Señora Vicky Fuquen e-mail: (843) 558-6929 (school) NOTE: The best way to contact me is through the e-mail address above. I check my e-mail everyday.
Spanish I II-III- CBHS 2014 – 2015
Class Overview: This class will cover continuing Spanish with a basis on what students have learned in
Spanish I. Emphasis is placed on the four areas of learning a foreign language: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The ultimate goal of learning a foreign language is to eventually be able to think in that language without translating every single word into English first. Various cultural topics will be included to enhance the total foreign language experience. Please refer to the course syllabus for detailed information to be covered in Spanish I- II -III.
Expectations:Be respectful of your peers, the teacher, property and yourself.
Be prepared for class with all required materials and in your seat when the tardy bell rings.
Participate actively and appropriately in every class.
Raise your hand and be recognized before speaking and/or leaving your desk.
Eating, drinking, and gum chewing are not allowed in the classroom.
Only water in a transparent water bottle is permitted.
Cellular phones, music, games, and other such electronic devices are not permitted in the classroom.
Students must remain seated until teacher dismissal when the clock shows the time.
Appropriate dress code must be adhered to at all times in the classroom.
Consequences for misbehavior may include, but are not limited to, verbal warnings, telephone calls/emails to parent/guardian,and referral notices sent to an administrator.
Grading: Each student’s grade will be determined on the following scale:
50% of the student’s grade will be determined by averaging test and project grades
25% of the student’s grade will be determined by averaging quiz grades
25% of the student’s grade will be determined by averaging class work, any written work, and other assignments.
Students can take major assessment. Only if they have not missed more than 30% of instruction of the material being assessed.
Student Work:Graded samples of student work done in the classroom or at home, including tests, will be kept on file in
the classroom. This file will be available for inspection by the student and/or parent/guardian any day after school.
Missed Work: When absent, each student is responsible to make up his/her missed work within 3 days, per school
policy. Please refer to the course syllabus for additional information.
Late Work: Daily homework assignments will not be accepted late. If a student turns in a project late or makes up any
assessment after the 3 day period, they will be docked 10% per day late.
Feedback: Each student’s progress in the class will be measured through graded classwork, homework, quizzes, tests, projects, and other activities. If a student does not have access to PowerSchool at home, he/she may request his/her current average, and the teacher will provide it the following day or as soon as possible thereafter. Additional feedback will be available through student-teacher conferences, parent-teacher conferences, e-mails to the parent(s), periodic progress reports sent home to be signed and returned, telephone calls to and from parents as needed, and report cards issued quarterly.
Second Chance Policy: Students will have the option of re-taking major assessments within 3 days
of the original assessment date on Mondays after school( Tutoring time). The second chance policy will only apply if the student has been present in class for at least 70% of the teaching of the material being assessed.
Student ID Policy: Each student must wear his/her school-issued ID badge where it is easily visible, i.e. on lanyard around neck
or clipped to shirt, at ALL TIMES during the school day. Any student who is not wearing his/her ID will not be permitted to leave the classroom for any reason during class time.
School Wide Rules
Be respectful.
Be on time.
Be on task.
No cell phone, drinks or food
Try your best.
I have reviewed and understand this Spanish II information sheet and the Spanish II course syllabus.
Student’s Name (printed):
Student’s Signature:
Parent/Guardian’s Name (printed):
Parent/Guardian’s Signature:
Home Phone
Work Phone
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Cell Phone
Best time to call______
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) e-mail address (please print CLEARLY):
Date: ______/______/______