Spain Study Abroad
MGMT 3901 – 5
Special Topics in Management: Managing People in a Global Organization
University of Missouri
Trulaske College of Business
Summer 2014 – Alicante, Spain
Instructor:Don Meyer, M.B.A.
Assistant Teaching Professor, Department of Marketing
Office:433 Cornell Hall
Phone: 573-882- 4716, 314–614-7650 cell
Course Objectives:
This course is designed to assist students in understanding how successful managers must lead international firms in a world of increased global competition. We will explore how history, political science, economics, geography, and sociology as well as the traditional disciplines of business such as marketing and finance all influence how to best manage the people of a global enterprise.
Included is an overview of globalization, differences in culture, ethics, development of global managers, and the management of human resources across borders. At the conclusion of this course, students’ cultural literary of Spain, the European Union, and the conduct of international business should have grown.
Instructor Mission:
My mission is to help expand your exposure to the various elements of international business and build your excitement for a career within the field. As a result, I will meet with you in person or we can communicate via e-mail. Please read and study this syllabus often as it includes virtually everything that you will need to know to successfully complete this course. You should check your email frequently for any assigned supplementary materials (notices, links to articles, current events, etc.) throughout the course since this will be my main way of communicating with you outside of class.
I believe that students learn best in an open environment of trust, curiosity, and collaboration and should be held to the same high standards that you expect from your instructor. Critical thinking is an important component of this course beyond just memorizing material for a test. We will use assigned readings, debates, class lectures, discussions, and your study group analysis of an international firm to learn about international business management from many angles. I will do my best to make the class substantive and interesting and I expect lively discussion from you. Depending on your academic abilities, I suspect you will need to spend a minimum of four hours per week studying outside of class to stay current in order to receive a passing grade. My goal for the class is for you to work hard, enjoy the Spanish experience, and learn from each other.
Student Responsibility:
You are expected to come to class with strong intellectual curiosity and ready to learn. This includes reading news sources covering global markets in particular and business in general. Read business journals, newspapers, magazines and visit business oriented websites such as Yahoo Finance. Watch business content programs such as the BBC, Bloomberg, or CNBC and pay particular attention to the business cable TV channels that you may not receive at home.
All reading assignments must be completed prior to attending class. This is essential for quality group discussions and participation in class exercises. Students should be ready to discuss the assigned material at the beginning of each class.
University Policies and Academic Honesty:
The policies are widely available in printed materials, course catalogs, and on the university website. This class is governed by the university’s published policies. Of particular interest is the university’s commitment to high standards of academic honesty. Students will be held responsible for violations of these standards and should be fully aware of potential disciplinary actions. Additionally, any student perceived to be cheating during an exam (looking at another person’s test, referring to notes, or accessing an electronic device) will receive an automatic zero for that exam.
Attendance, Participation and Conduct:
Success in this course depends heavily on your attendance, discussions, and participation in class activities. Your attendance and preparation is crucial. Remember that physical attendance does not constitute class participation so you will need to be involved. Absences will be recorded and will result in a lower grade. Students arriving late will be considered absent as will anyone leaving early without prior approval.
Attendance and Participation Points represent 120 of 500 possible points in this course. Cumulative points will be posted at the end of each of the four weeks of class so you know exactly where you stand and can take corrective action, if necessary, early on. You will need to perform well in this area to pass this class.
Professional conduct one would find in the business world is what is expected in this class. Anything that becomes a distraction to the instructor or your fellow students will be removed from the class at the instructor’s sole discretion. Be respectful of your fellow students and be open to diversity of opinion.
All cell phones and electronic devices must be turned off during class. Use of personal laptop computers is limited to note taking and other class activities --- no surfing the web, shopping, emailing, or instant messaging will be allowed. Music devices must be stored away during class time. Electronics should be used in accordance with common courtesy and accepted business protocol; if not, your participation score will be reduced.
University policies regarding the electronic recording of class proceedings apply. Check with me if you have questions or a special request.
Disability Needs:
If you need accommodations because of a disability, if you have emergency medical information to share with me, or if you need special arrangements please inform me immediately.
