January 18, 2012


4.2Section positions of Fall Sportchairs and Principals Rep to the Central Committee are open for nominations. Click forCurrent Nominations

5.1(b)DEFEATED: Motion to endorse continuation of the reduction of contests for 2012-13

5.2APPROVED Outside Agency Contests

5.3APPROVED Combining Schools for spring sports and football.


a)Section VI Budget for 2012-13

b)Funding for the Section VI Football website with the review of potential corporate sponsorship for the future


a)Girls Lacrosse and Softball Pre-season reports.

b)Venues for girls basketball semis and finals. See the Winter Calendar

c)Fall post-season reports as submitted except Girls Gymnastics


a)Modified Softball: The pitching distance at 43 feet. Leagues will have the option to use 40 or 43 feet.

b)Modified Softball: Innings 1-6 may be completed at 5 runs or 3 outs. The 7th inning shall be played as a normal inning, with 3 outs and no run restrictions for that inning

c)Modified Track & Field: Increasing the height of the hurdle in the 55m modified boys from 30 inches to 33 inches and using a six(6) pound shot for modified girls rather than 4K.

6.6(c)FOR LEAGUE DISCUSSION:Football: The state Safety Committee is recommending a change to 4 nights rest instead of 2 betweena scrimmage and a game. Leagues are asked to discuss the issue and be prepared to give the Central Committee reps direction at the March Athletic Council meeting.

11.1DEFEATED: Motion to request that Section VI representatives ask NYSPHSAA to revisit the consequences for exceeding the maximum number of contests (violation of Rule 19c)


January 18, 2012

Roll Call (* indicates attendance)

President / * / Jeff Rabey / Chem. Awareness / Matt McKenna / Jude Otto / * / Field Hockey
President-Elect / * / Brett Banker / Extended Eligibility / Jerry Baldelli / Jim Conley / * / Baseball
Supt Rep/Past Pres. / * / Mike Wendt / Finance / * / Loren Ratajczak / Rick Schmitt / * / Girls Lacrosse
Principals Rep / * / James Dunnigan / Modified (Boys) / Adam Stoltman / Jim Walker / * / Boys Basketball
Boys Rep / * / Don Scholla / Modified (Girls) / Katie McGowan / Ken Stoldt / * / Football
Girls Rep / * / Cindy Bullis / NYSAAA / * / Brett Banker / Jim Rusin / * / Girls Ice Hockey
Executive Director / * / Timm Slade / Policy Handbook / * / Cindy Bullis / Chris Mucica / * / AD Will East
Executive Assistant / * / Cindy Szczesny / Safety / Fred Thornley
Treasurer / * / Loren Ratajczak / Sect./Intersectional / * / Timm Slade / GUESTS
Parliamentarian / Ron Black / Sportsmanship / Doug Beetow / M. LaMorticella / * / Tapestry Charter
Transfer Chairman / Ron Black / B.Kiszewski / MMAA
Veterans / Jim Trampert
Superintendents Rep/AD / * / Aubrey Lloyd, Emerson / Mark Mondanaro, Emerson
Principals Rep / Kevin Eberle, Intl Prep / Mark Mondanaro, Emerson
Girls Rep / * / Andrea Norton, City Honors / Mark Mondanaro, Emerson
Boys Rep / David Thomas Jr., Intl Prep / Mark Mondanaro, Emerson
Superintendents Rep / StevePenhollow, Falconer / Pete Morgante, PineValley
Principals Rep / Jud Foy, CassadagaValley / * / Al Gens, Dunkirk
Girls Rep / * / Paul Ksionzyk, Olean / Lynne Bemis, Clymer
Boys Rep / Rick DeKay, Retired / * / Mel Swanson, Sherman
Superintendents Rep / Dr. Whitney Vantine, Tonawanda / Deborah Ziolkowski, Maryvale
Principals Rep / * / Jim Biryla, Holland / Mark Graff, Eden
Girls Rep / * / Marisa Fallacaro, Eden / Keith Lewis, CleveHill
Boys Rep / * / Jim Graczyk, Pioneer / Chris DeMarco, Sweet Home
Superintendents Rep / Bob Christmann, Grand Island / TBA
Principals Rep / * / Jim Spanbauer, Niagara Falls / Joe Greco, Kenmore West
Girls Rep / * / Mark DiFilippo, Niagara Wheatfield / Brett Banker, Ken-Ton
Boys Rep / * / Patrick Burke, Lockport / Jon Roth, Grand Island
Superintendents Rep / * / Kevin MacDonald, Roy-Hart / Michael Bonnewell, Albion
Principals Rep / * / Mark Kruzynski, Medina / Leslie Stauss, Albion
Girls Rep / * / Joel Reed, CharterSchool for Applied Tech. Technology / Randy Knaak, Albion
Boys Rep / * / Dave Carson, Barker / Doug Ames, Newfane
Superintendent Representation by BOCES
Erie 1 BOCES / * / Deborah Ziolkowski, Maryvale / TBA
Erie 2 BOCES / * / John O’Connor, Forestville / Pete Morgante, PineValley
ON BOCES / Roger Klatt, Barker / * / Jeff Evoy, Medina
CA BOCES / * / Mark Ward, Ellicottville / TBA


January 18, 2012

Items in yellow are reminders to the responsible parties, green are completed.Blue are hot-links



President Rabey introduced and welcomed Deborah Ziolkowski, the new Erie 1 BOCES Superintendents Rep. A note of appreciation was extended to Trophys Trophys, the sponsor for today’s luncheon.

