September 20, 2011 Planning Board
Pursuant to the “Open Public Meeting Act,” The Sentinel and the Gloucester County Times were notified of this meeting. A public notice was posted in the Municipal Building. The meeting of the Township of Franklin Planning Board was called to order by Chairman, Steven Ranson at 7:03 PM with the following members present: Harold Atkinson, John Melleady, James Mentzer, Jim Rohrer, Anthony Gaetano, Alt.1-Jason Brandt and Vito Genna. Attorney B. Michael Borelli and Engineer, Jim McKelvie are present.
Absent: Joseph Petsch and John Bruno.
Chairman, Steven Ranson led in the flag salute. Mr. Ranson announces that the meeting was being videotaped and may be broadcast on Channel 9. Mr. Ranson states that Jason Brandt will be seated in the absence of Mr. Bruno.
SP11-2 Franklin Assoc., LLC B4732 L17 Site Plan-Dollar General on Delsea Drive
PB11-3 Luba Sorokin B6805 L42 Minor Subdivision to create 1 new lots plus remainder lot with Frontage Variance S. Blue Bell Road
PBM08-1F Fairways @ Franklin B6401 L36, 38.02 Final Major Subdivision Dutch Mill Road
Secretary’s Report
Upon a motion by Mr. Gaetano, seconded by Mr. Genna, to approve the Minutes of the 8/16/2011 meeting as submitted with one correction. Motion passed.
Secretary’s Report
Upon a motion by Mr. Mentzer, seconded by Mr. Atkinson, to approve Secretary’s Report for August in the amount of $0.00.
RCV: Mr. Atkinson, yes; Mr. Melleady, yes; Mr. Mentzer, yes; Mr. Rohrer, yes; Mr. Gaetano, yes; Mr. Brandt, yes; Mr. Genna, yes; Mr. Ranson, yes. Motion passed.
Mr. Borelli states that SP11-2 Franklin Assoc., LLC B4732 L17 Site Plan-Dollar General on Delsea Drive will be postponed to October 18, 2011, notice was provided tonight, and notice will carry to next month.
PB11-3 Luba Sorokin B6805 L42 Minor Subdivision to create 1 new lot plus remainder lot with variance frontage S. Blue Bell Road. Mr. Borelli states all papers are in order.
Ed Achinko of McMaham Drive, Vineland, NJ is sworn and states he is nephew of Luba Sorokin and he will speak for Ms. Sorokin. Mr. Achinko states Luba Sorokin is dividing lot so he may purchase lot to build his home for his family to be near his aunt. Variance is requested for lot frontage on one lot.
Mr. Borelli states that one condition would be subdivision plan will have to show that building envelope will not be in the agricultural buffer. Mr. Achinko states current home is within setback.
Mr. McKelvie, Engineer noted on his completeness review, that right to farm note should be on plan.
Upon a motion by Mr. Melleady, seconded by Mr. Brandt, all in favor, to open the public portion. Motion passed.
Upon a motion by Mr. Atkinson seconded by Mr. Melleady, all in favor, to close the public portion. Motion passed.
Upon a motion by Mr. Genna, seconded by Melleady, to approve PB11-3 Minor Subdivision with Variance for lot frontage, conditioned on adding the Right to Farm verbiage in both deeds, the Agricultural Buffer is to be described by metes and bounds and waiver of lot depth to width ratio.
PBM08-1F Fairways @ Franklin B6401 L36 , 38.02 Final Major Subdivision Dutch Mill Road
Mr. Borelli states all papers are in order.
Lisa Smith, owner is sworn in.
Emery Dobson, owner is sworn in
John Kornek, PE of K2 Engineers is sworn in.
Lewis Adler, Esq. states he is representing the applicants and that this application is for final major subdivision. Preliminary application was granted in 2008. Mr. Lewis turns over the meeting to Mr. Kornek, Engineer.
Mr. Kornek, PE states they have County Planning Board approval and Pineland approval.
Mr. McKelvie states his 9/15/ 2011report is quite lengthy. Highlighted key areas on page 4. Items in italics were 2008 comments and underlined items are current comments such as # 4 There are minor adjustments to lot size. Mr. Kornek states minor adjustments were due to basin changes. Mr. McKelvie states if there is a cul-de-sac length reduction then variance for lot frontage is requested. Mr. Adler states that is why we noticed for variance. Mr. McKelvie states 50’ Agricultural buffer vs. 200’ Agricultural buffer and major subdivision and as condition of approval, the applicant will provide stagger of trees-perhaps that applicant’s engineer can point out infiltration basins in this site to minimize and determined we could do away with one basin. Basins were modified a bit.
