At the Monthly Meeting of the Coleford Town Council held at the Town House, Lords

Hill Walk, Coleford on Tuesday 24 February 2015 at 7.00 pm there were present:

Cllrs Mr P Kay (Mayor)

Mr C Elsmore

Mrs E Elsmore

Mrs N Holloway

Mr G Prosser

Mr R Drury

Also present were County & District Cllr Paul McMahon, Mr B Gayler and a member of the press.

Public Forum

No comments made.

229To note apologies

Apologies were noted from Cllrs Penny, Baird, Cox, Merrikin, C & JMorgan & Atherley

230To receive declarations of interest

There were no new declarations of interest.

231To allow dispensation requests

There were no new dispensation requests. Cllrs Penny & Holloway dispensations regarding town events stand.

232To approve the minutes of 27 January 15

The minutes were approved

Proposed:Cllr P KaySeconded:Cllr N Holloway

On being put to the vote the proposal was unanimous

233To raise matters arising from the meeting 27 January 15

There were no matters arsing.

234To hear report from the Police.

The police gave a detailed report which follow the minutes. The crime figures for Coleford have gone down compared to the same period last year.

235To note reports from the County & District Cllrs (for information).

Councillor Paul McMahon brought to the Council’s attention that in his 4 years as a District Councillor and 2 as a County Councillor he had not seen any of the other District or County Councillors present at the Town Councils monthly meetings besides Cllr C Elsmore.

Councillor McMahon asked if the Town Council would offer any assistance to the residents of the house at High Nash, who were left devasted due to the gas explosion. Councillor McMahon shadowed an ambulance crew yesterday, which brought up many issues that he will be taking up with the relevant departments.At one pointthe Forest was left without any cover as all 3 ambulances were deployed out of the area, he has the greatest admiration for the staff.

There has been a meeting with Brian Watkins from GCC Highways, and although a lot of work is required on the roads, Amey (Highways contractor) cannot resource the work.

Three hundred pounds from the Activities grant has been given to the Festival of Words, and the Town Council has been given £500 for young people.

The Civic Dinner was a good night and Councillor McMahon will take up further with the Clinical Commissioning Group the problems Hope for Tomorrow have in the local area.

Councillor C Elsmore questioned the ambulances being out of the Forest as it had been brought to his attention that someone within the parish had a heart attack and had to wait 4 hours for an ambulance.

Councillor C Elsmore attended:

28JanFastershire Report

29JanSafety Panel

4FebVisit to Dora Matthews House

5FebGloucester Local Transport Board

5Feb20/20 Vision Meeting

9FebQuarter 3 Performance

12 FebCabinet

Councillor C Elsmore reported that Mrs Davies has got a group together with regard to tiding up the town and will be starting in April.

236To agree payments

The payments were agreed

Proposed: Cllr P KaySeconded Cllr N Holloway

On being put to the vote the proposal was agreed unanimously.

237To agree petty cash payments (see attached)

The payments were agreed

Proposed: Cllr P KaySeconded Cllr N Holloway

On being put to the vote the proposal was agreed unanimously.

238To note the cash book & reconciliation reports

The cash book and reconciliation report was noted.

239To note the monthly budget figures (see attached)

The monthly budget figures were noted. It was also proposed that the Town Council make up the Mayor’s Charity Fund to £3000.00

Proposed: Cllr P Kay Seconded Cllr N Holloway

On being put to the vote the proposal was agreed unanimously.

240To have an update on the KGV Recreation Ground project

Insite Accommodation Ltd will have all men on site tomorrow to finalise the work, before an inspection is done on Friday with Councillors Kay, Holloway and The Clerk. The Angus Buchanan Recreation Ground gate is being dealt with byInsite Accommodation Ltd insurers. There is a meeting Thursday with Redhand to discuss the installation of the cctv camera. The site will be cleared, all accept the temporary changing facilities, which will be moved once the ground is firmer. Councillor Drury asked if the Angus Buchanan Memorial Committee would upgrade the surface of the road, and this will be deferred to Amenities.

241To agree to the recommendation of the Events & Marketing Committee

The Mayor took each item separately in the Chairs absence

Item 6: To make recommendation regarding the Town Guide:

Since the meetinga price has been got of £4750 for a run of 5500 copies. Part of this will be paid for from the Town Events and the Council Newsletter. The Guide will have information on walks and local history and some information from the old guide. There will be no advertising in it.

Proposed Cllr N HollowaySeconded Cllr C Elsmore

On being put to the vote it was agreed unanimously.

Item 7:To make recommendation regarding Coleford branded merchandise:

Proposed Cllr C ElsmoreSeconded Cllr N Holloway

On being put to the vote it was agreed unanimously.

Item 8: To make recommendation regarding the Deputy Clerks working hours:

Proposed Cllr N HollowaySeconded Cllr C Elsmore

On being put to the vote it was agreed unanimously

Item 9:To make recommendation regarding the purchase of a leaflet stand:

Proposed Cllr N HollowaySeconded Cllr C Elsmore

On being put to the vote it was agreed unanimously

Item 11: To make recommendation regarding a newsletter:

Proposed Cllr N HollowaySeconded Cllr C Elsmore

On being put to the vote it was agreed unanimously

Item 13: To make recommendation regarding St Briavels Magna Carta event:

The event is now being held at Speech House, with a small event being planned for at St Briavels.