3.0Motion to approve the minutes from the November 16, 2011 as submitted CARRIED Dunnigan/Ksionzyk


4.1Officials Coordination: Central Management/Assigning of Officials: Payment of boys and girls soccer officials at neutral sites using RefPay through Arbitersports is completed. Payments for regular season boys and girls ice hockey are in process. This method of payment is working well.

4.2Section VI Positions: The Section positions of Fall Sportchairs and Principals Rep to the Central Committee are open for nominations. Appointments will be made at the May Athletic Council meeting. There are currently no nominations for the Girls Tennis Sportchair position. It was noted that nominees for the Principals Rep should have Athletic Council experience. Leagues/ Committees are asked to forward nominations to Section VI at k forCurrent Nominations

4.3Section VI Newsletter: Copies are printed for featured athletes, Veterans who have requested one and Superintendents. Athletic Council members will receive an email with the link to the Newsletter.


5.1Communications from NYSPHSAA:

a)Cheerleading: SED will not address the issue of cheerleading as a sport so cheerleading will continue as it has in the past. An East/West NYSPHSAA Cheerleading Invitational may be proposed.

b)Reduction of contests was approved through 2011-12. Section 6 reps need direction for a vote if a motion to extend for another year comes up at the State Executive Committee meeting Jan. 22.

Motion to endorse continuation of the reduction of contests for 2012-13 6 YES 15 NO DEFEATED Wendt/Spanbauer

c)Uniform waivers will be requested from NYSPHSAA for field hockey, boys and girls soccer.

d)Concussion ManagementReminder: The new Concussion Management Law will go intoeffect on July 1, 2012. The NYSPHSAA is waiting for the proposed regulations and requirementsfrom the NYS Education Department and the NYS Department of Health. Schools should begin discussions on how to address thenew law. A draft policy and guidelines are on the NYSPHSAA website. Educate your coaching staff through a FREE on‐linecourse at .

5.2Motion to approve the following Outside Agency ContestsCARRIED Dunnigan/Bullis:

a)Southwestern Boys Basketball Holiday Tournament on 12/27-28/11 at JCC, cosponsored by Southwestern Central and JCC (pre-approved by T.Slade 12/18/11)

b) ECC Kats Boys Swimming Invitational on 1/7/12 at ECCCity, cosponsored by Pioneer Central and ECC (pre-approved by T.Slade 12/28/11)

5.3Combining Schools Requests (representing school is underlined):

It was noted that a subcommittee may be needed in the future to review the current policy of combining.

Motion to approve the following requests to combine CARRIED Dunnigan/Kruzynski

a)Tapestry with Maritime for Baseball

b)Frewsburg with Falconer for Boys Tennis

c)Ellicottville with WestValley for B&G Track

d)Catt-Little Valley with Southwestern for Girls Golf

e)Ripley with Sherman for Football

f)Brocton with Westfield for Football (Var and JV)

g)Roy-hart with Barkerfor Football

h)WestValley with Ellicottvillefor Football

i)Emerson & DaVinci with Hutch Tech for Footballpending receipt of signatures

j)MST, PerfArts, OTC, Lafayette and City Honors with Riversidefor Footballpending receipt of signatures

k)Olmsted with Bennett for Footballpending receipt of signatures

Motion to approve the following requests to combine CARRIEDCarson/Scholla

a)Lyndonville with Medina for Boys Soccer

b)Lyndonville with Medina for Football

Section VI Athletic Council Minutes

January 18, 2012

Page 2


6.1Finance CommitteeJanuary Report/Minutes

Fall sports financial reports will be posted when complete.Committee recommendations:

a)Budget: This is the 4th consecutive year with no dues increase in the budget.

