Spanish -Illera Grading, Rules and Procedures PMS 2015-16

Grading Scale


Spanish -Illera Grading, Rules and Procedures PMS 2015-16

98 -100% …A+

94 - 97% … A

90 - 93% … A –

87 - 89% … B+

84 - 86% … B

80 - 83% … B-

77 - 79% … C+

74 - 76% … C

70 - 73% … C-

67 - 69 % … D+

64 - 66 % … D

60 - 63 % … D-

 0 - 59 % … F


Spanish -Illera Grading, Rules and Procedures PMS 2015-16

Credit Policy

  • Quizzes and tests: …... 30%
  • Classwork,homework: 60%
  • Participation: ……….. 10%


Notes: Grade percentages are approximate. Final grades will average the total number of points for

all kinds ofassignments (tests, quizzes, projects, classwork, homework and other activities).

 A grade of C or above is required by the state to be promoted.


  • Credit will be given for work completed and turned in on time.
  • Unexcused absences and tardiness will result in loss of credit for missed assignments.
  • Unpreparedness, not following procedures or directions and behavioral and discipline issues will result in the loss of weekly participation points.

Absences and Tardiness

  • Credit for delayed work will be grantedonly in case of excused absences or tardiness.
  • Make-ups for tests and quizzeswill begranted only for excused absences.
  • Absences must be cleared by the attendance office, not the teacher.
  • It is the students’ responsibility to check due work and missed materials because of absences.
  • Work for absences has to be turnedin daily for each missed day after first day of retuning to class;otherwise, the credit will be missed. If necessary, students should check with teacher for alternative arrangementswhen returning to class.
  • A fifth tardy will result in a referral to counselor.

Materialsto Bring Daily

  • You must bring daily your textbook and workbook(s), your binder for the subject, standard paper, a pencil, and a blue or black pen.
  • Other materials may be requested in advance.

Note:Whiteoutis not to be used in this class. Mistakes in pen are to be crossed out with a single line in parentheses.

Binderand Assignment Procedures

  • Students need a three-ring binder for the class. You can just have a section for Spanish and use the rest of the binder for other subjects.
  • All assignments, class notes and handouts for the last three school weeks must be kept orderly by date in the binder. This includes all returned work. Binders may be checked periodically for a grade.
  • You can do your work in an easy-tear three-hole notebook for this subject and detach the assignments when you are requested to turn them in.

All detached papers must be clean-cut.

  • Hand-written assignments in paper must be done in standard three-hole ruled sheets, in blue or blacknon-fluorescent pen that does not bleed through.
  • Name of student, (Last Name, First Name) period and date must be written inthe front upper right corner of all sheets.
  • All assignments must be cross-referenced. To cross-reference an assignment first write down the date it was assigned on the upper right of your sheet of paper;as a heading, on the left margin, writethe source of the assignment (TB for textbook, WB forworkbook, etc.)followed by the page number of the book and the activity number. If you continue working on the same page on a different date, write the new date double-spaced on the right.
  • Assignments must be written on double space. Single-spaced paragraphs won’t be accepted.


  • Eating, chewing and sleeping are not allowed in the classroom. Candy and gum are not allowed.
  • The only drink allowed inclass is water. Students must bring their own water in leak-proof hard containers to be kept closed and away when not drinking. Cup or soft plastic bottles will not be allowed. No passes will be given for drinking water or refilling containers.
  • Electronics must be turned off and kept away; otherwisethey will be confiscated.
  • Head coverings (caps, hats, hoods, etc.) are not allowed and must be kept away.
  • Students are allowed two (2) hall passes per quarter. Passes will be given only to a student at a time. No student will be allowed to leave if a previous student is still out with a pass.
  • Students must use the restroom between classes.
  • The classroom must be kept clean and tidy at all times. Students must clean after themselves and are responsible for keeping their area clean.
  • The class is dismissed by the teacher, not the bell. Students will be told when they can pack and must remained seated until dismissed. Students will be requested to have their area clean to be dismissed.


  • District and school rules always apply.
  • Not following directions or breaking the rules will result in detentions or referrals.
  • Failure to serve detention will result in a referral to counselor.
  • Each referral will deduct the equivalent of the 10% participation points of the current week.

Please sing and date to acknowledge the above rules, standards and procedures:

STUDENT: ……………………………………………………………………………………… Period:……

(Last Name, First Name)

Signature:……………………………………………………… Date: ……………………………….

PARENT or GUARDIAN: …………………………………………………………………..…………

Relationship: ………………………………………………………………………………..……………

Preferred Contact Phone: …………………………… Email: …………………………………………

Signature: ………………………….……………….. Date: ………………………………..