Item 14: To review the remaining events for the year and possible events in 2015

Proposed Cllr N HollowaySeconded Cllr G Prosser

On being put to the vote it was agreed unanimously

242To agree to the recommendation of the Finance & Office Committee

Item 6: To make recommendation regarding the FoDDC Questionnaire:

Councillor Elsmorefelt that an opportunity was missed by not filling out the form, and that a Freedom of Information request would be put in by FoDDC. The Clerk stated that a copy of our accounts would be sent to them.

Item 7: To make recommendation regarding the Grant Application forms:

Councillor Drury and C Elsmore suggested that with some Grants we look into going into partnership with other towns and organisation.

Proposed Cllr N HollowaySeconded Cllr G Prosser

On being put to the vote it was agreed unanimously

243To agree to the recommendation of the Amenities Committee

Proposed Cllr N HollowaySeconded Cllr G Prosser

On being put to the vote it was agreed unanimously

244To note the decisions of the Planning Committee

Councillor Kay queried the application P1987/14/FUL and Councillor C Elsmoresaid the Committee felt that the condition should remain.

245To hear the report from the NDP Steering Group

The report was noted.

246To note the Clerks Report (for information only)

The Clerk’s report was noted.

247To note reports from members (for information only)

Cllr P Kay - The Mayor attended:

31JanVisit KGV

4 FebWork on Civic Dinner

5FebMeeting with Bells re Civic Dinner

06FebVisit Magistrates Court

12FebMain Place 5 Birthday

20 FebSVDA and Civic Dinner

21 FebSealed Knot Event

21 FebCivic Dinnermorning set up and evening do

23Feb Civic Dinner

A visit was made to the Magistrates Court as it is up for sale. However at this stage the Council are unable to proceed.

Cllr N Penny - The Deputy Mayor attended:

31JanVisit KGV

06FebVisit Magistrates Court

13FebMeeting with Deputy Clerk

13FebMeeting with Heritage Guides re Coleford Guide 2015

13 FebMeeting with FoDDC and Police re Coleford Music Festival

21 FebSealed Knot Event

21 FebMayors Charity Dinner

Cllr N Holloway

31JanVisit KGV

17FebFacilities Meeting

21 FebMayors Charity Dinner

Cllr G Prosser

28JanNewland Parish Meeting – Quarry Extension

31JanVisit KGV

21 FebMayors Charity Dinner

Cllr C Elsmore

28JanNewland Parish Meeting – Quarry Extension

31JanVisit KGV

3FebArea Health – Arriva Transport

10 FebNDP

12FebMain Place 5 Birthday

12 FebForest Routes

17FebMeeting John Watkins re Quarry

21 FebSealed Knot Event

21FebHealth and Fitness Exposition – Forest Hills

21 FebMayors Charity Dinner

24FebStowfield Quarry Exhibition

The Area Health Authority discussed the free Arriva patient transport to hospital. The contract is up for renewal. They have had reports of patients taken to hospital and then not being brought back.

The Forest Routes are still in the discussion stage, but some Public Houses are hoping to provide transport via a mini bus.

Forest Hills had a fitness exposition and it was very interesting to see all the leisure facilities available in the area.

Councillor C Elsmore has met with John Watkins regarding the Quarry and will report back to the next planning meeting.

Councillor C Elsmore mentioned the Path Finder Tool Kit 2013-2014 which contains incorrect information. A new on is being printed in July and we should ensure the information is correct.

Cllr E Elsmore

31JanVisit KGV

3FebArea Health – Arriva Transport

12FebMain Place 5 Birthday

21 FebSealed Knot Event

21FebHealth and Fitness Exposition – Forest Hills

21 FebMayors Charity Dinner

24FebStowfield Quarry Exhibition

Councillor E Elsmore reported that the Quarry Exhibition was a neutral presentation and was impressive.

Councillor Drury this month attended, the French Group, Last Thursday event, NDP meeting and vision event, which was a surprising positive meeting with new people attending. The Library for national library day and storytelling as well as puppet making in the half term holiday, with over 40 people attending. He has spoken with the Ever Green committee and they are hoping to upgrade the building and are in talks with Broadwell Hall. Councillor Drury said he felt the upgrade should be supported to ensure the hall is kept. The Coleford Hub is up and running and Councillor Drury has had some advice on how to run the website.

248To note correspondence (see attached list)

Councillor C Elsmore brought to the attention the letter from Walt Williams, and Karen Washing regarding the Angel Vale Estate. These are copy letters to the council, and therefore no action required. Councillor Drury asked if with regard to the Bob Watters correspondence, any funding would be available, The Town Clerk has looked at this and thought that we didn’t fit the criteria for any.

In Committee

249Finance& Office staffing matters

Item 8: To make recommendation regarding the Deputy Clerks working hours:

This request had now been withdrawn.

Item 9:To make recommendation regarding the Clerks appraisal review:

The review was a positive meeting

Item 10: To make recommendation regarding the Clerks working hours:

An amendment has been made to the recommendation, that the request be accepted from April and not March

Proposed Cllr P KaySeconded Cllr N Holloway

On being put to the vote it was agreed unanimously

The meeting closed at 8.34pm