Questions for TM Mentor Exit Surveys for 2010-2011

Welcome Page (located at the top of survey)

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. The information that you submit will be combined with the responses of others in the program and used by the Tri-mentoring Program to evaluate and strengthen our services. Your responseswill becollected anonymouslyand only Program Coordinators and the Tri-mentoring Program staff will have access to the data.

If you have any questions or technical difficulties, please contact:Angela Pau at


  1. Based on your experience in the Tri-mentoring Program this year, please indicate the level to which you agree or disagree with the following statements, using the 5-point scalebelow (select 0 ifnot applicable).

Completely agree5


Generally agree3


Do not agree at all1

Not applicable0

  • I had sufficient resources (e.g. Mentor Orientation Guidebook; mentor training; support from the program coordinator) to support my role as a mentor in the program.
  • My mentee(s)displayed professional behavior in our interactions (responded in timely manner to emails, arrived on-time at meetings, dressed appropriately)
  • I found developing learning objectives with my mentee at the beginning of our relationship a valuable activity
  • I am more connected with UBC as a result of participating in the Tri-mentoring Program.
  • I increased my mentoring skills as a result of participating in the Tri-mentoring Program.
  • I am interested in being a Tri-mentoring Program mentor again (NOTE: A positive answer to this question does not obligate you to participate again.)
  1. How much total time do you estimate you have spent on tri-mentoring-related activities this year? (Please include all of the following in your estimate: tri-mentoring social events, individual meetings with your mentee(s), any special events/field trips done with mentee(s), emails, phone calls, preparing for meetings, filling out surveys)

(Need a box here with a blank that says) ______total hours

  1. What motivated you to become a mentor? TEXT BOX> (unlimited characters)
  1. What was your most memorable experience with your mentee(s)? TEXT BOX> (unlimited characters)
  1. Is there anything that assisted or hindered your ability to mentor your student? TEXT BOX> (unlimited characters)
  1. What benefits did you gain from participating in the program? <TEXT BOX> (unlimited characters)
  1. What topics would you like to see for future mentor training workshops? <TEXT BOX> (unlimited characters)
  1. Do you have any additional comments or suggestions for improvement about any aspect of the Tri-mentoring Program? <TEXTBOX> (unlimited characters)

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