English 10A Syllabus 2011-2012

Mr. Stickel

Room 205

Dear students and parents or guardians:

Welcome to English 10A. I am excited to have you as a part of this class and to have the opportunity to teach you this year. We will be studying a variety of challenging world literature in a manner that would not be possible in a standard English 10 class, as well as working extensively to develop your academic writing skills.

Curriculum content and expectations in this class are pre-AP level. Academic expectations will be significantly more rigorous than was expected in English 9. Over the course of this year we will be reading works and novels such as: The Woman Warrior, Tracks, “Antigone”, Lord of the Flies, The Kite Runner, A Midsummer Nights Dream, Othello, The Bluest Eye, a number of short stories and nonfiction articles, and several others novels that are being contemplated, but have yet to be determined. Students are expected to arrive to class on time and to be prepared with homework assignments, as well as to take an active and constructive part in class activities and discussions. Each student will be expected to deliver an analysis of poetry to the class over the course of each semester, and to know and be able to identify a myriad of literary terms necessary for success in the AP exam. Finally, students will be expected to complete a minimum of 12 literature and composition writing assignments that focus on the development of skills for literary analysis.

Classroom Expectations:

  1. Rules of courtesy and respect for persons and property will be followed at all times.
  2. Students will not be allowed to disrupt the process of education within the classroom.
  3. Students will come to class prepared to work (materials and attitude) and will remain until dismissed.
  4. A student will be considered tardy if she/he is not in the area designated by the teacher when the tardy bell rings.
  5. Cell phones are to be OFF and AWAY through the duration of class. No exceptions. Consequences are confiscation and referral to administration.
  6. Ipods and other personal music devices are not necessary during class. No student will be allowed to use personal music devices.
  7. Please no eating or drinking during class; water is always okay.


  • Three ring binder dedicated strictly to English 10A
  • Binder paper
  • Writer’s journal or spiral notebook for poetry presentations
  • Blue or black pens and pencils
  • Analy English Handbook


With the exception of summer work, most books will be provided for. Students are expected to return district books in a comparable condition as what the book was in when checked out to them. Unreturned books will be billed to students’ accounts.


Grades are calculated on a cumulative point basis for each semester based on the following percent scale: 100-98, A+; 97-94, A; 93-90, A-; 89-87, B+; 86-84, B; 83-80, B-; 79-77, C+; 76-74, C; 73-70,C-; 69-67, D+; 66-64, D; 63-60, D-; 59-0, F. Grade criteria (i.e. scoring guides) will be clearly established for major essays and papers. Aside from official mid-quarter progress reports I will post regular grade sheets every two to three weeks.

Late Work Policy:

Late work will be accepted with a 50% grade penalty. Late work can only be turned in during tutorial. Work that was due during an absence is due upon return to class. Work that was assigned during a student’s absence must be completed within one week of return to class or it will not be accepted. Students are responsible for due dates and getting missed assignments. Homework will always be listed on the homework board and the class web-site. Please utilize tutorial to ask questions about work assigned during an absence.

Make-Up Work:

Tests and quizzes must be made up during tutorial within one week of return from an excused absence. Students with unexcused absences will not be allowed to make up assignments, test, or quizzes.

Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty:

Plagiarism or academic dishonesty involves using another person’s ideas, words, and work without acknowledging the source. Copying anything (with or without permission) and handing it in as your own, neglecting to cite the sources for information or ideas, sharing homework, turning in your own work from a previous class without permission of the teacher, are all examples of plagiarism and/or academic dishonesty. Any offences are taken very seriously. Please refer to the Student Handbook for disciplinary action. We will discuss this topic in great detail in order to avoid any confusion.

Tardy Entries:

It is important that students are prepared and ready to work when class starts. Tardy entries to class will be recorded over the semester. Being tardy three times will result in a call home, five times results in a referral to administration, and six times results in the lowering of your semester grade by a third of a letter grade, (A- to a B+). Every three tardies after results in another grade drop. Nine tardies is a two-thirds letter grade drop (A- to a B), twelve tardies is a full letter grade drop (A- to B-), etc.


Tutorials are held on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 7:30 to 8:05 and are an excellent time to receive additional one-on-one help, make up missed work, or discuss concerns about class or grades.

Web-page and Contact Information:

I have a teacher web page which you can check assignments and check grades. You can access this web page directly at or by going to If you have any questions or concerns the best way to reach me is through the email listed at the top of this page.

Dear Parents and/or Guardians:

I ask that you and your child sign and date the bottom portion of the syllabus stating that you understand the expectations of English 10A. I will keep the signed portion, and your high school student may keep the expectations in their binder for future reference.

I would like to be able to keep in touch with you over the course of the school year. I invite you to contact me via email at any time if you have questions or concerns. I would also like you to write down below the best way for me to contact you incase the situation arises. Please let me know below if you would prefer email contact or telephone contact or either. If you need to get a hold of me, email is the easiest and quickest way to contact me.

I am looking forward to an exciting and rigorous year in English 10A. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with questions or feedback as the academic year develops.


Joel Stickel

English 10A, period ______

Please sign that you have read and understand the syllabus, and that you agree to the academic, professional, and social rules outlined herein.

Student’s Name (Please Print):

Student’s Signature: Date:

Parent’s Signature: Date:

Communication Preference:

1stEmail / Telephone (please circle)

Please list:

2ndEmail / Telephone (please circle)

Please list: