Spec Mtg re Minutes
April 02, 2008
1. Time: 2:40 p.m.
Public Comments
2. None
Board Report(s)
3. Approval of Board Meeting Minutes
Attachment: 4-2-08.Minutes.doc
Minutes: The following minutes were submitted for approval: 3/12/08 - Special Meeting re: Committee Assignments; 3/12/08 - Special Meeting re: Broadmoor and Real Estate Items; 3/12/08 - Special Meeting re: Emergency Rule Alt to Suspension; 3/12/08 - Special Meeting re: Disciplinary Actions; 3/12/08 - Inlet Grove Update; 3/12/08 - Special Meeting re: Minutes; 3/19/08 - Board Meeting; 3/26/08 - Attorney Client re: Bruner; 3/26/08 - Special Meeting re: Construction Projects; 3/26/08 - Special Meeting re: 09 Calendar; 3/26/08 - Attorney Client re: Survivors; 3/26/08 - Special Meeting re: Personnel; 3/26/08 - 08 District Accreditation Actions; and 3/26/08 - Special Meeting re: Disciplinary Actions.
I recommend the Board approve the minutes as submitted. / - PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Sandra Richmond
Second: Paulette Burdick
Monroe Benaim / - Aye
Paulette Burdick / - Aye
Bill Graham / - Aye
Mark Hansen / - Aye
Carrie Hill / - Aye
Sandra Richmond / - Aye
Debra Robinson / - Not Present
4. Time: 2:40 p.m.
Spec Mtg re Expulsions
April 02, 2008
1. Time: 5:30 p.m.
Public Comments
2. None
Board Report(s)
3. Expulsion of Student 07/08-X-074
Attachment: QAExpul.doc
Attachment: X-074.pdf (Confidential Item)
Attachment: QA074.doc
I recommend the Board expel student 07/08-X-074 from the regular public school program of The School District of Palm Beach County for one (1) calendar year. On January 29, 2008, student 07/08-X-074 was charged with possession of other potentially dangerous items while on the campus of Tradewinds Middle School. I further recommend that the attached Final Order be adopted and entered by the School Board. / - PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Paulette Burdick
Second: Mark Hansen
Monroe Benaim / - Not Present
Paulette Burdick / - Aye
Bill Graham / - Aye
Mark Hansen / - Aye
Carrie Hill / - Aye
Sandra Richmond / - Aye
Debra Robinson / - Aye
4. Explusion of Student 07/08-X-067
Attachment: X-067.pdf (Confidential Item)
Motions:I recommend the Board expel student 07/08-X-067 from the regular public school program of The School District of Palm Beach County for one (1) calendar year. On January 14, 2008, student 07/08-X-067 was charged with possession of knife while on the campus of Conniston Community Middle School. I further recommend that the attached Final Order be adopted and entered by the School Board. / - PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Paulette Burdick
Second: Mark Hansen
Monroe Benaim / - Not Present
Paulette Burdick / - Aye
Bill Graham / - Aye
Mark Hansen / - Aye
Carrie Hill / - Aye
Sandra Richmond / - Aye
Debra Robinson / - Aye
5. Expulsion of Student 07/08-X-049
Attachment: X-049.pdf (Confidential Item)
Motions:I recommend the Board expel student 07/08-X-049 from the regular public school program of The School District of Palm Beach County for one (1) calendar year. On December 3, 2007, student 07/08-X-049 was charged with possession/use of drugs/imitation drugs (2nd possession; 1st possession was October 15, 2007) while on the campus of Loggers’ Run Middle School. I further recommend that the attached Final Order be adopted and entered by the School Board. / - PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Paulette Burdick
Second: Mark Hansen
Monroe Benaim / - Not Present
Paulette Burdick / - Aye
Bill Graham / - Aye
Mark Hansen / - Aye
Carrie Hill / - Aye
Sandra Richmond / - Aye
Debra Robinson / - Aye
6. Expulsion of Student 07/08-X-094
Attachment: X-094.pdf (Confidential Item)
