Space, Contestation and the Political: A Workshop on Planning, Development and Resistance
ETH Zurich, 12-13 February 2009
Organizers: Dave Featherstone, Benedikt Korf and Joris van Wezemael
Sponsored by: ESRC, ETH Zurich, University of Zurich
In collaboration with the Spaces of Democracy and the Democracy of Space Network
Programme outline
Day 1: Thursday, February 12, 2009
09:00-09:30Introduction to the workshop (D Featherstone)
Theme 1: Politics and the political
09:30-10:30:Marchart, O – Politics and the political: Genealogy of a conceptual difference
11:00-12:00Schetter, C – On Carl Schmitt;
Doerfler, T. - On “Kulturkritik”
12:00-13:00Schlichte, K. – Contesting the political
Theme 2: Contesting and performing the political
14:00-15:00:Spencer, J – Performing democracy and violence
15:00-16:00Geiser, U – On subaltern resistance and the ‘Taliban’ in Pakistan
Macamo, E – On achieving space
16:30-17:30Kothari, U – On contesting imaginary geographies
Dirksmeier, P – On the stranger in post-colonial geographies of contestation
17:30-18.00Schmid, C. – On urban revolt and new metropolitan mainstream in Zurich
18:30City tour with Christian Schmid to selected sites of urban revolt in Zurich
Day 2: Friday, February 13, 2009
Theme 3: Planning and the space of the political
08:30-10:30Hillier, J – Planning with a Political ‘P’
Dikec, M – On space, politics and the political with Rancière
11:00-13:00Fall, J. - On things that contest political identities;
Strohmayer, E. - On planning in Ireland (Habermas vs Althusser)
Certoma, C – On environmental issues as space for democracy
Davies, A – On getting the post delivered
14:00-15:00Barnett, C – thinking democracy geographically (or Media, geography and
15:00-16:00Saether, E. – On critical journalism in China
Stokke, K – On rethinking popular representation (? abstract due)
16:15-16:45Synthesis of the workshop (B Korf and J van Wezemael)
For any enquiries, please contact: Perscheng Assef ()
Update: 19dec08