Cumbria School Games Local Organising Committee Meeting

M&C / Culture Sub Group Report – 13th March 2013

Members: Active Cumbria Reps – Emma Martin, Richard Johnston, Nicola Maclean, SGO Rep – Michelle Storton, Media Rep - CFM

1. Progress / Achievement / Highlights

Media Partnership: EM will update the LOC on the detail of the Media Partnership at the LOC meeting on 13th March. In addition to agreeing the Media Partnership EM has met with CFM to discuss and put a plan together for the Young Reporters competition. See attached Poster. It will launch on Tuesday 7th May supported by advertising on CFM and mail-out to all secondary schools and communications through Active Cumbria comms channels including media. The deadline for entries is Friday 7th June. Please don't circulate the poster yet as the mechanisms for application are not in place.

Cumbria School Games Composite Logo: Designed and sent with merchandise orders.

Sponsors Logos on merchandise: Sponsorship proposal has gone out to CP NHS FT to sign off £2,000 and Life is a Rollercoaster artwork on drawstring bags has been signed off. Thanks has been given by CCC for including the Celebrating Youth logo on the water bottles

Cumbria School Games Letterhead: Designed and being used to send out letters to L3 Spring Events Team Managers.

Venue Dressing: Venue Dressing that was used for last years L3 events will be used for the Spring L3 events. Michelle Young has ordered the following items using the £2K Sainsuburys Branding Voucher which will be used for the Summer L3 Events. We are expecting delivery on or around the 30th April: PVC Banner: 2, Feather Flags: 4, Pop Up Banner: 4, Toblerone Banner: 2, Wristbands (Pack of 30): 4, Pens (Pack of 30): 5, Feather Flag Base: 4, Coaches Board: (Pack of 5)1.

School Games Values: YST Athlete Support Flyers have been delivered and will be distributed via school team sheets mail out prior to L3 Events. (1300 flyers cost £174.00)

Sponsorship quotes to Include in Press Releases: Quotes have been received from CBS just waiting on CP NHS FT to send out sponsorship press release.

Cumbria School Games Newsletter: District news has been received by Allerdale and Eden, South lakes and Carlisle and will be included on Active Cumbria Newsletter and the first Cumbria School Games newsletter.

District News webpage has been set up under

Cumbria School Games facebook page – has now been populated with district page

Goody bags – requests have gone out over social media to find fun and interesting goodies for the participants bags, CFRS, UoC have got back in touch so far.

Signposting – Marketing underspend will be used on signposting CSG sweat wrist bands tied in with interaction with B&B theatre companies, Mr Stretch and Mr Armtstrong (plus other characters) on the 4th July, handed out at other events. EM to share proposal at LOC 13th March. EM has provisionally booked B&B Theatre company for 4th July event.

Local Media: Photographer is booked for all 4 events

EM has met with CN group reference to a one off School Games supplement to go out in media and given away as a momento to each participant and school. Unfortunately the costs of this far outweighted our budget and so looks like a dead duck.

2. Next Steps / Priorities for Action

There is a Cumbria School Games facebook page (which was set up last year but didn’t do anything with) and I wanted the sub group inc. NM and RJ to advise on their opinion whether we should invest in this (time and effort) as a communications tool? I have YST so-me guidelines for usage to assist in this. What are your thoughts?

3. Issues / Concerns

Signposting: Still unclear about the effort / resource required for signposting, I have briefed CFM and asked them to come up with some simple high impact low effort ideas.