Attachment: QAExp094.doc
7. Time: 5:50 p.m.
Spec Mtg re Personnel
April 02, 2008
1. Time: 4:15 p.m.
Public Comments
2. None
Board Report(s)
3. PD1-Personnel Agenda
Attachment: April 2 Special Meeting.pdf
Motions:I recommend the School Board approve the personnel agenda as submitted. / - PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Sandra Richmond
Second: Monroe Benaim
Monroe Benaim / - Aye
Paulette Burdick / - Aye
Bill Graham / - Aye
Mark Hansen / - Aye
Carrie Hill / - Aye
Sandra Richmond / - Aye
Debra Robinson / - Aye
4. Time: 4:15 p.m.
Attorney Client Session re Daniels
April 02, 2008
1. Time: 3:45 p.m.
Public Comments
2. None
Board Report(s)
3. Attorney Client Session re: PBCSB v. J. Daniels
Attachment: Jacqueline Daniels April 2, 08.doc
Our counsel has indicated a desire to obtain advice from the Board regarding settlement negotiations and strategies related to the case of School Board of Palm Beach County v. Jacqueline Daniels, DOAH case number 08-0710.
In accordance with Florida Statute 286.011, a closed-door, attorney-client session has been scheduled for now and was properly noticed. This session will take approximately 10 minutes.
The following people will be in attendance:
Blair R. LittleJohn, Esq. – Senior Counsel for the School Board
Vicki L. Evans-Pare´, Esq. – Counsel for the School Board
Board Members:
William Graham
Paulette Burdick
Mark Hansen
Sandra Richmond
Debra Robinson
Monroe Benaim
Carrie Hill
Superintendent, Arthur C. Johnson, Ph.D.
4. Time: 3:45 p.m.
Spec Mtg re 09 Calendar
April 02, 2008
1. Time: 4:15 p.m.
Public Comments
2. Helene Samango; Theo Harris; and Helen MacAfee
Board Report(s)
3. Consider Approval of the FY08-09 Calendar
Attachment: Option A_pages 1 and 2.pdf
Dr. Johnson extensively reviewed the proposed 2009 calendar and stated the reasoning for the issues that were brought up by public comments.
Board Members agreed to the following changes:
Moved the start of school up one day to August 18, 2008;
Scheduled school on October 17th (previously a professional conference day);
Scheduled school on Election Day, November 4th (previously a school holiday);
Made spring break one week earlier;
Five Pre-K days rather than four - August 11th will be the additional day;
Second semester begins on January 5, 2009;
June 5th will be the last day for students;
January 5th will be a teacher work day instead of January 16th; and
April 11th will be a holiday for teachers.
All student days off:
September 1: Labor Day
September 30: Fall holiday
October 9: Fall holiday
October 27: Teacher work day
November 26-28: Thanksgiving holiday
December 22-January 2: Winter holiday
January 5: Teacher work day
January 19: Martin Luther King Jr. Day
February 16: Presidents' Day
March 27: Teacher work day
March 30-April 3: Spring break
May 25: Memorial Day
Motions:I recommend the Board approve Calendar Option A as submitted. / - PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Monroe Benaim
Second: Mark Hansen
Monroe Benaim / - Aye
Paulette Burdick / - Aye
Bill Graham / - Aye
Mark Hansen / - Aye
Carrie Hill / - Aye
Sandra Richmond / - Aye
Debra Robinson / - Aye
Motion to amend Calendar Option A with the changes that were discussed. / - PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Monroe Benaim
Second: Paulette Burdick
Monroe Benaim / - Aye
Paulette Burdick / - Aye
Bill Graham / - Aye
Mark Hansen / - Aye
Carrie Hill / - Aye
Sandra Richmond / - Aye
Debra Robinson / - Aye
4. Time: 5:00 p.m.
Spec Mtg re MCIP
April 02, 2008
1. Time: 3:20 p.m.
Public Comments
2. None
Board Report(s)
3. Consider Suspension of the Master Controlled Insurance Plan
Attachment: Board Suspension Agenda Item.attachment.doc
Traditional contractor insurance costs have reduced substantially over the past 5 years. Workers’ compensation costs are 50% less and liability insurance is down 20 to 30%. However the premiums associated with participation in the Florida League of Cities, Master Controlled Insurance Program have not been reduced by similar amounts. As a result the District will not realize a savings on future projects. Staff did an analysis and estimated that the program would cost $66,000 more than the traditional contractor insurance programs on projects starting after 1/1/08, through 6/30/2010.
