John A. Doe / Richard B. SmithE-mail address / E-mail address
Your Department’s NameSchool name / Your Department’s NameSchool name
The abstract is not above 300 words. The pages of full paper (contained tables, figures, and appendices) are not above 10 pages. Begin your copy here. Indent the first sentences of each paragraph with five spaces. Use single space within each paragraph but double space between paragraphs. Do not number the pages but make sure the pages are in the correct order. Pages will be numbered by the editor.
Key Words: identify and list key words (maximum of 5) which represent the content of your paper.
The paper title, author names (full names only; titles, e.g. Assistant Professor and degrees, e.g. Ph. D. are not necessary), and author affiliations must be flushed to the center as shown above.
The paper size is A-4size, right (left) margin is 3.17cm, and top (bottom) space is 2.54 cm. Please use New Times Roman, 12pt font size. Use Microsoft Word 6.0 or higher.
Table and figures must appear within the text(not at the end of the text).Tables and figures should be numbered sequentially-e.g. Table 1,Table 3,etc., and they should bear a title(with appropriate upper and lower case letters)which explain their contents. For example:
Table 1
Profile of Typical Travel and Tourism Students
Appendices should appear at the end of the article after the list of references.
References must be listed immediately following the CONCLUSION or SUMMARY or the paper. Use APA style. Alphabetize by author, and for each author list them in the chronological sequence. List the authors’ names exactly as written in the source cited. Use no abbreviations. See examples below:
Bitner, M. J., Booms, B. H. & Tetreault, M. S.(1990), The Service Encounter: Diagnosing Favorable and Unfavorable Incident, Journal of Marketing, 54(January), pp. 77-84.
Lovelock, C. & Wirtz, J.(2004), Services Marketing: People, Technology, Strategy, UpperSaddleRiver, NJ:Prentice Hall.
Iso-Ahola, S. E. (1989), Motivation for leisure, in Jackson ,E. L. & Burton,T. L. (eds.), Understanding Leisure and Recreation: Mapping the Past, Charting the Future, pp. 247-279, State College, PA:Venture Publishing.
Li,Yi-Min(1995), A Service Quality Performance Evaluation Model for Hotel Service, Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Paisley, Scotland, U. K.