Mr. Kornek points out to map for the audience as some people wanted to see.
Mr. Borelli asks if modification was due to Pinelands. Mr. Kornek states Pinelands letter is an inconsistent Certificate of Filing and we are still fighting this and wanted us to come back to Board with conditions for Pinelands.
Mr. Atkinson states as we look at changes in project, in your professional opinion, we rely on your professionalism with the 100-year storm as all calculations are double checked. Mr. McKelvie states they do pre-design testing, construction of subsurface and post a maintenance guarantee and extended maintenance bond and that is properly funded throughout the 20 year period. Mr. Atkinson asks with seasonal highs, were test pits all approved, Mr. McKelvie states yes. Mr. McKelvie page 5, 4-clearing of lots – reforesting of some of the lots, deed restriction on final plan has to include deed restriction of clearing and applicant to enforce and seems reasonable to do it this way, with the kind of homes. Mr. McKelvie states what the applicant is proposing is reasonable coverage. Mr. McKelvie does not have the figure on impervious cover but feels it is 60 % clearing.
Mr. Ranson asks if some of lots are 4 acres. Mr. McKelvie states maximum is 15% cover allowed. Mr. Kornek 3- Acre lot with 3000 sq. foot footprint is not out of reason.
Mr. Borelli states purpose when this was heard was to keep it rural via conservation design with little impervious cover. Mr. Kornek states they do not have a builder or buyer in mind, so we had to be broad and very inclusive.
Mr. McKelvie continues page 6 issue Mr. Atkinson brought up seasonal high table in review, application was reviewed and attributed ground surface elevations. Many items have been addressed. Page 7 basin is to be maintained by Homeowners Assoc. Swale and rip rap at end of each pipe. 24-Storm-water management basin described by Mr. Kornek. Mr. McKelvie would like to get a copy of preliminary copy and Storm-water management plans to review and additional schedule. Page 8-4 year maintenance for 20 years noted on plan and asks if that will be in the Homeowners Assoc. to set aside funds for maintenance of basin.
Mr. Kornek states Mr. McKelvie is asking for standard on subdivision for Township to enforce which is typical throughout the state. Mr. Borelli does this verbiage have note that Township has right to place a lien against lots when Township has had to do work. Mr. McKelvie states it is in the deed of easements.
Mr. McKelvie Page 8 # 28 - 6’ high chain link fence with mesh at basin. Mr. Melleady would like wood fence. Mr. Brandt questions basin depth. Mr. Kornek states depths vary 2-3’ on small basins. Mr. Kornek states waiver of chain link fence and use split rail 4’ high with mesh. Mr. McKelvie continues # 29 road side swales graded at fairly flat swale, plan to provide kkkkk prior to release of performance bond to alleviate puddling. 30-Spillway on detail sheet. 31- Basin discharge no impact at neighboring lots-may need to look at this in more detail, it may be in a location in overflow and create concentrated discharge. Mr. Kornek states this was comment of Gloucester Soil Conservation District- we hold below 10 year storm, no adverse impact to golf course. Mr. Borelli asks if that is satisfactory. Mr. McKelvie states he would like to take an additional look at this. Mr. Kornek will provide plan. Mr. McKelvie states concern is to make sure any discharge is not an adverse impact. Mr. McKelvie roads Page 8 and parking. Emergency access lane at cul-de-sac out to Dutch Mill Road. Mr. Kornek points out 14’ wide emergency access with break away chains. Mr. Kornek will make sure fire and police dept. get a letter. Plan is in accordance with RSIS.