All currently enrolled projects will remain in the program and will be monitored for performance. The basis for insurance costs on these programs are the insurance rates at the start of the project. These projects may provide some savings but, not the amount that was estimated in 2005.
Staff will monitor the market for possible options and report back to the Board with proposed programs should the market conditions support more viable options that will project substantial savings.
Motions:I recommend that the Board suspend future construction projects from participation in the Florida League of Cities, Master Controlled Insurance Program effective April 2, 2008. / - PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Sandra Richmond
Second: Mark Hansen
Monroe Benaim / - Aye
Paulette Burdick / - Aye
Bill Graham / - Aye
Mark Hansen / - Aye
Carrie Hill / - Aye
Sandra Richmond / - Aye
Debra Robinson / - Not Present
4. Time: 3:25 p.m.
Spec Mtg re Budget
April 02, 2008
1. Time: 2:40 p.m.
Public Comments
2. None
Board Report(s)
3. Property Insurance Expenditure Transfer
Attachment: FEFP Legislative Reductions FY08.pdf
Attachment: SB 2502 - Use of 2 mill.pdf
Attachment: Balance FY2008 Budget.pdf
Attachment: QABdgt.doc
Attachment: QABudget.doc
Attachment: Non-Construction Available Balances 03-08.pdf
Attachment: Capital Budget Reductions.pdf
Due to declining State revenues, the Legislature further reduced education funding on March 12, 2008. The impact to the District's FY 2008 General Fund Operating Budget is a reduction of $14,867,354. The implementing bill (SB2502) which accompanied the revenue reduction provided some flexibility to qualifying school districts on the use of 2 mill capital improvement revenue. School districts that met 2007-08 class size requirements and certify that their instructional space needs had been met may expend up to $65 per unweighted FTE from the capital millage levy for vehicles and the payment of property and casualty insurance premiums. For Palm Beach, the authority is up to $10,972,520 based on current unweighted FTE of 168,808.
To assist with balancing the operating budget, the $8,978,074 property insurance expenditure may be transferred to the capital budget. Non-construction capital project budget balances from FY2007 and prior have been reviewed to identify a source for the property insurance premium. A list of the proposed capital budget reductions is attached.
At this time, the Legislature has only authorized the use of capital funds for this purpose through June 30, 2008.
Other actions taken to balance the FY2008 operating budget include a non-instructional hiring hold, travel restrictions, department non-salary budget reductions, and a recalculation of charter school budgets based on the revenue reduction which passes through the Florida Education Finance Program (FEFP).
Motions:I recommend the School Board approve funding the FY2008 $8,978,074 property insurance premium through the capital millage levy. / - PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Monroe Benaim
Second: Sandra Richmond
Monroe Benaim / - Aye
Paulette Burdick / - Nay
Bill Graham / - Nay
Mark Hansen / - Aye
Carrie Hill / - Aye
Sandra Richmond / - Aye
Debra Robinson / - Not Present
4. Time: 3:00 p.m.
Budget Workshop
April 02, 2008
1. Time: 3:00 p.m.
Public Comments
2. None
Board Report(s)
3. FY 2009 Budget Workshop
Attachment: FY2009 Revenue Forecast.pdf
Mike Burke, Chief Financial Officer, summarized the Florida Education Finance Program and reviewed the following: Impact per Student; Comparison of Millage Levies; Class Size Reduction; School Recognition/District Lottery; and Other Revenue streams expected to decline in FY2009.
Board Members discussed: budget cuts and revenue estimates staying the same after this years election.
