Nombre: ______
Fecha: ______
Spanish 2 Guidelines and Expectations
Welcome to Spanish 2! I am looking forward to an exciting semester with all my second year Spanish students. We have chosen the program ¡Avancemos! , published by McDougal Littell, to furtheryour knowledge of the Spanish language and Spanish-speaking cultures. Its instruction uses a balanced approach that practices reading, writing, listening, and speaking, and introduces students to cultures throughout the Spanish-speaking world.
Student Expectations:
- Be prepared for class. Bring your covered textbook, one subject notebook, binder, 2 pocket folder with 3 holes, pencil and a good attitude to class every day.
- Show respect and be respectful. Please raise your hand and patiently wait to be called on before speaking. Do not talk when others are talking. Do not leave your seat without asking or being instructed to do so.
- Participate in all activities. We will do a variety of activities such as skits, singing, dancing, partner work, group work etc. When you are directed to repeat, you must repeat. You can expect to be partners with every student in the class at some point during the semester so you must work well with others.
- Pay attention and follow all directions.
- Electronic devices are not allowed. This includes cell phones, I-Pods, game systems, etc.
Discipline Proceedures:
In the event that the classroom expectations are not met, or another infraction occurs such as the use of foul language or insubordination, the following discipline procedures will be used:
- Verbal warning
- Phone call to parents
- Lunch detention
- Office Referral
The following grading scale will be used:
90% - 100% A
80% - 89% B
70% - 79% C
60% - 69% D
59% - 0% F
Your grade will be based on the total number of points earned divided by the total points offered. Please use Infinite Campus to check your grades often and see me if you ever have questions.
- If you know in advance that you will miss class please see me to get your work ahead of time.
- You will have the number of days you were absent to make up your work. Full credit will be given.
- Tests or quizzes must be made up on Tuesday mornings in the library between 7:25 a.m. and 8:20 a.m. Make arrangements with me prior to going to the library so I can arrange to have your test ready.
Each student may use 2 passes per nine week period. They are only for emergency purposes. You must sign-out when leaving the room and sign back in when you return.
Students who are tardy more than 3 times in the semester will be subject to the discipline policies found in the student planner.
You will need the following supplies by: ______
- A 1 inch or larger 3 ring binder
- A one subject spiral notebook with 3 holes
- At least 5 subject dividers with pockets
Please take these guidelines home and share them with your parents. Have a parent sign below and return to me by ______. (5 pts. )
I can be reached at 428-2161 or by e-mail at . Please feel free to contact me, especially if help is needed. Please do not wait to ask for help until you are far behind. It is important to seek help as soon as you feel you are starting to struggle!
Señora Baird
Parent Signature