Southwest TUC Pensioners AGM Committee Meeting

18th June 2015

Wales & South West Region National Committee Members

Roger Balsdon

Chairs Welcome: TheChair opened the meeting welcoming everyoneand thanked everyone for being on time and reminded the Committee that the Chair andvice Chairwere ininterim positions until the New Chair and Vice are elected by the New Committee, with that the Chair was vacated for the Election of the New Chairand Officers of the New Committee.

John Small was elected unopposed to the ChairwithJanet Royston after Vote off with John Powell 7 Votes to 5forVice Chairposition.

Apologies: Two were recorded.

Minutes of the AGM Meeting 3rd July 2014: Were agreed and duly signed as a true record.

Matters Arising:None.

Election of Officers: Minute Secretary, Jacqueline Cobb

Secretary, Thomas Jeffery

Treasurer, Kevin Russell

Auditors, Chair and Secretary with clarification from Regional Office.

Election of Standing Orders: (the Vice Chair is Chair of this Committee and the Chair is a Member Ex Officio)the other members are: Jacqueline Cobb minute secretary,Derrick Baker,Roger Balsdon, Janine James,John Powell andKevin Russell.

Election of representatives toSouthwest TUC Regional Counciland Executive: John Small and Janet Royston.

Treasures Report: None, the TUC Regional Secretary Tanya Parker is still in the process of awaiting and getting the Accounts and Books,

Affiliations:The Committee agree that the affiliations remain the same as last year which are, the BPTUAA the 4 NPC Regions.

Conference 2015: Discussion took place about the amount of time the Speakers took up and should the numbers be cut and the time allowed for them to speak,as reports back from delegates said that there was not enough time for Conference Motion to be debated or the two Workshops which people found very informative and interesting. A discussion then when on about the standard of the Buffet and it cost and also on the Venue at Weston – Super – Mare and the Chair asked if anybody had other places in mind to bring it to the next meeting and what it would cost for Venue and Buffet.

AOB: (1) AboutHospital Car Parking Fess and how we should be looking getting on Hospital Governors Boards and contacting your local MPs, (2) The use of Spouses unused tax Allowance by contacting the Inland Revenue.