p. 476
Minutes of the Meeting of Standon Parish Council held on Thursday 24th November 2016 at 7.30pm in Standon & Puckeridge Community Centre, Station Road, Puckeridge.
PRESENT: Cllr Richard Boxall (chairman), Cllr Dick Rainbird MBE, Cllr Michael Marshall, Cllr Sally Crook, Cllr Chris Leage, , Cllr Graham Cowell,
CLERK: Belinda Irons
Sgt D Wallace
Procedural Items
16.220 Councillor apologies for absence: Cllr Pat Foot, Cllr Tony Hall, Cllr Mary Wilkinson.
16.221 Other Councillor absences: none.
16.222 Declaration of Members’ Interests (pecuniary/non-pecuniary) for this meeting:
Cllr Boxall: Planning: Resident of Town Farm Crescent
Cllr Rainbird: Parish Council representative on the Standon Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan personal
Property adjacent to SLAA site (Wickham Hill)
Cllr Crook Landowner in parish: Neighbourhood Plan: personal
Standon Village Hall Parish Council representative
Planning: Town Farm Crescent: friend of applicant’s family
Cllr Marshall: Standon & Puckeridge Community Centre & Standon
Village Hall Parish Council representative
Planning: Resident of Town Farm Crescent
Cllr Leage: Planning: Town Farm Crescent: relative of applicant
Cllr Cowell: Chestnuts & Glanton planning application: friend of family
16.223 Minutes of Previous Parish Council Extraordinary Meeting: 11th October. The minutes were incorrectly entered, and should have read Minutes for the meeting held on 27th October.
16.224 Chairman’s Announcements: none
16.225 Co-option of new Councillor: no new applications
16.226 Public comment or representation: no comments received
Meeting resumed for
16.227 Urgent matters not listed anywhere else on the agenda (for inclusion on the next agenda for full discussion):
Burrs Meadow Policy Document:
Cllr Rainbird commented that Burrs Meadow did not have a specific agenda point for him to make comment on the issue of the proposal for a policy to manage car parking.
Cllr Rainbird said he could not agree to the document named ‘Burrs Meadow Policy Document’ as he considers it to be incomplete. He suggested that there should be three distinct parts to a policy for managing Burrs Meadow, these being:
1. general management and maintenance of Burrs Meadow including penalties for mis-use by damage to any part and any boundary; by dog fouling and depositing litter etc., perhaps covered by specific PC By-laws;
2. specific management by others under a form of Agreement which allows a designated part of Burrs Meadow to be used for car parking for those attending a local event such as the wedding, funeral etc. of a parishioner;
3. specific management by others under a form of Agreement which allows the whole of Burrs Meadow to be used for a use which benefits parishioners such as part of May Day celebrations.
He also suggested that parts 2 and 3 of a policy should be capable of being combined so that an event using the whole of Burrs Meadow could include parking for that event such as a marquee for the wedding of a parishioner. He asked Councillors to give serious consideration to his suggestions.
Cllr Rainbird advised Councillors of his findings relating to the lease, and recommended professional advice be sought in relation to uses of the meadow. NEXT AGENDA
16.228 PCSO Clark report:
Sgt Wallace reported the rural areas have been subjected to a high incidence of poaching, both hare and deer. The deer poaching is of particular concern as the poachers use high velocity rifles, which may prove dangerous should the target be missed. The rural team have access to a number of off-road vehicles, and a number of officers trained in this type of pursuit. Other equipment can be deployed to gather evidence.
Sgt Wallace confirmed that 70% or more of the PCSO for Standon’s time is spent in the parish. Due to the size of the parish, he may not be readily visible. A considerable amount of time has been spent in Latchford dealing with incidents.
Following on from PCSO Clark’s report last month, Sgt Wallace commented that whilst austerity measures had impacted the rural area, the Neighbourhood Teams had been maintained and were operating well in the rural area.
Fly tipping is a major concern, and proves costly for the landowner or the public to pay for. The incident in Gore Lane where 48,000 litres of white liquid had to be pumped out to stop it going into the river, has cost the tax payer in excess of £160,000. If anyone sees anything suspicious please telephone it in to the Police and EHDC. Intelligence will save the parish money.
A120/Cambridge Road junction: unless there is an injury to a person, it is unlikely the Police will be involved. Vehicle to vehicle collisions are not routinely attended provided all lawful actions have been undertaken by those involved. It is now managed and assessed by insurance companies.
