The Public Utility Law Section (PULS) of the Pennsylvania Bar Association is seeking nominations for the Christianson Award to be presented at the 2017 Public Utility Bench Bar Conference on June 1, 2017.
In addition to (and not in lieu of) completion of this nomination form in full, PULS will consider letters of recommendation in support of a nomination, if submitted.
The nomination deadline is Friday, May 3, 2017.
Each nominee must satisfy the following criteria as set forth in the cover document:
The Honoree is to be an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the development, improvement or furtherance of the profession of public utility law in Pennsylvania. The award may be given for some past or current activity by the Honoree, or for the life's work of the Honoree. The Section Council shall solicit nominations from the membership with an explanation of the basis for honoring the nominated on a biennial basis. The award will be presented in conjunction with a bar association, educational or other event generally attended by members of the Section.
Current Position:
Past positions held (if known) (use additional sheets if necessary):
1. Summarize the Nominee’s outstanding contribution to the development, improvement or furtherance of the profession of Public Utility Law in Pennsylvania (use additional sheets if necessary).
2. List any other factor(s) that you believe would assist in evaluating this nomination. In discussing other factors, you may highlight, among other things, the person’s character and personality, overall involvement in the community, role as a mentor, and positive influence on the bar and the profession. (Please use additional sheets as necessary).
3. To your knowledge, has this person been previously nominated to receive the Christianson Award:
4. If available, please provide the name, e-mail and telephone number of the supervisor or head of the Nominee’s current office, firm, or department.
E-mail address:
Phone Number:
5. If available, please provide the name, e-mail and telephone number of an appropriate person to introduce the nominee if chosen as the award recipient, and an explanation of why this person was chosen.
E-mail address:
Phone number:
Thank you for your time and attention in completing this Nomination, as well as for your active participation as a member of the Public Utility Law Section.
Nominator’s Name: / Title/Office:E-mail: / Telephone :