SPAN XXXXInstructor: Kristin Connor
Season/YearOffice and hours:
Early Colonial Texts, Imperialism, Race, and Gender
Description: This course seeks to introduce students to canonical early colonial Spanish American texts ranging from Cristobal Colón to El Inca Garcilaso. The course is designed not only to introduce students to these literary texts but to also acquaint them with historical context and foster analytical and interpretation skills when approaching primary texts. Students will be asked to analyze and synthesize major canonical works of the early colonial period, to think critically about issues of imperialism, race and gender, and to develop their reading and writing skills in Spanish.
Required texts: Cristobal Colón’s letters (provided by professor)
Hernán Cortés Cartas de relación (provided by professor)
Bernal del Castillo: La verdadera historia de la conquista (online)
Cabeza de Vaca: Naufragios
De las Casas: Brevisima relación de la destrucción de las indias
Ercilla: La Araucana
El Inca Garcilaso: Comentarios reales
Broken Spears
Grading and Assignments:
Participation: 20%
Homework and in-class assignments: 15%
Quizzes: 15%
Short Papers:20%
Final Paper: 30%
Participation: Students are expected to attend class regularly with no more than 3 unexcused absences. Active participation includes engaging in group and partner work, contributing to class discussion, meeting minimum requirements for the online discussion boards and preparing thoughtful questions for class based on the readings and discussion board activity.
Homework and in-class assignments: In addition to being responsible for the primary and secondary texts assigned for reading, students will also be expected to complete a variety of writing assignments both at home and in the class. Students will also need to complete 1 presentation during the semester and other group activities.
Quizzes: There will be pop-quizzes that will cover the content of the readings assigned for that day. Only the primary texts will be tested on, not secondary sources.
Short Papers: There are 5 major sections and themes for this class and a short 1-2 page paper that addresses major themes and questions will be required at the end of each.
Final Paper: The final paper is an original research paper (6-8 pages) that must be approved by the professor before work can begin. There will be a number of steps involved, including writing an outline/flow chart, a first draft, peer review, a rough draft and a final draft. All versions and all steps of the process must be turned in with the final paper in an organized portfolio.
Day 1 / Syllabus; Class expectations / Read Colón’s First LetterDay 2 / Discussion / Read Colón’s Third Letter
Day 3 / Discussion / Read Restall: The conquistadors, a short introduction.
Day 4 / In-class writing activity and ‘The Greeks and the Romans” / Read: Cortés Carta # 1
+Kamen: Empire, Chapter New World
Day 5 / Discussion / Read: Cortés Carta #2
Day 6 / Discussion / Read: Cortés Carta #3
Day 7 / Discussion / Read: Cortés Carta # 4
+Restall: Chapter “A handful of adventurers”
Day 8 / Discussion
In-class activity: re-write Moctezuma’s speech. / Read: Cortés Carta #5
Day 9 / Discussion / Write 1-2 page paper reflection on major themes of Colón or Cortés
Day 10 / Turn in 1-2 page paper
Lecture: Spanish Soldiers / Read: Bernal del Castillo Chapters XXVII-
+ Article: Crónicas de la hombría. Fernanda Molina.
Day 11 / Discussion / Read: Bernal del Castillo Chapters XXXV-XXXVII
Day 12 / Discussion / Read: Bernal del Castillo Chapters LXIV, LXXX
Day 13 / Discussion / Read: Bernal del Castillo Chapters LXXXIV-LXXXV
Day 14 / Discussion: / Read: Cabeza de Vaca Chapters 1-7
+ Article: Spain’s early modern soldiers. Lorraine White
Day 15 / Discussion / Read: Cabeza de Vaca Chapters 8-16
Day 16 / Discussion / Read: Cabeza de Vaca
Chapters 17-24
Day 17 / Discussion / Read: Cabeza de Vaca Chapters 25-32
Day 18 / Discussion / Read: Cabeza de Vaca Chapters 33-38
Day 19 / In-class activity: think of a piece of technology you take for granted and imagine how a 16th century person would react to it. / Write 1-2 page reflection on Castillo and Cabeza de Vaca
Day 20 / Turn in 1-2 page reflection
Lecture: The Rights of the Indigenous / Read: De las Casas Chapters Prologue: Why he wrote History; The verdict of Salamanca
+ Article: Arbitristas y los derechos de los indios. Luis Miguel Glave.
Day 21 / Discussion: / Read: De las Casas Chapters Are not the Indians men?; The conversion of Las Casas; Black Slaves in the New World.
Day 22 / Discussion: / Read: De las Casas Chapters The rationality of the American Indian; The ill effects of sadness and fear; Abolish the encomienda!
Day 23 / In-class activity: Debate on the Rights of the Indigenous. / Write 1-2 page reflection on De las Casas
Day 24 / Turn in 1-2 page reflection on De las Casas
Workshop: navigating library resources and how to research / Begin thinking of a final paper topic
Day 25 / Lecture: Just War / Read: Ercilla Cantos I-II
+Article: Representing the Other. Kallendorf.
Day 26 / Discussion / Read: Ercilla Cantos VI-VII
Day 27 / Discussion / Read: Ercilla Cantos XIV-XV
+Outline for final paper
Day 28 / Discussion / Read: Ercilla Cantos XVI-XVII
Begin first draft, have 5 pages to bring into a peer review session
Day 29 / Discussion / Read: Ercilla: Cantos XXVII-XXVIII
Day 30 / Discussion / Read: Ercilla Cantos XXXI-XXXII
Day 31 / Discussion? / Read: Ercilla Canto XXXIII
+ Article The Dido Episode. Karina Galperin.
Day 32 / Discussion / Read; Ercilla Canto XXXIII
Day 33 / Discussion
In-class activity: Finish the poem. / Finish 2 pages for peer review
Day 34 / Peer Review of Outline/First Draft / Finish Peer Review Feedback + Write 1-2 page reflection on Ercilla
Day 35 / Turn in: 1-2 page reflection on Ercilla
Lecture: The Indigenous Perspective / Read: El Inca Garcilaso: Libro Primero
Restall, Chapter: “The Lost Words of the Malinche”
Day 36 / Discussion / Read: El Inca Garcilaso: Libro Segundo
Day 37 / Discussion / Read: El Inca Garcilaso: Libro Séptimo
Day 38 / Discussion / Read: El Inca Garcilaso: Libro Noveno
Day 39 / Discussion / Finish Rough Draft
Day 40 / Turn in Rough Draft of Final Paper (at least 3 pages) / Read: Broken Spears Chapters 1-5
+Restall, Chapter “Invisible Warriors”
Day 41 / Discussion / Read: Broken Spears Chapters 6-10
Day 42 / Discussion / Read: Broken Spears Chapters 11-15
+Restall, Chapter: “Apes and Men”
Day 43 / In-class activity: Re-write an event in history covered in the class from the indigenous perspective. Present. / Write 1-2 page reflection on El Inca and Broken Spears
Day 44 / Turn in 1-2 page reflection
MLA Workshop / Work on Final Paper
Day 45 / Recap of the semester / Work on Final Paper
Turn in Final Paper