Cllr Rainbird commented that the traffic assessment carried out by the Highways contractor for Strutt & Parker in relation to the Cafe Field planning application reported only one incident in the past five years. There were a number of incorrect assumptions made by the author, including that traffic would exit the A10 roundabout slowly, which is not the case.
There are also issues surrounding pedestrians crossing the A120 at this point to access the bus stop on the opposite carriageway, which may include school children once the development has taken place.
Sgt Wallace will evaluate what methodology may be utilised to provide more accurate data.
16.229 County Councillors Report
Cllr Andrews has confirmed that a Herts County Council Highways traffic survey will requested for the A120.
Gauldie Way has had LED lanterns fitted to the lighting columns
Gigaclear is currently running well behind the timeframe anticipated to deliver superfast broadband to homes.
16.230 District Councillor Report: Cllr Boylan sent apologies as he was attending an EHDC meeting.
16.231 Actions Update by Councillors; items entered on the agenda
Business Items:
16.232 Neighbourhood Plan: update:
The Neighbourhood Plan is now open to public consultation. Comments received will be assessed at the next Neighbourhood Plan meeting, and will be reported to the January Parish Council meeting.
Open meetings review: this will be discussed at the next SPNDP meeting with the results presented to the January Parish Council meeting.
Affordable Housing: Standon Charities have been approached with a view to managing affordable housing for local people, but this would require the developers and EHDC working with the Charity.
Letters to consultees: letters have been sent.
16.234 Planning Matters:
Cafe Field: update on meeting
This was an updating meeting for the Parish Councillors on the current revised application submitted by Strutt & Parker for 160 new dwellings, rather than the original 205 dwellings.
The top of the field is still included, but there is a wider landscaped band in the centre of the site on the steep slope.
EHDC Planning Officer Martin Plummer made it clear that Strutt & Parker has worked very hard with EHDC to produce a scheme which would be acceptable, given the current District Plan situation with a lack of a 5 year plus 20% contingent available housing land, and a District Plan just going to consultation.
The clerk has contacted EHDC to ascertain what activity is being carried out on Cafe Field. EHDC has advised archaeology investigation which is required as part of the planning application.
EHDC: draft District Plan consultation: discussion re response:
Councillors have reviewed the District Plan, and the comments will be formulated into a letter by the clerk. ACTION: CLERK
Planning applications
3/16/2476/HHPlanning application / The Conifers, Hill Farm Nursery, Old Hall Green
Two storey front/rear extensions, single storey rear and side extensions, raise roof to facilitate loft conversion, new front and rear dormer windows and first floor flank window: objection: overdevelopment, overbearing in the environment and the street scene.
Planning application / Sewage Treatment Works, Hadham Road, Standon
Installation of a 30m lattice tower on a concrete base within a 2.1m high palisade fenced compound. To install 6 x antennas on a head frame at the top of the lattice tower, 2 x 300mm dishes attached to the lattice tower and 2 x equipment cabinets and 1 x PSU at ground level on the concrete base. no objection
Planning decisions:
3/15/2081/OUTDecision awaited
Request from EHDC for S106 projects
Parks & public gardens: £68,543.90
Outdoor sports facilities: £189,833.67
Amenity green space: £29,198.86
Children & young people: £28,037.76
Community Centre: £50,662.00 / Land off Standon Hill, Puckeridge
Outline planning for up to 160 houses with all matters reserved except access
Decision awaited / Land adjacent to Buntingford Road/A10/Clements Close, Puckeridge
Outline application for 11 dwellings. All matters reserved except for access.
Decision: deferred / The Chestnuts & Glanton, Cambridge Road, Puckeridge
Demolition of buildings. Closure of access points. Erection of 29 x dwellings with associated infrastructure and creation of access to Cambridge Road
Reserved Matters permission granted / Land East of Cambridge Road, Puckeridge
Application for approval of reserved matters for 3/14/1627/OP for appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the erection of 24 houses and provision of public open space, landscaping, parking and associated works
Decision awaited
Listed building Decision awaited / St Edmunds College, Old Hall Green
Re-roofing the new wind and Allen Hall building, to include insulation and recovering existing or reclaimed slates. Replacement dormers to match existing. Replacement of existing lead roof.
