Councillor Aled R. Roberts, Chair

Councillor R.J. Dutton, OBE, Vice-Chair

Councillor / David A. Bithell / Councillor / A.G. Jones

“ / R.W. Caldecott
Ted George
R. Alun Jenkins / “

“ / Mark Pritchard
Neil Rogers
J.R. Skelland


Also present – Councillors A.C. Bailey, Ron Davies, K.H. Hett, P. Jeffares, Lloyd Kenyon, M.C. King, Geoff Lowe, Mrs J.M. Lowe, M.G. Morris and Michael Williams.

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The Chair reported that, for the benefit of the representative of the Acton and Maesydre Residents and Tenants’ Association in attendance, he proposed, subject to the Board’s approval, to deal with the items ‘Public Questions/Statements’ and ‘Provision for Children, Young People and Families’ immediately after agenda item 4 (Declarations of Personal Interests).

RESOLVED – Accordingly.


(i) Wrexham County Borough - Population Figures and Numbers on the Electoral Roll - In response to a Member's question, Officers presented information about population figures and numbers on the electoral roll for the years 1997 to 2005 inclusive.

Noting the details submitted, a Member expressed concern that although the population of the County Borough had increased during the period in question the actual numbers on the electoral roll had fallen. In reply, the Electoral and Registration Services Manager advised that falling numbers on electoral rolls was a national problem and outlined the principal reasons for this. She added that the Council had participated in campaigns aimed at reversing this trend and that the matter was being pursued with the Welsh Assembly Government via the Wales Association of Electoral Administrators and the Electoral Commission.

It was noted that the Officer would provide Members with feedback on the outcome of the discussions with the Welsh Assembly Government.

(ii) The Council's Emergency Services - Contact Numbers - A Member indicated that it was his understanding that the telephone numbers for the Council's Emergency Services, as published in the Members’ Diary, were day time phone numbers, and suggested that Members be provided with more information as to which Officers were responsible for providing emergency cover.

In reply, the Chief Executive advised that the relevant out of hours phone numbers were published in the Members’ Diary and that, as a result, Members should not encounter any difficulties in contacting Emergency Services. She went on to explain, however, that arising from the recent structural changes within the Authority she had requested the relevant Officers to identify who was responsible for providing emergency cover and that she would arrange for Members to receive this information as soon as it became available.

Driving Test Centre - A Member expressed concern about a recent report suggesting that plans were in place to withdraw this centre from Wrexham and called for Officers to investigate the matter and report to the Board as soon as possible.

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The Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Board held on 5 July 2005 were submitted.

Correction to Minute 49 (Wrexham Industrial Estate Access Road) – In referring to the Minutes of the last Meeting of the Executive Board held on 5 July, Mr Paul Roberts, Strategic Director, suggested that, in the interests of clarity, the second and third paragraphs of Minute 49 (Wrexham Industrial Estate Access Road) be amended to read as follows:

‘In introducing the matter, the Strategic Director indicated that the report represented the start of the most important phase of this key project, adding that he was most grateful for the work done by Members and Officers during the scrutiny process in examining fully the various route options and for bringing forward a recommendation following a process which had the support of the Welsh Assembly Government.

In addition, the Strategic Director drew Members’ attention to a letter from the Wrexham Golf Club, copies of which were tabled at the meeting, expressing concerns about the potential impact of the blue route upon the golf course and the allied facilities. The Strategic Director added that, since receiving the letter, he had had a useful meeting with representatives of the Club and, as a result, it was acknowledged that the impact of the scheme upon the golf club could potentially be significant and Officers would continue to work with the Club in an effort to resolve any outstanding concerns.’

RESOLVED – That, subject to the foregoing, the Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Board held on 5 July 2005 be received and confirmed as a correct record.

Matter Arising – Minute 47 (ii) – Electrical Contract Issues – Housing Services – In answer to a Member’s query, the Chair indicated that the Local Member had been informed of the position in this matter and the relevant Lead Member had been consulted about the proposed action plan.


The undermentioned Members gave notice of their intention to declare personal interests in respect of the matters indicated:


Councillor R.W. Caldecott – New Opportunities Fund for P.E. and Sport (Agenda Item 21).

Councillor K.H. Hett – Amalgamation of Ysgol Bryn Golau and Ysgol y Drindod – Draft

Instrument of Government (Agenda Item 9)

Councillor Pat Jeffares – Wrexham County Borough Museum Refurbishment Project

(Agenda Item 10).

Councillor Aled Roberts – The Stiwt Arts Trust Limited (Agenda Item 19).

Councillor Lloyd Kenyon – New Opportunities Fund for P.E. and Sport (Agenda Item 21).

Councillor Michael Williams - Amalgamation of Ysgol Bryn Golau and Ysgol y Drindod –

Draft Instrument of Government (Agenda Item 9).

Arising from this matter, the Chief Legal and Administration Officer was requested to write to Members to advise them of the decision taken by the Standards Committee at its recent meeting in relation to the request for a dispensation on behalf of Members of the Board who were school governors.

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The Chair welcomed to the meeting Mr. Bob Prile, Chairman of the Acton and Maesydre Residents and Tenants’ Association, who asked questions and made statements, copies of which had been circulated to Members of the Board in advance of the meeting, in relation to the following:

- anti-social behaviour at the Resource Centre in Llay;

- concerns expressed by local residents in Acton over the proposal to establish a children, young people and family centre in that community, particularly in relation to parking provision, potential noise nuisance and the loss of public open space ;

- the use of the proposed Acton centre by the local community police;

- the possible sale of public open space adjacent to Tapley Avenue, Acton Park, Wrexham, and the use to which the resultant capital receipt would be put;

- the cost of the Wrexham secondary schools reorganisation scheme.

