S U M M E R 2017



The English work this term involves development of speaking, listening, reading and writing, spelling and handwriting. It is important that your child practises reading as often as possible to support the work we do in school. We recommend between 10 and 20 minutes each day.

We will study Mystery Mansion and The Midnight Ghost.

Writing will be encouraged in various forms – stories, letters, reports, posters, charts, etc. All students will be helped to plan, draft and revise before presenting a finished piece of work. Presentation and appearance of work is important so encouragement will be given to improvements in handwriting and spellings.

We use laptops extensively to enable students to proof read and improve on their first draft.


midnight try story scary haunted

tried stories dark ghosts family

happy secret letter families many

happiness did all now our


In Numeracy this term your child will be following the National Curriculum. He/she will be developing in the areas of:

·  Number and place value

·  Addition and subtraction

·  Multiplication and division

·  Fractions (inc decimals and percentages)

·  Measurement including time

·  Geometry - Properties of Shapes

·  Geometry - Position and Direction

·  Statistics/handling data

·  Money and real life problems

·  Making decisions and checking results

Every lesson will have an oral and mental maths component in which pupils will develop their skills in using numbers.

All students will have the opportunity to solve problems and apply their maths skills.

Students should take every opportunity to use numbers, use their own money – checking their change. They need to learn their number bonds and ensure they revise the times tables. Any help you can give at home will greatly aid their learning.

Each student has the use of a laptop computer which are to be used by all the Numeracy classes at least once a week. All students can log onto the ‘My Maths’ website to access the maths work at home. We will use Mathsbase 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Numeracy workout 1,2,3, and 4 and Numbershark. The students will also use Microsoft Excel spreadsheet software.


addition subtraction multiplication division

add up take away times share

half double total difference

kilometre metre litre kilogram

square circle hexagon regular

cube cuboid


In the first half-term pupils investigate rocks within the “Rock On!” unit. They look at a selection of rocks and sort them into the three mains rock-types from their observed characteristics. They also consider how they were formed and investigate “weathering” with acids.

At the end of the year students investigate “Forces” such as gravity, friction and air resistance. They use a Newton metre to measure changes in force and use their understanding to design and make spinners that fall at different speeds.


rock sedimentary metamorphic igneous

magma hard soft weathering

physical chemical biological rock cycle

forces gravity friction air

resistance push pull magnetism

up thrust newton


Pupils will focus on landscapes. They will develop knowledge and understanding of perspective and depth within landscapes. They will use a variety of materials including pencil, pen and paint to create their own landscape from observation and imagination, looking at the artists David Hockney and Van Gogh for inspiration.

Pupils will finally produce a relief clay slab based on their imaginary landscape drawings.


landscape perspective depth foreground

middle ground background observation

imagination Hundertwasser Van Gogh

clay relief slab cross-hatching David Hockney


During this term Year 8 students will study the topic “a Global Issue.” Students will develop their knowledge and understanding about becoming informed citizens; develop skills of enquiry, participation, communication and responsible action.


This term students will be studying an area of Design and Technology involving Structures. The students will be encouraged to study workshop safety, the design process, properties of different materials and types of structure, e.g. box structures, frame structures etc. and will record their work in a design booklet.

Students will also be improving their skills in the use of different machines, hand tools, abrasives and glues.

The importance of developing these areas will enable students to use these skills in later life and develop an understanding of different structures.

It would be appreciated if your child could bring a contribution of £1 when finished items are brought home. A slightly larger contribution may be requested for more costly items, for example items containing clock movements etc.


box frame carcase drilling evaluation

former supportive hinges marking



During the next term your child will be studying the following areas in Food Technology:

1.  The rules for health and safety

2.  Developing their knowledge of healthy eating through the “Eat well Plate”

3.  Adapting recipes to make them healthier

4.  Introduction to sensory analysis

It would be appreciated if your child would bring with him/her a contribution of £1.00 for ingredients, plus a container for carriage.


eat well plate evaluation sugar fibre fats

nutrition obesity heart disease


Year 8 pupils will study Geography in the first half of the term and History in the second half.

In Geography, they will learn about economic activity in Britain and the world.

In History, they will learn about how Britain developed between 1745-1901.


primary secondary tertiary industry


industry empire industrial revolution

cotton invention cholera factories

slave trade mill oversee


Students will complete a range of coding activities introducing concepts such as either/or commands. Year 8 will also look at what components make a computer and how they are set up. All students will write their own program in Scratch and complete activities involving the BBC Microbit.


HDMI Ethernet SD card hard drive motherboard

input output processing Python Microbit


Students will build on the theme of food and drink and learn how to order some standard foods and drinks in a café. They will undertake a role play exercise which will be recorded.


Je voudrais, s’il vous plait, merci, vous dėsėrez?


Blues / Rock

Reggae / Rap


blues rock rap reggae


During the term your child will be studying the following areas in PSHE.

o  Changes that occur during puberty

o  Relationships –

o  Types of love e.g. parents, friends, partners, grandparents etc.

o  About our bodies and sex

o  Families, responsibilities and babies

o  Drugs and associated problems


body puberty family baby

sex healthy decisions birth

hormones choice

During the term your child will also study the following areas:

o  Decision making and assertiveness in situations relating to drugs misuse

o  Dangers associated with particular drugs

o  Responsibilities


misuse abuse responsibility

addiction overdose risk taker


Year 8 will complete a striking and fielding unit of work involving a mixture of cricket and rounders.

During the final half term students will participate in assorted athletics events including sprinting, relays, javelin, discus, long jump and hurdles.


striking fielding throwing catching sprinting jumping


The two topics for this term are 1) What makes a leader worth following? We will look at various religious and non-religious leaders and consider what they have in common. 2) How do people express their faith and beliefs through the arts? Students will look at religious arts and will have the opportunity to create a piece of work which reflects their own beliefs.


Inspiration values actions media community


Throughout the year, Year 8 will have weekly swimming lessons at the Lonsdale swimming pool in Mickleover. There will be no charge for this activity but students will be required to provide their own costume or shorts and towel. All swimming costumes and shorts must be appropriate for a school swimming lesson. The school will provide swimming goggles for all students. Students will work to develop all four strokes and improve water confidence.


front crawl backstroke butterfly confidence
