Beulah Park District held its Decembermonthly meeting on Tuesday, January 9th, 2018at the City Hall at 5:30 p.m.
Present: Robby Volk, Kris Martens, Deb Schlecht,Rick Alexander, Jim Nelson, Sonja Dutchuk, Lucas Duncan, Bob Mohl,Deb Bonebrake, Clyde Schultz & Dave Czywczynski
Agenda: Add Warming House under New Business. J. Nelsonmade a motion to approve agenda. R. Alexander seconded. All in favor. Motion passed.
Minutes: A motion was made by D. Schlechtto approve the minutes to last month’s meeting. Secondedby J. Nelson. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by R. Alexander to approve the Financial Report and the Profit and Loss Statements. Seconded byJ. Nelson. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by D. Schlechtto approve the Vendor Report. Seconded by K. Martens. All in favor. Motion carried.
Staff Report:
Dutchuk:Gave an introduction. Will start coming in on Thursdays and Fridays. Will start full time on January 22, 2018.
Duncan:Duncan provided his written report for each of the Commissioners. See attached report.
K. Martens made a motion to go with the Purchase Option with West River Telecom. Seconded by D. Schlecht. All in favor. Motion carried.
Senior Citizen age for the Wellness Center will be 55 & older.
R. Alexander made a motion for the Park Board to purchase Board Members & spouses/significant others ticket to the Red, White & Wellness Wine Tasting. Seconded byJ. Nelson. All in favor. Motion carried.
Bonebrake:Bonebrakeprovided her written report for each of the Commissioners. See attached report.
R. Alexander made a motion to add Sonja Dutchuk and remove Bridgette Martens (due to death) from all accounts. Seconded by K. Martens. All in favor. Motion carried.
D. Schlecht made a motion to approve the Security Bonds Pledged by First Security Bank-West. Seconded by R. Alexander. All in favor. Motion carried.
Park Board discussed items in Brady Martz’ Audit management Letter and ways to correct.
K. Martens made a motion to participate in the 3% Matching Fund for the Pension the City is offering. Seconded by J. Nelson. All in favor. Motion carried.
Mohl:Mohl provided his written report for each of the Commissioners. See attached report.
Unfinished Business:
Baseball Boosters/ Legion Bus:Inspection with Scott Battest, Jim Nelson & Bob Mohl present. Bus has not been inspected as of yet – will look at it on Friday, January 12th.
Lions Park:Dave Czywczynski thanked the Park Board for all the help and was there to see if the Park Board would be willing to help to pay the remaining amount due. They roughly need an additional $13,246.
Park Board discussed after using the Matching Funds Grant – decided that if the Lions Club completed the Matching Grant Paperwork we would be willing to give them $5,000
New Business:
Football Field Lease: R. Alexander made a motion to renew the Football Field Lease with the same conditions for 10 years. Seconded byJ. Nelson. All in favor. Motion carried.
Employee Yearly Reviews:The Park Board decided the entire board would do the reviews together.
Warming House:Clyde Schultz people have been asking about a Warming House at the Ice Rinks, after discussion the Board decided to not pursue adding a Warming House at this time.
Wellness Center:R. Volk stated he went thru the Wellness Center yesterday. Stated the sheetrock is 90% completed, Gym Equipment is being delivered. They will start pouring the resin for the walking track next week. Elevator will be installed next week.
TRX – Lucas will call and see what the height requirement is from the ceiling to the bar is.
Group Exercise room – storage used to be a walk thru now has only one opening. Board decided to change back to a pass thru storage wall.
Two logo options were presented – The Board preferred the font on the 1st option.
Beulah Bay:D. Schlecht would like to look at finding a different website as Armor didn’t have the site ready for the January 1st date and it took them 3 months to change the password. Board is ok with looking for a new website designer.
J. Nelson made a motion to approve the Beulah Bay Employee Manual. Seconded by R. Alexander. All in Favor. Motion passed.
D. Schlecht stated she was reading the 15-year plan and we would like to provide law enforcement. She will talk to Mercer County Sheriff to see if they would be willing to do more frequent drive through.
D. Schlecht stated also in the 15-year plan and we would like to add a privacy fence around the vault toilet by the boat ramp.
D. Schlecht talked to Misty from SW Water, they are going to do the mapping.
D. Schlecht stated she was received 2 applications for Camp Host.
K. Martens will e-mail everyone numbers for log-looking siding.
D. Schlecht stated she would like to have a Pitchfork Fondue @ Beulah Bay as
Fundraiser in June.
Baseball/Softball Update:Kris & Bob looked at electrical at Softball Complex Concession Stand, 100 amp service coming in, transformer looks small, we would need to trench/bore new line in. K. Martens is talking to Roughrider Electric.
Concerns/Issues:The board decided to have a meal with the Park Board & instructors to welcome S. Dutchuk on Friday, February 16th at 6:30 pm at the Bison Grill in Hazen.
J. Nelsonmade a motion to adjourn. Seconded by K. Martens. All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:39 pm.
Submitted by:
Deb Bonebrake
Office Manager
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