Departmental Orientation Checklist

Employee Name______Department ______Employee#______

Orientation to the Department

/ or N/A
1. Tour of the department, introduction to staff- storing personal items
2. Time clock use- how to retrieve messages, usenon-punch forms.
3. Bulletin boards/notices
4. Parking/Smoking policies

5. Chain of command for department/ SCH Organization Chart

6. Function of other personnel in dept by title

7. Review of individual job description/role expectations/goals- sign & return to HR

Policies and Procedures

1. Location of policies and how to access them- P drive on computer

2. OSHA’s Right to Know- MSDS- how to access them 888-362-7416. PPE location & use. Universal Precautions- treat all blood & body fluid as if it is infected.

3. Hazardous waste; Blood borne (cuts, wounds, sharps) & Airborne pathogens; Infection control- proper handwashingIn-house employees who go in patient rooms- CONTACT RESPIRATORY THERAPY AT EXT 1450 FOR RESP FIT TESTING

4. Emergency procedures and the employee role

a. Code Red- “Life Safety” training- location/use of fire extinguishers, evacuation plan, RACE/PASS

b. Code Yellow- your job during a disaster, include discussion regarding earthquakes, weapons of mass destruction and our disaster response plan

c. Code Black- tornado; what is your job

d. Code Baby/Code Adam- your role


5. Attendance- absenteeism, tardiness, call-in and sick leave policies

6. Vacation requests. PDO- request form, process for submitting, rules regarding use

7. Overtime policy and procedure; schedule, staffing, our duty to flex staffing as needed

8. Dress code- name badge must be worn, uniform policy

9. Use of telephone, fax, copier and intercom system

10. Employee injury form, process to follow if hurt on the job- You and Sup go to ER before end of shift that day. Exposure- go to Convenient Care immediately

11. Breaks/Lunch- must clock out if you leave campus for any reason unless business

12. Productive Work Environment policy- behavior that is discriminatory, harassing, or

disruptive will not be tolerated. Be sure to read the policy carefully.

13. Evaluation tools- 30/60/80 day reviews, annual evaluation, disciplinary process

Information Management

1. Confidentiality- breech is grounds for termination

2. Access financial or medical information only if needed to care for patient you are currently treating. Disciplinary action will result for accessing your own or anyone else’s information.

3.Give them phone code and show them how to use it ______

4. Medical and financial information is protected

Quality Assessment/Performance Improvement- forms to use. Six Sigma/Balanced Scorecord/CSR calendars.

*Sign up for nextYellow Belt training session.

SCH Mission and Values (RICE)

Sparta Community Hospital District exists to improve the wellness of our communities by providing and coordinating compassionate, value- based health services.
Respect, Integrity, Collaboration, Excellence

Compliance Program/Standards of Conduct reviewed

Computer Programs

1. CPSI (clocking in, accessing patient information, printing an MBD, all other pertinent functions)

2. Outlook (checking/sending e-mails, calendar, tasks, and any other function needed)

3. Any other computer programs used in the department (list by name)

Forms Review

1. Informed Consent

2. Patient Rights

3. Education Log- every employee should have 1. Turn in annually.

4. Patient Injury, Visitor Injury, Unusual Occurrence Forms


Competency checks required on key functions of job as outlined in job description. Must do return demonstration or test to show competency. Documentation that this was done must be submitted to HR before employee may perform these tasks independently and/or without supervision.

Equipment/Device Safety
Employee must be trained how to properly use any equipment or devices they will be working with, what to do if it is not functioning properly or if they have questions.

The above information has been reviewed with me. All questions have been answered and I understand my obligation to perform my job ethically and effectively and to report any concerns or request additional training/education as needed. I know where to locate departmental and housewide policies and agree to attend annual retraining and other meetings as required.


Employee SignatureDate

Training has been completed for the above employee. Questions have been answered. Employee will be required to successfully complete initial competencies on key functions prior to working independently and annually thereafter. A copy of those competencies will be submitted to HR for the employee’s personnel file. The need for additional training/education of staff will be assessed on an ongoing basis and provided as needed.


Supervisor/Manager SignatureDate

Form 396 (06/08/15)