Spanish III Syllabus 2017-2018

Instructor: Mrs. Suzanne Charles

School: Allegany-Limestone MHS


Course: Spanish III Regents

Textbook and materials: ¡Avancemos!:McDougal Littell 2008 (provided by teacher). It is also recommended that you acquire a mid-sized dictionary to facilitate your reading/writing assignments, a two inch three-ring binder, paper, and pens.

Course Description: Spanish III-Regents is designed to expand on the language skills mastered in Spanish II, emphasizing the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing with a focus on more advanced grammatical structures. Since learning a language requires practice and use, there is a focus on pulling the information learned throughout the program together for students. The NYS Regents examination in Spanish is no longer offered; however, a final examination, comparable to the NYS Regents examination in Spanish, is given at the end of this year. Each student is required to take the final examination which is administered to students during the week of Regents examinations; the oral testing component will be given at an earlier scheduled date (typically in mid-May). A passing grade on the localfinal examination, in addition to passing this course, isone of the requirements for earning the Advanced Regents Diploma.

Prerequisite: Spanish II


Grading Policy:

Your final grade will be determined based upon the following:

Oral Proficiency: 24%

Listening Proficiency: 30%

Reading Proficiency: 30%

Writing Proficiency: 16%

These percentages are based upon the states recommendation for the breakdown of the final examination (administered during Regents week in June).

  1. It is essential that you complete assigned work prior to coming to class (when expected) and complete other assignments in a timely manner. This is required in order to be able to participate and contribute to the class.
  2. Presentations, projects, essays, quizzes, etc. regarding films, voicethread submissions, literature, culture, or experiences related to the vocabulary are an integral part of this course and compromise parts of your overall grade.
  3. A unit test will be given after completion of each chapter (1-8). Tests compromise a percentage of your grade which will be broken up according to reading, writing, listening, and when included speaking portions.
  4. Oral proficiency in Spanish is essential to one’s success in this course. This grade will be based upon classroom oral participation and overall performance on quarterly voicethread submissions.

In addition to the textbook and teacher created activities, students will be completing practice examinations which include speaking, listening, reading and writing elements to prepare for the final examination in June during Regents week. This practice will count toward both quiz and test grades, as determined by the teacher.

Classroom Expectations:

Any given assignment is to be completed by the deadline. No late assignments will be accepted, unless extenuating circumstances arise and the teacher has given approval for an extension. In case of illness, you are responsible for finding out what you missed. You will have the number of days you missed to make up any given assignment if you have a written excusal. Formal headings are to be used on all assignments. Participation in this course is required; Spanish is to be spoken as frequently as possible. Cooperation and politeness are expected in this class at all times.

Plan básico del curso

Lección 1- Nos divertimos al aire libre

  1. Vocabulario: camping, nature, family relationships, at the beach
  2. Gramática: preterite tense of regular verbs, irregular preterites, imperfect tense, preterite vs. the imperfect
  3. Todo Junto: Diálogo
  4. Literatura: <Hermandad>, <Viento, agua, piedra> by Ocatvio Paz; <Como agua para chocolate> by Laura Esquivel
  5. Conexiones: Mariposas migratorias
  6. Escritura: Una experiencia inolvidable

Lección 2- ¡Es hora de ayudar!

  1. Vocabulario: volunteer activities and projects, requests and recommendations, Media
  2. Gramática:Tú commands, other command forms, pronouns with commands, impersonal expressions + infinitive
  3. Todo Junto: Diálogo
  4. Literatura: <En la Ocho y la Doce> by Roberto G. Fernández; <Las mañanitas> by Sandra Cisneros
  5. Conexiones: Un líder latino
  6. Escritura: La importancia del trabajo voluntario

Lección 3- ¡El futuro de nuestro planeta!

  1. Vocabulario: environmental concerns, social awareness, presenting and supporting opinions, political parties, present governments
  2. Gramática: future tense, por and para, present subjunctive of regular verbs, more subjunctive verb forms
  3. Todo Junto: Diálogo
  4. Literatura: <La mejor edad> by Carlos Balaguer; <La tristeza del maya>
  5. Conexiones: Los símbolos patrióticos
  6. Escritura: La necesidad de apoyar un invento

Lección 4- Así quiero ser

  1. Vocabulario: describing others, professions, expressing positive and negative emotions, more professions, supporting opinions
  2. Gramática: subjunctive with ojalá and verbs of hope, subjunctive with verbs of influence, subjunctive with doubt, subjunctive with emotion
  3. Todo Junto: Diálogo
  4. Literatura: <El sueño de América> by Esmeralda Santiago; <La ñapa> by Julia Άlvarez
  5. Conexiones: Promedios en el béisbol,
  6. Escritura: Un bosquero biográfico

Lección 5- ¿Cómo te entretienes?

  1. Vocabulario: travel preparations, computers, requirements and conditions, participating in a group discussion, leisure activities
  2. Gramática: subjunctive with conjunctions, subjunctive with the unknown, conditional tense, reported speech
  3. Todo Junto: Diálogo
  4. Literatura: <La cuidad de los mapas> by Edmundo Paz Soldán; <Los incas ajedrecistas> by Ricardo Palma
  5. Conexiones: Lenguas indígenas
  6. Escritura: Descripción de un viaje

Lección 6- ¿Dónde vivimos?

  1. Vocabulario: around the neighborhood, an apartment in the city, traveling by train, describing a cultural excursion
  2. Gramática: past participles as adjectives, present perfect tense, past perfect tense, future perfect tense, conditional perfect tense
  3. Todo Junto: Diálogo
  4. Literatura: <Manolito Gafotas> by Elvira Lindo; <Romance sonámbulo> by Federico García Lorca
  5. Conexiones: Retratos de mujeres
  6. Escritura: Una carta al futuro

Lección 7- Tu pasado y tu futuro

  1. Vocabulario: planning for the future, school activities and events, part-time jobs, pursuing a career
  2. Gramática: imperfect subjunctive, subjunctive of perfect tenses, siclauses, sequence of tenses
  3. Todo Junto: Diálogo
  4. Literatura: <El esqueleto de visita> by Evelio Rosero Diago
  5. Conexiones: El joropo y la cumbia
  6. Escritura: Reflexiones sobre el año pasado

Lección 8- Hablemos de literature

  1. Vocabulario: discussing and critiquing literature, reading and interpreting plays
  2. Gramática: past progressive, conjunctions, se for unintentional occurrences, uses of the subjunctive
  3. Todo Junto: Diálogo
  4. Literatura: <Ardiente paciencia (El cartero de Neruda)> by Antonio Skármeta; <Colón agarra viaje a toda costa (parte 4)> by Adela Basch
  5. Conexiones: Estaciones opuestas
  6. Escritura: Mi autobiografía

*Final examination review will take place throughout the year (since the final is comprehensive) and especially at the end of the year.