4. Time: 3:20 p.m.
Spec Mtg re Policies
April 02, 2008
1. Time: 5:00 p.m.
Public Comments
2. Jan Porter
Board Report(s)
3. Special Meeting re: Policies
Attachment: ATOSS Reg.pdf
Attachment: 2267.pdf
Attachment: Script for 4-2-08.doc
Attachment: 5015adopt4-2-08.pdf
Attachment: 8101adopt4-2-08.pdf
Attachment: 565adopt4-2-08.pdf
Attachment: 81205develop4-2-08.pdf
Attachment: 7134develop4-2-08.pdf
Attachment: 804develop4-2-08.pdf
Attachment: ATOSS Rules and Procedures Notice.pdf
Attachment: QAPolicy4A.doc
Attachment: QAPolicy5D.doc
Attachment: 5091adopt4-2-08.pdf
Attachment: 518155develop4-2-08.pdf
Attachment: 801develop4-2-08.pdf
Attachment: QAPolicy.doc
Attachment: 812develop4-2-08.pdf
Attachment: QAATOSS.doc
I recommend the Board approve for adoption, repeal adoption, and development the attached policies as numbered and entitled in the description, with the following policies being pulled for discussion: 4-A Student Reassignment; 5-A Alternative to Out-of-School Suspension of Students; and 5-C Selection of Library Media Center Instructional Materials and Supplemental Classroom Instructional Materials. / - PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Paulette Burdick
Second: Debra Robinson
Monroe Benaim / - Aye
Paulette Burdick / - Aye
Bill Graham / - Aye
Mark Hansen / - Aye
Carrie Hill / - Aye
Sandra Richmond / - Aye
Debra Robinson / - Aye
I recommend the Board approve the following policy: 4-A Student Reassignment / - PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Paulette Burdick
Second: Sandra Richmond
Monroe Benaim / - Aye
Paulette Burdick / - Aye
Bill Graham / - Aye
Mark Hansen / - Aye
Carrie Hill / - Aye
Sandra Richmond / - Aye
Debra Robinson / - Aye
I recommend the Board approve the following policy: 5-A Alternative to Out-of-School Suspension of Students / - PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Debra Robinson
Second: Mark Hansen
Monroe Benaim / - Aye
Paulette Burdick / - Aye
Bill Graham / - Aye
Mark Hansen / - Aye
Carrie Hill / - Aye
Sandra Richmond / - Aye
Debra Robinson / - Aye
I recommend the Board approve the following policy: 5-C Selection of Library Media Center Instructional Materials and Supplemental Classroom Instructional Materials / - PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Sandra Richmond
Second: Paulette Burdick
Monroe Benaim / - Aye
Paulette Burdick / - Aye
Bill Graham / - Aye
Mark Hansen / - Aye
Carrie Hill / - Aye
Sandra Richmond / - Aye
Debra Robinson / - Aye
4. Time: 5:30 p.m.
Board Meeting
April 16, 2008
Call to Order
1. 5:10 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance
2. The Pledge Allegiance to the Flag and National Anthem were led by: Students from Boca Raton High School
Opening Remarks
3. Chairman Graham made opening remarks.
Approve Board Minutes
4. None
Board Member Disclosures
5. None
6. Marcus DiLallo-All-American Soccer Team
7. Boca Raton High-State NJROTC Champions
8. Downtown At the Cuillo-Education Partnership
9. The Days of Remembrance
Attachment: Days of Remembrance 2008.pdf
Motions:I recommend the School Board of Palm Beach County proclaims the week of Sunday, April 27, 2008 through Sunday, May 4, 2008, as Days of Remembrance in memory of the victims of the Holocaust, and in honor of the survivors, as well as the rescuers and liberators, and further proclaim that we, as citizens of Palm Beach County, Florida, should strive to overcome intolerance and indifference through learning and remembrance. / - PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Mark Hansen
Second: Paulette Burdick
Monroe Benaim / - Aye
Paulette Burdick / - Aye
Bill Graham / - Aye
Mark Hansen / - Aye
Carrie Hill / - Aye
Sandra Richmond / - Aye
Debra Robinson / - Aye
10. Employee Appreciation Week
