Code of conduct

In order to ensure that the exchange is a success, we expect students to abide by the following rules at all times:

Never go anywhere alone. You will travel to and from school with your exchange partner. When on visits, always ensure that you are in a buddy group of 4 students. Your teachers will keep a list of students in each group.

Each group must have a mobile phone that is set up for European calls. We will make a list of these at the start of the visit. All students will have the phone numbers of the teachers.

A meeting pointwill be agreed for each place that we visit. In an emergency or if you become separated from your buddy group, contact one of the leaders, go to the meeting point and wait there.

All activities are to be supervised. Do not go anywhere on your own unless you have been given permission by your teachers to do so, for example to walk in the town centre in your buddy groups.

When crossing the road, keep looking both ways. Cars drive on the right in Spain.

Drinking alcohol will not be allowed.

Abide by the school rules and always follow your teachers’ instructions. Be courteous and do your best to participate in lessons and workshops.

All students will conduct themselves in an appropriate manner and use appropriate language at all times, showing respect for people around them.

You will be staying with a Spanish family in order to experience the Spanish way of life. Respect their house rules and customs and be helpful and tidy. The food will be different but you might like it. Try it! Equally, if you are hungry or need anything, do tell the family, they do want you to enjoy your stay.

You and your partner must be back in the house by 10.00 pm or earlier if requested by the family unless you are with the host parents or with your teachers.

I agree to the above conditions:

Student Name:…………………………………………………………………………………

Student Signature: …………………………………………………………………………

Parent/CarerName: ………………………………………………………………………

Parent/CarerSignature: …………………………………………………………………