Southwestern ChristianUniversity

IR & Assessment Committee Meeting Agenda

December 1, 2015 1:30-3:00 pm

Present: Dr. Gayle Kearns, Dr. Rebecca Webster, Dr. Julian Cowart, Shelley Groves, Dr. Linda Garrett

Absent: Dr. Dana Owens-DeLong

Minutes submitted by: Kelsi Cook

Call to Order / GK / 1:28pm
Devotion/Prayer / KC / KC
Approval of Minutes / GK / RW
Old Business
GK- Discuss General Education Overview Proposal, General Education Coordinator Position Job Duties, and General Education Assessment Timeline / ALL-Commitee approved Gen. Ed. Coord. Job Description
ALL- Please make suggestions to GK who might be an appropriate replacement for the new Gen. Ed. Coord.
GK- Please look at the Gen. Ed. Program overview. We will be making sure that the monitoring reports are done and looked over (completed by 2017).
ALL- Please give GK some input on the Assessment Timeline.
GK- Gen. Ed will be given a scheduled time to take their tests (Juniors) Discipline tests will be taken when departments feel that it is the right time to test. NSSE we will have to figure out a day in chapel.
GK- When we start back to school in January everyone will be trained in LIVE TEXT. / C
DD- Look at AAC&U Rubric for JC to look at for Adult and Online Studies. Discuss grading and Assessment technique / JC- Suggested that if we do tests that don’t have to be proctored we can do the same tests for online as well.
GK- Discuss Criterion 4 from HLC Report / GK- We met with concerns all of Criterion 4, so this is something we need to focus on.
GK- How can we build a good summer curriculum? GK will be meeting with the School of Arts & Sciences and thinks DD will have other schools do the same as well to start coming up with possible intersession and summer offerings.
JC- 3 year program with elongated breaks. Recruit kids right out of HS and explain to them that they could finish college one year earlier.
JC- MACU’s Master’s Program is 32 hours (4 credit hours per class)
ALL- We have to change the way that we think about our academic programs and develop new innovative programs that are not offered in our regional area.
GK- We need to a better job of evaluating the success of our Grads with follow up, possibly develop a University Magazine.
GK- We do an okay job with how we accept transfers and send out transfers.
JC- Shared IE sheet with the rest of the committee. / C
Other / LG- What is the return investment for each student (department by department)?
GK- Additional members need to be added to IRAC.
LG- Course Description layout changes. GK asked LG to share these with the rest of the committee.
LG- Removal from the committee and who would be a good replacement for her. LG suggest that Dr. Brannon-Little take her place.
ALL- Creating IRB is important to the institution’s growth especially if we are going to start researching more.
ALL- Committee approved the Course Descriptions Form created by JC / O
New Business / GK- Director of OIE & additional committee members / GK-Kyron Smoot will start as the new Director of OIE after the first of the year. Kyron and Bekah will be joining us next semester as new members of the IRAC Committee.
GK- We need to also add two other members. Someone to replace Dr. Garrett from the business department when she retires and a faculty member from Sports Studies.
RW- Shouldn’t we also add someone from the Theology department as well?
GK- Yes, maybe Adrian Hinkle?
SG- Adrian Hinkle might be able to serve on this committee but I am unsure of her schedule, if not her someone from the theology department should be able too. / C
GK- Assessment Day / GK- We will not have Assessment Day; instead we will have an Assessment “Window”.
The only conflict will be with Gen. Ed.
GK- We will have a new Gen. Ed. Coord. in the spring. Dr. Skinner has expressed interest in this position, I would like for her to take on this role because I think it’s a great fit for her. But I am also open to seeing who else wants to apply for the position.
GK- Only certain people will be invited to LiveText training. GK will send an email to chairs and then they will let her know who is coming from their department. JC you and your office need to make sure that they are at LiveText training.
GK- The goal is by spring is to have students uploading things to LiveText on their own.
ALL- Programming and technology is or will become a problem the more we move ahead with LiveText and other things.
JC- The term Assessment “Window” might be a problem for Adult and Online Studies. JC says he needs a definite course to provide the assessment test in since he doesn’t have as much access to his students as traditional undergrad does.
LG- Shared that her assessment tests can be given online.
GK- Shared Gen. Ed. Assessment Plan with Committee.
GK- When would be a good time to get the Online components in line?
JC- I would just have to sit down with my faculty and figure out these things.
GK- Explained that uploaded assignments into LiveText don’t have to be the same for every course.
JC- Shared that he thinks that they should be all the same.
GK- Shared Program Level Assessment Tests. JC we will access your assessments each time and just take what we need.
JC- Online Gen. Ed. core is the same as the Traditional Gen. Ed. core, whereas the Adult Studies Gen. Ed. core isn’t the same.
GK-Please keep all of these things in mind moving forward.
SG-Because I have so many adjuncts teaching my Comp 1 & Comp 2 classes is there anyway I can bring them into that training?
GK- DD needs to answer that question.
SG- Is there a plan to do the Noel Levitz for this spring?
GK- I will ask DD that question. / O
DD-Syllabi Template on Website Update / GK-This syllabus has to be submitted before Christmas break.
LG- Are we going to do a blanket change?
GK- Yes.
ALL- Discussed point system on portal vs. syllabi.
JC- Adult Studies is putting together courses so that they are laid out and ready to go for anyone who teaches them.
GK-Syllabi form is to be adhered to. If you want to add an addendum SG suggested you put them in your course documents on the portal.
LG-Shared one of her Business Department syllabi with the rest of the committee.
GK- DD asked that we start cutting back on our paper printing and add things to the portal online. I will share this with the chairs but please share this with your people.
GK- will add APA to required texts in the syllabi form. / O
Next Meeting / February 4, 2016
Adjournment / LG / 2:38pm