Minutes from2-9-2012
Southwest Project Grass Meeting Somerset County PA 10:00am
Meeting called to order at 10:09 am by Jason McGinnis
In attendance:
Laurel Rush, George DePalma, Jessica Schaub, Jacqui Fryer, Susan Moon, Kathy Soder, Jim Resh, Lou Kopczyk, Dan Griffith, Ryan Harr, Jason McGinnis, Jeff Liendeker, Larry Lohr, J.B. Harrold and John Hewitt. Conservation Districts represented: Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Blair, Butler, Cambria, Fayette, Greene, Indiana, Somerset, Westmoreland, and Washington.
Public Comment: None
Reports –
- Reports were given by the Counties present.
- GLCI – Report given by J.B. Susan Perry is the new State Grazing Specialist. GLCI has money available to help with field days etc….
- Dan Griffith reported for Penn’s Corner RC&D. Dan passed out Grassland Evaluation Contest information. Dan voiced concerns about the future of Penn’s Corners. There are still projects going. They are running low on scholarship funds. Discussion was held about sending a letter requesting these funds from organizations.
- ARS – Kathy reported on ARS activities. ARS is closing ten locations. Ours will be the only grazing lab east of the Mississippi. The budget is tight. We have lost two positions in the last fifteen months.
Treasurer’s Report: Sue gave the treasury report. Suehanded out copies of the treasurer’s report to everyone.
Motion by Lou second by Dan to approve the treasurer’s report for audit.
Motion approved.
Previous Meeting Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were presented for review. There were no corrections or additions to the minutes.
Motion by Jim second by Laurel to approve the minutes of the previous meeting.
Motion approved.
Jason McGinnis turned the meeting over to Dan Griffith for the Election of Executive Committee Members and the Election of Officers.
Election of Executive Committee: Dan opened the floor for nominations and presented the Nominating Committee choices for Executive Committee. The terms are up for Jason McGinnis, Jim Kenney, Cinda Corl, and Ken Schrock. The Nominating Committee recommended Larry Chaikcic, Jason McGinnis, Jim Cowell and Laurel Rush.
Motion by John seconded by Lou to close the nominations and approve these nominees. Motion approved.
Election of Officers: Dan opened the floor for election of officers.
Motion by Lou seconded by Sue to elect the same officers as 2011. Motion approved.
Dan turned the meeting back over to Jason McGinnis.
Sue brought up the question of whether or not it is possible to charge a registration fee to cover meal costs for those members who cannot get reimbursed for meals at our meetings. They can however be reimbursed by their respective counties for the registration fee if imposed. Discussion was held on this matter.
Motion by Jason second by Laurel to establish a registration fee for our meetings for agency employees as needed for meeting attendance. Motion Approved. Lou abstained.
Appalachian Grazing Conference: Laurel gave a report on the Conference. Everything is on course. It will be held March 8th and 9th 2013. The theme is – “Grass the Green Energy”. The location is the Waterfront this time. The Appalachian Grazing Conference Committee donated $500.00 towards the SWPG 2012 Grazing Conference.
2012 Grazing Conference: Jim gave a progress report. We have received 2 sponsors at this time. We have $4,500.00 so far in grants. Discussion was held on soliciting donations from the Districts. We need vendors and sponsors. Everyone needs to be trying to get more of these signed on. Discussion was held on the committee’s progress and needs for the Conference.
NRCS Advisor Report: J.B. reported:
- There will be UPI Cow/calf Winter Seminars presented in late February and early March in Indiana County, Somerset and Belle Vernon.
- The Northwest Grazing Conference will be held March 22, 2012. A brochure was passed around for viewing.
- The GLCI has a newsletter now. The newsletter was passed around for viewing.
- The 528 Job Sheet was passed around. Fencing policy was discussed. The policy is being reversed so that conversion of cropland can be cost shared.
- A policy is being looked at to allow 2 side curtains on feeding pads.
- J.B. stated that it needs to be stressed that a grazing plan needs to be updated and implemented to meet the requirements of Chapter 102 and Chapter 91. George discussed the Chapter 102 and Manure Management Manual workshop that he had in Fayette County last night.
- NRCS purchased a sign that can be used and is available for use with field days.
Private Funding: Jason stated that he had sent in a pre-proposal for funding through the Heinz Endowment. We are waiting for input back from that. Districts need to start looking at projects in their counties. Keep in mind that the Heinz Endowment leans more toward watershed protection so think about stream fencing, stream crossings etc…
May Field Day: It was decided by the group to have a regular business meeting on May 17th at Hoss’s in order to complete the needed details for the conference. The group agreed to make the September meeting a meeting/field day. Everyone should think about whether they would like to host the meeting/field day and locations for this.
11:30am Break for Lunch
After Lunch Presentation:
Kathy Soder presented “Thinking like a Cow: Grazing Behavior”. There was a question and answer session held afterwards. Thank you Kathy for a very informative and interesting presentation.
Meeting adjourned at 12:52 pm.
A meeting of the SWPG Conference Committee was held after the business meeting and presentation.
Submitted by: John Hewitt