Permission granted / Falcon House, 2 Stortford Road, Standon
Change of use of annexe outbuilding for short-term tenancy
Outline decision awaited / Land at Stortford Road/Town Farm Crescent, Standon
Outline application for the erection of 15 dwellings with all matters reserved except access
Decision awaited / 86 Station Road, Puckeridge
Dormer window to rear
Decision awaited / Ashley House, Wellpond Green
Erection of entrance gates
Decision awaited / Linden Cottage, Paper Mill Lane, Standon
Detached four bedroom dwelling
Appeal: Dutch Barn, Barwick Farm, Barwick
16.235 Finance: Itemised Payments will be shown on a separate Appendix Finance Committee: update
Finance Summary: Balance Brought Forward: £183,562.69 Plus Income: £0.00
Less October Payments £7,291.74
Total available to Council £176,270.95
Unity Bank: update on progress: application sent.
Workplace Pension: update:
The clerk will seek additional information to enable the forms to be completed. These will then be circulated to ensure Councillors are fully aware of what is proposed to be submitted. ACTION: CLERK
Finance Committee meeting: recommendations
Precept: to be agreed as £79,000
Documents were circulated to all Councillors for comment and input prior to the Finance Committee meeting. Councillors discussed the proposed budget and precept and agreed that it was an acceptable assessment of anticipated income and expenditure.
A formal adjustment to the budget for 2016/17 was recommended to ensure that urgent tree works and works to the play area would be achieved in the current financial year.
PROPOSAL: That Standon Parish Council herewith agree to transfer the sum of £2,000 (two thousand pounds) from the ‘Planning Defence’ budget to the ‘Other’ budget specifically to pay for the urgent tree works, and a further £2,000 (two thousand pounds) is to be transferred from ‘Planning Defence’ budget to ‘Play Area’ budget to pay for the urgent works as detailed in the contractor’s quotation in response to the Play Inspection Co., safety report. PROPOSED: Cllr Boxall, seconded Cllr Crook. AGREED AND RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY.
The budget and precept is to be discussed again at the January Finance Committee meeting and formally agreed at the next full Parish Council meeting.
16.236 Assets of Community Value
Colliers End Village Hall: meeting to be arranged
16.237 Members Portfolio Updates: individual Councillors
Cllr Boxall
Clerk’s performance & salary review: ongoing
Matters Arising: advice from HAPTC
A suggestion to amend the agenda to read: Review and Actions Update before Urgent Matters was agreed at the meeting. This will enable Councillors to raise issues pertaining to their respective actions.
Cllr Rainbird
Highways and Transport: updates
Licences: A meeting with the Bowls Club has been scheduled.
Buntingford Road: bus stop: no update has been received from HCC. The double yellow lines have been put in and it is clear that parking cannot be permitted in the area recommended for the bus stop move.
Barwick Ford: in process for works: proposal for weight restriction: on hold to assess the impact of the closure of Gore Lane for repairs.
Park Lane and Roman Way: tree management: The tree surgeon has assessed a number of trees. There was a recommendation to plant shrubs to stop vehicles parking on the verges of Roman Way after two trees are removed.
PROPOSAL: That Standon Parish Council herewith approve the management of trees as described in the quote from the tree surgeon to a cost of £1,330. PROPOSED: Cllr Rainbird, seconded Cllr Marshall. AGREED AND RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY.
Cllrs Marshall & Hall
Community Centre: update
The Section 106 application has been submitted to EHDC for approval for the new kitchen.
Lankester Lounge: disabled access: a folding ramp will be purchased.
Tennis Club licence: ongoing.
Community Centre: height barrier update: Cllr Rainbird has measured the area and a barrier of 7.5m is required. The clerk will send the agreed barrier design to the contractor for consideration.
Cllrs Marshall & Crook
Standon Village Hall: update
The clerk will request details of the contractor appointed to install the new windows with an associated quote. ACTION: CLERK
Cllr Marshall
The Moors: shed incursion: on hold.
Cllr Cowell
Footway Lighting: update: the clerk will chase HCC.ACTION: CLERK
Grounds Maintenance & Small Works Contracts:
The contracts have been written. They will be circulated to Councillors
for further consideration. A map will be produced for the large areas
under contract, with a description of small sites. ACTION: CLERK
Cllr Leage
Wellpond Green: update on highways issues: Cllr Leage met Cllr
Andrews on site and had an informative meeting.
16.238 Clerk’s updates
Tree management: agreed. See item 16.237 above
Highways signage: ‘deer on the road’: update: no new signage will be approved due to lack of evidence that signage works to reduce speed.