Attachment: Employee Appreciation Week-April 2008 (2).pdf
I recommend the School Board of Palm Beach County proclaims April 14-18, 2008 as Employee Appreciation Week for the 21,707 School District employees. / - PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Sandra Richmond
Second: Debra Robinson
Monroe Benaim / - Aye
Paulette Burdick / - Aye
Bill Graham / - Aye
Mark Hansen / - Aye
Carrie Hill / - Aye
Sandra Richmond / - Aye
Debra Robinson / - Aye
11. Karen Clawson-Florida Siemens Award Winner
12. Karolina Bazua-3-Point State Basketball Champion
13. Julie Bollinger-State Winner The Director's Chair
14. Boca Raton High-6A State Swimming Champs
15. Michael Horgan-Teacher of The Year
16. Fair Housing Month & Workforce Housing
17. Proclamation for Water Conservation Month
Attachment: Proclamation
Motions:I recommend the Board approve proclaiming the month of April 2008 as Water Conservation Month. / - PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Sandra Richmond
Second: Debra Robinson
Monroe Benaim / - Aye
Paulette Burdick / - Aye
Bill Graham / - Aye
Mark Hansen / - Aye
Carrie Hill / - Aye
Sandra Richmond / - Aye
Debra Robinson / - Aye
18. G1 - Safe Schools - Healthy Students Initiative 2008
Attachment: Healthy Students Grant.pdf
Attachment: Data Panel SS HS Grant.pdf
Attachment: QAG1.doc
Attachment: QAG1.doc
Attachment: Alt Ed Feb 08 FTE All Sites.xls
Attachment: Alt Ed Oct FTE All Sites.xls
Attachment: QAG1.doc
19. G2-Florida Department of Education Project Application - Competitive Grant to School Districts
Attachment: Haitian Grant.pdf
Attachment: Haitian Grant .1.pdf
Attachment: BOARD-DATA-ITEM.xls
Charter Schools
20. CS1-Approval of the Renewal Application of Western Academy Charter School
Attachment: Exhibit B - App. Sections.pdf
Attachment: Exhibit A - App. Eval. Instrument.pdf
Attachment: Exhibit D - Data Panels.pdf
Attachment: Legal Checklist.pdf
Attachment: Exhibit C - App. Overview Process.pdf
Attachment: QACS1.doc
Attachment: 1002.33 (10)(e).doc
Attachment: 1003.03 class size.doc
21. AC1-SpringBoard Subscription Agreement Amendment 2
Attachment: Data Panel SpringBoard Subscription Agreement.xls
Attachment: SpringBoard Amendment 2.pdf
Attachment: QAAC1.doc
Attachment: SpringBoard Legal Sign Off.pdf
22. AC2-Cooperative Agreement with SP Behavioral, LLC, DBA Sandy Pines Hospital
Attachment: Sandy Pines Data Panel.pdf
Attachment: Sandy Pines Business Assoc Agreement.pdf
Attachment: Sandy Pines Policies & Procedures.pdf
Attachment: Sandy Pines Contract Review Checklist.pdf
Attachment: Sandy Pines Cooperative Agreement.pdf
23. AC3-Lease Agreement with St. John Missionary Baptist Church (Boynton Beach Alternative to Out of School Suspension [ATOSS ])
Attachment: St. John ATS Lease Document.pdf
Attachment: Data Panel ATS St. John Church.xls
Attachment: QAAC3.doc
Attachment: Legal Checklist St John.pdf
Attachment: QAAC3.doc
24. PD1-Consider Approval of the Master Inservice Plan
Attachment: Board Meeting Data Panel.pdf
Attachment: Early Childhood Conscious Discipline.pdf
Attachment: Acquisition Component Part 2.pdf
Attachment: Brain Gym.pdf
Attachment: Driving Safety Component.pdf
Attachment: Initiating Implementing in Title 1 Schools.pdf
Attachment: Integrating Student Assessment.pdf
Attachment: Integration of Career Component.pdf
Attachment: Job Hazard Component.pdf
Attachment: Leadership and Supervisory Skills.pdf
Attachment: New Educators.pdf
Attachment: Ruby Payne.pdf
Attachment: Trade Skills Component.pdf
Attachment: Train the Trainer Component.pdf
Attachment: Trends that Increase Performance.pdf
Attachment: Understanding Workers' Compensation Component.pdf
Attachment: Workplace Harassment.pdf
Attachment: Workplace Safety Component.pdf
Attachment: QAPD1.doc