In responding to Mr. Prile's questions and statements, Officers advised that -

- CCTV and other measures had been put in place to deal with problems of anti-social behaviour in Llay. The Resource Centre was manned by 5 members of staff and, although it had been necessary to request the Police to respond to a recent problem, there had been been only one incident of anti-social behaviour at this particular site reported to the Local Member.

- Whilst the Council accepted that troublesome youngsters did cause problems from time to time, it considered that it was difficult to draw links between particular incidents and specific centres.

- An extensive consultation exercise had been carried out by the County Borough Council in respect of the proposed Acton centre, with visits being made to 134 affected households resulting in a total of 68 separate interviews.

- In the light of issues concerning the funding of the proposed Acton centre, the relevant Officers had been instructed to look at ways of achieving cost reductions and the issue of parking would be closely examined as part of this exercise and also as part of the planning process if the proposed scheme were to proceed to that stage.

- The land provisionally earmarked for possible disposal in Tapley Avenue had been identified as being surplus to the operational needs of Acton Park.

- The recently completed Secondary Schools Reorganisation project in Wrexham had cost approximately £21,000,000. The Council had financed the scheme and was now looking to maximise the opportunities available to provide capital funding for more school building projects and to accelerate the school buildings maintenance programme. The Council's funding needs and its aspirations for the Education service were to be raised with the relevant Minister at the Welsh Assembly Government.

- As confirmed by the Community Beat Manager, the local community police would wish to use the proposed Acton centre as a base if the scheme were approved and proceeded with.

- The Council was committed to providing high quality facilities for young people.

In conclusion, Mr Prile was thanked for his attendance and interest.

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The Chief Education Officer submitted a report (CEO/35/05), advising Members of progress made to date regarding the proposed scheme for the development of a children, young people and family centre in Acton, and seeking approval to proceed to the next stage of project development.

Officers, in introducing the report, drew particular attention to the extensive consultation process that had been undertaken by the Authority and the results thereof.

During discussion, reference was made to the following issues:

- a Member's suggestion that more information should be provided for the Executive Board on costings and on other, potentially more suitable sites for this proposed scheme.

- the recognised need for such a centre in Acton and the availability of funding for the scheme.

- the long standing support of the Acton Community Council for the proposed scheme.

- the view that the recommendation of the Joint Member/OfficerWorking Group should be supported and approval given for the proposed scheme to proceed to the planning stage.

- the potential difficulties associated with managing such a centre if located on the playingfields site situate off Dean Road, Wrexham.

RESOLVED – That approval be given for a planning application to be submitted in respect of the proposed development on land at Rhosnesni Lane, Wrexham, upon completion of the project design.

Reason for decision

The development of a children, young people and family centre on the Rhosnesni Lane site represents a positive way forward for children, young people and their families.


Mr Philip Walton, Strategic Director, submitted a report (PAW/11/05), seeking Members’ approval to the “Caring for Our Health” Action Plans aimed at addressing the priorities set out in this key strategy.

RESOLVED – That the Action Plans be approved.

Reason for decision

The Action Plans will be used as an audit tool to monitor the progress of improvement within this corporate priority.

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The Chief Finance and Performance Officer submitted a report (CFPO/60/05), to enable Members to consider the Benefit Fraud Inspectorate’s recent report, ‘Security Against Fraud and Error Inspection’, together with the Action Plan that had been prepared in response to the recommendations made in the Inspectorate’s report.

The Chief Finance and Performance Officer, in introducing the matter, advised that the Inspectorate had officially published its report today and that it was available via the Inspectorate’s website. He added that the Council’s Anti-Fraud Team had faced significant resource difficulties in 2004, but that the Inspectorate’s report was generally complimentary about their performance. The Chief Officer went on to say that the Action Plan drawn up in response to the Inspectorate’s report showed that action had already been taken in response to many of the recommendations contained in the report, and indicated that he would report further to the relevant Scrutiny Committee on proposals for reviewing the Council’s Sanctions Policy and the Anti-Fraud and Corruption Strategy.

The Chief Officer also confirmed that appropriate steps would be taken to monitor the Action Plan and that he would report to the Scrutiny Committee on how the Council’s performance in this key area compared with that of other local authorities.

RESOLVED – That the Benefit Fraud Inspectorate’s report be noted and the Action Plan for 2005/2006 approved.

Reason for decision

To ensure that the Anti-Fraud Team meets the recommendations made in the Benefit Fraud Inspectorate’s report and achieves the 2005 performance standards set out by the Department for Work and Pensions.

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Mr Malcolm Russell, Strategic Director, submitted a report (AMR/19/05), seeking approval to a revised strategy to improve customer access to Council services.

In commenting, briefly, on the matter, a Member remarked that he considered it essential for the Council to be open to the public from 8.00 am on a daily basis and called for this issue to be looked at. In response, the Strategic Director confirmed that this and other related issues were being actively explored and that a further report would be submitted for the Board’s consideration in September.

RESOLVED – That the recommended strategy ‘Focusing on our Customers: A Strategy for Improving Customer Access to Services’, incorporating the following actions, be approved:

·  the development of pilot dedicated telephone teams within the Public Protection Service and Environment Department;

·  feasibility studies in relation to the establishment of the following:

- a corporate one-stop shop

- an information bureau for the over 50’s

- a corporate call/contact centre

Reason for decision

The Council has a corporate priority to “improve customer contact and enable the Council to understand their needs and wants”. This strategy will enable the Council to deliver service improvements whilst recognising current financial constraints.

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The Chief Education Officer submitted a report (CEO/37/05), seeking approval to the draft Instrument of Government for the newly established school arising from the amalgamation of Ysgol Bryn Golau and Ysgol y Drindod.