Mr. McKelvie states on bottom of Page 10 street lighting- shows 9 decorative lights. Mr. Kornek states typical granville lights are proposed, trying to keep rural look. lights are at end of cul-de-sac and end of streets. Mr. Atkinson asks if there will be much light spillover. Mr. McKelvie states no as part of ordinance, applicants are to provide cut offs and no glare onto homes or adjacent lots. 7:57PM Mr. Kornek states most of lanterns have top from Atlantic City Electric with no spillover. Mr. McKelvie page 11 prior review from planner, Patti Knobloch, affordable housing application is to be in compliance. Mr. Adler states COAH is in turmoil right now, and we will comply with last rounds. Mr. Borelli states he has just read that the Governor has abolished affordable housing. Mr. Borelli states at time of approval, it would have to be compliant, even if it becomes abolished. Mr. Borelli and Mr. Adler could come up with a condition of solution and if they do not they will have to come back to Board. Mr. McKelvie page 12 wetlands and interpretation, Plans indicate wetlands boundary, proposed conservation easement to DEP. Page 14, 5 waiver of site triangle design with ASHTO. Page 15-16 clearing limits of each residential lot, and deed restriction should include maintaining a 15’ wide wooded side yard buffer. Mr. Kornek states design matching existing grade to minimize and provide clarification, do not know if it requires variance or waivers. Mr. Kornek states at common property line you may not get stand of trees. Mr. Borelli states very specific for 15’ wooded buffer line. Mr. Kornek states this plan shows clearing limits and lots 38.1 and 38.11 will not be able to meet standard, very difficult to meet tree buffer between lot 38.13, 38.14, 38.15 and 38.16 all affected by large basin. Clearing limit. Common basin between lots 38.17, basin- 38.18, 36.09 and 36.08 limited with wetland buffer lots 36.04 36.03 common basin 36.02 and 36.01 basin between lots, it is entire subdivision. Essentially, you need 30’ of tree buffer. Mr. Kornek states we have significant limits of clearing and there are areas we cannot meet. Mr. McKelvie states they cannot meet all. Mr. Adler overall impact will be buffering if we did not have trees between each lot line, have safe drainage, and trying to address all comments of Pinelands. Mr. Atkinson states with this type of project utilize existing elevations and forest, Mr. Borelli can interject we can list lots with side yard setbacks. Mr. Borelli states some concerns as it was very specific condition, could this be checked against the preliminary for reason. Mr. Kornek states they are trying to work the existing grading. Mr. Atkinson asked if they were engineer on preliminary (Answer-yes) what has changed. Mr. Kornek states he can get with Mr. McKelvie and state reasons. Mr. Atkinson states review plan and comply as close as they can and have engineers review. Mr. Borelli states leave to discretion of our Engineer. Mr. Adler states to maximize to get the lots into compliance and list those lots. Mr. Borelli states if issue of the Board is a concern. Mr. Kornek states reforestation or replanting within 15 or 40’. Mr. Borelli not clear on the Board not having a say with Engineer. Mr. Kornek states we could strictly identify those lots. Mr. McKelvie Page 16-Environmental of preliminary review in Phase I yet to be provided. Page 17 - 4 has been documented Pinelands COF. Mr. Kornek states Phase One did identify that this is wooded for quite some time. Mr. McKelvie states 17 traffic engineer to be provided from Maser Review. Mr. McKelvie 17 residential preliminary application. To review firewell of Golf Course. Mr. Adler not sure how to do this as it is owned by The State of NJ who owns open space and green acres, perhaps waiver of # 1. 5-Applicant to approve name. 12-Page 18 tract lines to be removed. Mr. McKelvie last comment is lawn seeding and 75’ and beyond is pasture mix request that plans be consistent with notes. Mr. Kornek states grading area 75’ lawn and outside of that will be fescue or low maintenance, we can provide that to Engineer and we will delineate in front of home. Mr. Kornek states requesting waiver of firewell, from developer standard.
Mr. Borelli suggests getting answer from Fire Commissioner to address # 1.Mr. Borelli page 16 # 2 & 6. Mr. McKelvie # 2 is pertaining to preservation of wooded area of lot and re-vegetation of lawn, applicant states no area is to be re-vegetated with Pinelands trees. Mr. Kornek states small Conservation buffer easement . 8:27PM. Mr. Kornek states developer may have to prove to Zoning or Construction we have on final plan of lot that table. # 6 Mr. McKelvie under Pinelands, the Planner, Patti Knobloch Cultural resource survey was not required by Pinelands. Mr. Kornek no area of concern, asking for waiver.
Upon a motion by Mr. Melleady, seconded by Mr. Rohrer, all in favor, to open the public portion. Motion passed.
Sam Clouse of 2841 Dutch Mill Road-(owner-?-mother-in-law-Rosalie Wolf) is sworn in and states there is lots of wetlands and water runoff, how close will they build to existing homes. Mr. Kornek states these homes will set back 230’ from property line. Mr. Clouse asks what is Homeowners Association. Mr. Adler explains HOA. Mr. Borelli states there would be a deed restriction against all homeowners that they would have to maintain. Mr. Clouse asks will they have president, vice president, etc. Mr. Adler states yes when sold. Mr. Clouse questions wells and sewers. Mr. Kornek states Health Dept. has jurisdiction over well and septic. Mr. Clouse asks about pollution against wild life. Pinelands wants any increase storm-water 100 year storm with sand bottom with oils greases and grits to be treated before they go to acquifer. Pinelands is very strict on storm-water management, we meet intent.