There will be two (2) in-class examinations. The in-class exams are 100 points each which is 20% of your final grade. The exams will include 20 multiple choice questions (3 points each) and 4 short essay questions. All exams must be taken at the time scheduled.
International Company Analysis – Global Benchmarking:
This group exercise will demonstrate your ability to work as part of a multinational team, think critically, and offer assessment of an assigned company. This analysis will include a PowerPoint (or Prezi, SlideRocket, KeyNote, etc.) presentation which your study group will give to lead a class discussion lasting approximately 30 minutes. The PowerPoint document must include a Works Cited page using multiple sources.
You will be organized into 8 study groups of 4 or 5 people to study one of the companies listed below. These companies are considered to be the foremost multinational firms based on their global footprint and per cent of revenues outside of their home countries. The presentations will take place during the last two class periods. Your company analysis will represent 20% of your final grade. Each student will be asked to complete a peer review of your fellow students in order to determine group dynamics and key contributors. Each case analysis will receive a group grade (50 points possible) and an individual grade (50 points possible). It is highly probable that individuals within a group will receive different grades based on the final presentation (both written and verbal), individual contributions, peer reviews, and instructor insights.
Current Event Discussion Topics/Oxford-style Debates:
Student study group teams will lead and participate in discussions of articles related to a current event taking place within the field of international business as assigned by the instructor. You are required to bring a typed, printed document with prepared questions to receive full points on the days when your group is not leading the discussion in order to be ready to discuss the topics in class.
Grading Procedure:
Exam 1 / (20 MC @ 3pt each, 4 Essay @10 pt each) / 100 points / 20%Exam 2 / (SAME) / 100 points / 20%
Company Analysis / Study Group – Global Benchmarking (Group) / 50 points / 10%
Company Analysis / Study Group – Global Benchmarking (Ind.) / 50 points / 10%
Current Events / Discussion Assignments/Oxford-style Debate / 80 points / 16%
Attendance / Present, On-time / 48 points / 10%
Participation / Meaningful Class Contribution / 72 points / 14%
Total / 500 points / 100%
You must score 350 points (70%) to receive a Satisfactory (S) grade for this pass/fail course.
Class Schedule:
Welcome, Course Overview, Syllabus Review, Icebreaker Activity, and Study
Group Assignments
Class 2:
- Topic 1 Lecture/Discussion: Globalization
- Topic 2 Lecture/Discussion: National Differences in Political Economy
Class 3:
- Oxford-style Debate – Team 1 vs. Team 2
“Does Spain Have to Change?”
- Study Group Work Session: Company Analysis Global Benchmarking
Class 4:
- Topic 3 Lecture/Discussion: Managing Global Brands
- Oxford-style Debate – (Team 7 vs. Team 8)
“Will the E.U. prosper in the global economy?”
Class 5:
- Topic 4 Lecture/Discussion: Ethics
- Oxford-style Debate – (Team 3 vs. Team 4)
“Is Global Sourcing Good for the World?”
Class 6:
- Exam 1 (Lecture Topics 1, 2, 3, 4)
- Topic 5 Lecture/Discussion: Entering Foreign Markets
Class 7:
- Topic 6 Lecture/Discussion: Strategy of International Business
- Study Group Work Session: Company Analysis Global Benchmarking
Class 8:
- Topic 7 Lecture/Discussion: Developing Global Managers
- Oxford-style Debate – Team 5 vs. Team 6
“Is China Destined to Surpass the U.S. as the World’s Economic Super Power?”
Class 9:
- Topic 8 Lecture/Discussion: Managing Human Resources Globally
- Study Group Work Session: Company Analysis Global Benchmarking
- Exam 2 (Lecture Topics 5, 6, 7, 8) non-cumulative
- Study Group Work Session: Company Analysis Global Benchmarking
- Company Analysis Global Benchmarking Team Presentations 1 – 4
(All 8 presentations are due at the beginning of this class)
- Company Analysis Global Benchmarking Team Presentations 5 - 8
The instructor reserves the right to amend this syllabus during the course in order to better achieve the course objectives and will give adequate advance notification.