Motion to approve the Proposed Section VI Budget for 2012-13CARRIED Biryla/Ksionzyk.The Finance Committee was commended for their efforts.

b)Football website: The anticipated annual cost of a football website consistent with the girls soccer and girls basketball sites is $1400. The sites include rosters, schedules and scores. Future funding can be sought from corporate sponsors posting ads on the sites. Motion to approve funding for the Section VI Football website with the review of potential corporate sponsorship for the futureCARRIED Reed/DiFilippo

6.2Sectional/Intersectional January Report/Minutes

Motion to accept the following recommendations of the committee CARRIED Dunnigan/Wendt:

a)Accept the Girls Lacrosse and Softball Pre-season reports. The new girls lacrosse alignment and schedule will benefit all schools and the program. Problems encountered during 2011 softball sectionals were addressed -a new cancellation policy was developed. The Sportchairs were commended.

b)Approve the venues selected for girls basketball semis and finals. High schools and NCCC will be used. See the Winter Calendar

c)Accept the fall post-season reports as submitted except Girls Gymnastics (to be reviewed by the committee March 1)


6.4Modified A.Stoltman(B) K.McGowan(G)

a)Modified Softball: Motion to approve the pitching distance at 43 feet CARRIED Bullis/WendtLeagues will have the option to use 40 or 43 feet.

b)Modified Softball: Motion to approvethat innings 1-6 may be completed at 5 runs or 3 outs. The 7th inning shall be played as a normal inning, with 3 outs and no run restrictions for that inningCARRIEDScholla/Dunnigan

c)Modified Track & Field: Motion to approveincreasing the height of the hurdle in the 55m modified boys from 30 inches to 33 inches and using a six(6) pound shot for modified girls rather than 4KCARRIEDBanker/Dunnigan

6.5Policy C. NO REPORT

6.6State Executive Committee/ Central Committee


b)PrincipalJ.Dunnigan NO REPORT

c)Boys RepD.Scholla


FOR SECTION DISCUSSION: Football: The state Safety Committee is recommending a change to 4 nights rest instead of 2 betweena scrimmage and a game. This may limit scrimmages to pre-season only, a possible detriment to leagues that now conduct scrimmages between games. This may be an action item at the May State Executive Committee meeting. Leagues are asked to discuss the issue and be prepared to give the Central Committee reps direction at the March Athletic Council meeting.

d)NYSPHSAA Ad Hoc Committees:

  • Strategic NO REPORT

6.7Extended Eligibility G. NO REPORT


The Committee is meeting January 20. Current report is on page 12 of the January Newsletter

6.9Transfer/ Foreign Report was emailed 1/13/12

6.10Sportsmanship NO REPORT

6.11Veterans (Retirees) J. NO REPORT

6.12Mixed CompetitionJ. NO REPORT


7.1All WNY Scholar Athlete G.Kaszubski N.Riccio

There were 795 nominations for the fall award. 132 were selected as winners.31 nominations will be held for spring (boys and girls golf). The remaining 632 nominees received Honorable Mention. Click for the results.ADPRO SPORTS is the cosponsor for this program.

7.2Charter SchoolsT.Slade NO REPORT

Section VI Athletic Council Minutes

January 18, 2012

Page 3


8.1Girls Lacrosse-Rick Schmitt Report from State Meeting 12/1/11:

The State tournament will be June 8-9 at SUNY Cortland in Section 3. A soft helmet is being investigated . The issue of allowing a suspended player to sit on the bench is in review.

8.2Boys Soccer-Todd Marquardt Report Posted Report from State Meeting 1/5/12

8.3Boys Tennis-T. McMahon Minutes Posted Report from State Meeting 12/12/11

8.4Field Hockey-Jude OttoReport from State Meeting 1/6/12:

The committee would like to return to the Friday-Saturday format for the state tournament. A request for a waiver of the uniform rule is being submitted. The post season report was updated to include the 2011 All-State players. J.Otto thanked all who worked the sectionals and regionals at Amherst.

8.5Girls Soccer-Chris Durr Report from State Meeting 1/9/12:

The girls committee, along with the boys committee,applied fora waiver for theGoalkeeper Jersey rule through 2015 and Home "white" jersey rule through 2016.

8.6Baseball-Jim ConleyReport from State Meeting 1/11/12:

All regional contests will be on Tues. June 5 with Wed., Thurs. and Fri. as rain dates. A two-day state tournament was discussed. Ticket prices for the state tournament are $8/game or $14 for a one-day pass (new). The umpire now has authority to remove an athlete with concussion symptoms. Modified must use the BBCOR bat in 2012. Rule changes if any will be available 1/19/12. Multiple sites have been reserved for sectional finals but will not be assigned until the participants are known. This should resolve some of the problems encountered in 2011.


9.1NYSPHSAA Reports  Dec Jan

NYSPHSAA President M.Ward reported that State Constitution and Policy revisions are being reviewed. The budget is in discussion with a planned vote for May. A 3-year budget plan has been suggested.

9.2NYSAAA ReportB.Banker NO REPORT

10.0FALL SPORTS POST SEASON REPORTS: Posted at the bottom of the AC page for 1/18/12

WINTER SPORTS REPORTS: No reports due Pre-Season (May)Post-Season (May)

SPRING SPORTS REPORTS: No reports due Pre-Season (Nov) Post-Season (Sept)


11.1Postponed from the November meeting:

Motion to request that Section VI representatives ask NYSPHSAA to revisit the consequences for exceeding the maximum number of contests (violation of Rule 19c)DEFEATEDBiryla/MacDonald



Respectfully submitted,

Cynthia Szczesny, Executive Assistant/ Recording Secretary