sedan (AWD) and the bid of $26,968.76 for the 2016 SUV (AWD) from O’Brien Ford.

Councilmember Page moved to approve the recommendation. Seconded by Councilmember Swindler.

All voted “aye” and motion carried.uman Rights Ordinance. The current ordinance will stay in

Department Reports

Eilene Collins, Executive Director, Shelby Main Street, reported Steve Mador is their Neil Hackworth Volunteer of the Year. Their Project of the Year was 1011 Main Street. The Board of Directors recognized those who put their lives on the line every day. She presented Fire Chief Kevin Baker with a plaque and had previously presented one to Police Chief Danny Goodwin.

Jennifer Herrell, City Engineer/Public Works Director, reported 2 employees graduated from the UK Road Master’s Program. Celebration of Lights was a success. The storm drain repairs and sidewalk repairs are complete at 8th and Main.

Mary Smith, Personnel Director, reported working on hiring her replacement. Mandatory CPR/1st Aid Training for all departments is going on. Harassment training is set for December.

Bryan Slone, Golf Pro/Manager, reported golf rounds are up 2939 vs. 2269 last year. They have winterized the irrigation system for the winter. They are in the process of seeding the fairways.

Police Chief Danny Goodwin reported they had Community Helpers Day at First Baptist Church. They worked events at Kroger’s Fall Festival, Froggy at 6th Street Halloween, and Red Orchard Park’s Halloween party. Calls for September were 1,191 and October 1,186 for a total year to date of 11,856 calls through dispatch.

Fire Chief Kevin Baker reported they have received 2 grants for fire training grounds. We are trying to move our training ground from 7th Street out near the sewage treatment plant. The new recruitment class has 14 volunteers. We will start inspections in the downtown Historic District.

Mayor’s Report

Mayor Hardesty reported the Celebration of Lights drew a large crowd this year. The re-dedication of Veteran’s Park was a success. Senator Mitch McConnell, County Judge/Executive Rothenburger and I were among the speakers. The next chamber awards luncheon will be at Claudia’s. The guest speaker will be Bill Lamb of Fox 41 News on November 18th. The Farm-City Banquet will be on November 24th at the fairgrounds. Thanks to Judge Rothenburger and Craig Myatt for storing the city’s salt. They also helped to move it to our new salt bin.

Councilmember Zoeller moved to adjourn at 7:25 p.m. Seconded by Councilmember Page.

All voted “aye” and motion carried.


MAYOR: Thomas L. Hardesty



Inez Harris,City Clerk/Treasurer