Willow Meadows Civic Club Board Meeting

10/08/13, 7:00 p.m. UOS Library, 9001 Greenwillow

  1. Call to order: Meeting called to order by President Emory Glover at 7:02 p.m. Attending members included: Stephen Polnaszek, Steven Paletz, Howard Lindsay, Julia Floyd, Lawrence Saenz, Dan Oko, Joey Canahuati and Emory Glover. Also present: Jim Schroeder, Margo Barvin, Lester King and Joel Altman
  2. Agenda: was approved and quorum established by President Emory Glover
  3. Public comment: Margo Barvin spoke first. Margo feels there is no need for mosquito spraying. She prefers money be utilized for security. Spoke about the harmful effects of mosquito spraying including damage to honey bees as well as harmful effects to plants and insects. She also said Harris County suggests no spraying unless needed and to be sprayed by them only.

Jim Schroeder spoke about the negative comments concerning Harris county mosquito control. He has a great deal of respect for that department. He stated that HC mosquito control is a nationally recognized operation. They have a comprehensive operation and are affiliated with UTMB as well as the department of health. Their job is to only kill dangerous mosquitoes not the nuisance mosquitoes. He also explained that spraying can lead to resistant strains.

JoAnn Trial: Gave out several handouts. The first page dealt with effective mosquito repellent products. She reviewed these documents and asked they be put on the web site. A question from Lester king was addressed about developing resistant strains. Dr. Trial explained that was why she offered the personal protection information as an alternative to spraying.

Cynthia Mora spoke about her past feelings towards continuing spraying and how she changed her stance on continued spraying. She feels people should keep an open mind about alternative solutions besides fogging of the neighborhood. She no longer feels that spraying is best for our community.

Joel Altman spoke about the easement behind him and that it would be impossible to control that area. Cynthia said it is no longer about spraying and we need to consider other options.

Lester King asked about a past vote a few years ago about pursuing a natural option to spraying. There was also a question about a 2009 vote. Emory clarified this information for Lester. There was also a question about a past motion about mosquito spraying on an as needed basis. Lester also stated that many people voted last meeting to resume spraying. Lester suggested that we put out a vote to the neighborhood to continue spraying.

May minutes: Read by Secretary Julia Floyd. There was a motion by Dan Oko to approve minutes after corrections with a second by Steven Paletz.

August 13th minutes: Read by Secretary Julia Floyd. Motion by Steven Paletz to accept corrected minutes and the motion was seconded by Dan Oko with unanimous approval.

Howard Lindsay stated he will recover the picnic handbook.

Stephen Polnaszek also wanted to present information to Lawrence about an attorney, Mr. Reid Wilson, who is land and property specialist.

Treasurer report: Phuong was unable to enter building. No report. President Emory Glover said there is a check that has not been cashed that needs to be addressed.

Standing Committee Reports:

  1. Architectural Control Committee: No report. Chairperson not present.
  2. Deed Restriction Enforcement Report Committee: Chairman Lawrence Saenz discussed two properties both with yard issue and one has all ready complied and the other has not. Lawrence will continue to contact the owner of 4410 Sarong.
  3. c. Maintenance and Beautification Committee: Chairman Joey Canahuati reported that he is awaiting a corrected bid from Don’s Trees for the tree trimming on West Bellfort. This is an additional expense that would have to be outside of the M & B budget. Joey Canahuati made a motion to approve allocation up to $3,000 toward tree trimming on West Bellfort. Motion seconded by Dan Oko. After discussion motion was unanimously approved. Joey also noted that the rail road pylons were replaced.
  4. Publications Committee: Chairman Howard did not have a report.
  5. Security Committee: Chairman Stephen Polnaszek reported that 9 of 14 incidents were because property was not secured. Lester King noted that an officer recommended that residents not lock car doors to avoid the breaking of glass. Stephen pointed out that this is only suggested if there are no valuables in the car. Stephen also mentioned that the alley behind Willowisp is being watched more closely after another incident. Stephen also spoke about one particular incident where a yard man was robbed at knife point while working in a resident’s yard. Wallets an cell phones were taken. It was also noted that an identical incident happened in Post Oak Manor. Stephen said that there has been an increase in cell phone theft in the city.
  6. Technology Committee: Chairman Erich Wolz was not present.

A motion by Dan Oko to approve all standing committee reports was seconded by Steven Paletz and unanimously approved.

  1. Special Committee reports:
  2. Deed Restrictions Revisions : Chairperson Lawrence Saenz stated he would like to have a meeting around the 26th and 27th of October.
  3. Directory Committee: Stephen Polnaszek stated he is having problems getting the requested supplies/reimbursements from the treasurer.
  4. Hospitality: Chair person Cynthia Mora has had her first meeting in May. Sent out 64 invitations and had 8 families attend. Main focus is security and giving new residents information about the neighborhood. Next meeting will be October 16th. She does have receipts to give to the treasurer.
  5. Mosquito Abatement: Stephen Paletz read the motion from the committee meeting Sunday. Linda Dodge motioned that the MAC recommend to the board to hire a consultant to assess the neighborhood specific options for mosquito abatement. Motion was seconded by Lester King.

Steven Paletz moved to approve the committee’s motion. Motion seconded by Stephen Polnaszek. There was a long discussion about finding an un-biased expert as well as the negatives about spraying and poisoning the air. Dan Oko felt we all have access to the same information and consultant is not necessary. He was surprised to see a truck spraying the neighborhood when he first moved here. Dan concluded by saying that there is no proof that spraying works. Lester King stated that Dr. Trial is not an expert in mosquitoes. He said mosquitoes are a public issue they do not stay in one person’s property. He stated this is not a private issue.

Lester feels the responsible thing to do is to put the decision to the residents to vote. President Emory Glover explained that the board has the task to make the decision for the residents on this issue. Dan Oko pointed out that as Lester suggested it is a public issue and it is up to Harris County or the City to decide on spraying. Lester felt that the HOA is a more efficient organization and can tend to this matter much more efficiently. Stephen Polnaszek wanted it noted that Dr. Trial is a modest person and is well qualified person to consult in this matter. Dan said he will invite Harris County Mosquito Control to come to the next eneral meeting. Dan asked to table the vote until he can check on this. Steven moved to change the motion to be subject to the approval of the board. Lester said he thought the committee gets to decide how they spend their money. The motion is changed to hire a consulting expert subject to the approval of the board. Motion failed.

  1. Old Business: None
  2. Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by Howard Lindsay and seconded by Stephen Polnaszek with unanimous approval at 9:07 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Julia Floyd, Secretary WMCC