NOVEMBER 19-21, 2003


You must make your hotel reservations individually no later than October 28 and clearly identify yourself as being with college Registrars to reserve your room at the rate of $89 per night for single or double occupancy. Make reservations by calling (423) 756-0002 or 1-800-841-1674.


(Deadline - November 4, 2003)

Please type or print clearly

Name:______Name for Badge:______

Title:______Institution: ______

Telephone Number:______Fax Number: ______E-Mail: ______

Mailing Address: ______

Street City State Zip

Please check those that apply: ____Member ____Presenter ____Chair/Recorder ____Vendor ____Guest ____ *First-time Attendee

_____ *I will be attending the First-time Attendee Breakfast

(Thursday, November 20, 7:30 a.m.)

____ **Past Presidents of TACRAO

____ **I will be attending the Past Presidents' Dinner

(Thursday, November 20, 6:30 p.m.)

Complete this form and return with payment (make checks payable to TACRAO) by November 4 to: Shelia Kendrick, Transcript Analyst, Tennessee Technological University,

P. O. Box 5036, Cookeville, TN 38505.

No refunds will be issued after Tuesday, November 14, 2002.

TACRAO Member Registration and Activity Fees:

______$ 120 Registration Fee (by November 4) includes all programmed activities

______$ 130 Late Registration Fee (November 5 and later, including on-site)

______TOTAL (A)

Guest Registration and Activity Fees:

______$100 Registration Fee (by November 4) includes all sessions/workshops and breaks

______$ 40 BIG EVENT - Wednesday, November 19

______$ 20 Business Luncheon - Thursday, November 20

______$ 12 Full Breakfast - Friday, November 21

______TOTAL (B)

I will require Americans with Disabilities Act special assistance on site.

______GRAND TOTAL (A & B)

Please COMPLETE THE back of this registration form.

Note: Additional copies of this form may be printed from the TACRAO website


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The Chattanooga Marriott meeting rooms can easily accommodate sessions of any size, so it is not necessary to register for individual sessions. However, it is very important that you indicate which of the following activities you will attend.

Wednesday, November 19

5:00-9:00 pm

_____ The Big Event — Tennessee Aquarium

Thursday, November 20

11:45 am - 1:45 pm

_____ Luncheon / Business Meeting

_____ Please check if you would prefer a vegetarian meal for the Business Lunch

_____ Hospitality/Dessert Bar

Friday, November 21

7:30-8:30 am

_____ Breakfast


v  Make hotel reservations by October 28.

v  Send registration form and payment no later than November 4.

v  There will be a $10 late fee for those registering after November 4.

v  No refunds will be issued after Tuesday, November 14.

v  Each school is encouraged to bring at least one logo item to be used as a door prize.

v  TACRAO Web Address: http://www.tnacrao.org

v  TACRAO List Serve: